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Instagram Couldn‘t Create Thread (How to Fix)

As a social media marketing expert with over 5 years of experience boosting brands on Instagram, I often get asked by clients and followers how to resolve the frustrating "Couldn‘t create thread" error.

When you try to send a direct message on Instagram and get hit with the message "Couldn‘t create thread. We‘re sorry, but something went wrong. Please try again," it can be incredibly annoying. Direct messaging is a key way to connect with potential customers and build relationships on social media, so not being able to message can severely impact your marketing efforts.

The good news is, with some troubleshooting, you can usually fix this pesky error. I‘ll walk you through why it happens, solutions to resolve it quickly, and tips to avoid it in the future. Consider this your guide to conquering the "Couldn‘t create thread" fail whale!

"Couldn‘t create thread. We‘re sorry, but something went wrong. Please try again." Received this error message from Instagram? Here‘s how you can fix it.

Let‘s start by going over the main reasons you might see the message "Couldn‘t create thread" when trying to direct message someone on Instagram:

You‘re Sending Too Many Messages Too Fast

The most common trigger for the error is sending too many DMs in rapid succession. If you blast messages out, Instagram‘s spam filters will temporarily block your ability to message as an anti-abuse measure. The more messages you pump out, the longer the block.

Instagram‘s Servers Are Down

Sometimes the error pops up because Instagram is experiencing technical issues on their end. Server outages disrupt features like messaging. Check Downdetector to see if lots of people are reporting problems.

Your Account is Blocked

In rarer cases, your account itself gets blocked from messaging if you violate Instagram‘s terms of service. This usually happens if you‘re caught buying fake followers or sending unwanted spam DMs.

You‘ve Been Action Blocked

If you engage heavily with lots of accounts very quickly, like aggressively liking posts or following/unfollowing hundreds of users in a short timeframe, Instagram may assume you‘re a bot and block you from taking actions like messaging. This is known as being "action blocked."

So in summary, the "Couldn‘t create thread" error usually appears because you‘re sending too many messages too fast, Instagram‘s servers are down, your account is blocked, or you got action blocked. Now let‘s get into how to fix it!

Wait It Out

Frustratingly, the number one method to get rid of the "Couldn‘t create thread" error is simply to wait it out. If you triggered Instagram‘s spam filters by messaging too much, you‘ll be temporarily blocked from sending DMs until their system resets, usually within 24 hours.

I know, not the most satisfying fix, but patience is key here. Sending more messages will likely just extend the block. Set a reminder to try messaging again the next day.

Use Another Account

If waiting isn‘t an option because you urgently need to DM someone, try messaging them through another Instagram account you own. If your main got blocked, your other accounts should still be able to send DMs normally.

This is why having a secondary account is smart – it lets you pivot if your primary gets temporarily blocked. Just be sure not to rapid-fire message with your backup too!

Check If Instagram‘s Down

Before assuming you‘re blocked, check third-party sites like Downdetector to see if Instagram is having widespread issues. If many users are reporting problems, chances are the error is on Instagram‘s end, not yours.

Try messaging again later when service is restored. Outages don‘t usually last too long. Make sure to follow @Instagram on Twitter for updates.

Review if You‘re Actually Blocked

In rarer cases, the error may mean your account is fully blocked from messaging. This happens if you violate Instagram‘s terms of service. Check if you‘re able to message from another account. If not, you‘ll need to appeal the block.

Instagram typically only bans accounts as a last resort though, so don‘t panic. It‘s more likely a temporary spam filter block.

Avoid Action Blocks

Getting "action blocked" also prevents messaging. This occurs if Instagram deems your account bot-like for aggressively liking, following, commenting or otherwise over-engaging with lots of accounts rapidly.

Action blocks can last days or weeks. Tone down your activity to human levels to avoid them. Don‘t go too fast.

Still Stuck? Contact Support

If you‘re confident the issue is on Instagram‘s end, and waiting hasn‘t helped, consider reaching out to their support team via the in-app reporting tool. They may be able to review your account and lift any erroneous blocks.

But this route rarely works in my experience. For most cases, letting their spam detection reset over time remains the surefire way to regain messaging.

How to Prevent "Couldn‘t Create Thread" Errors in the Future

Once you‘ve regained the ability to direct message, you‘ll want to avoid triggering blocks again. Here are pro tips to dodge "Couldn‘t create thread" fails going forward:

Pace Yourself

The #1 cause of messaging blocks is sending too many DMs too quickly. When direct messaging, insert a 10-15 minute pause between reaching out to each new account. This makes your outreach seem more human vs bot-like.

Drawing out messaging over days is even better to mimic natural human behavior. Don‘t blast 100 DMs in an hour unless you want trouble.

Vary Your Messages

Don‘t copy-paste the exact same message to every account either – another red flag for spam filters. Slightly customize each message while keeping your core pitch intact.

For example:

  • "Hey Sarah, I loved your post about Instagram marketing tips!"
  • "Hi Mark, your Instagram feed‘s photography is awesome. How long have you been shooting?"
  • "Hello Lucy, I came across your profile and your fashion posts are so cool! Where do you like to shop for clothes?"

Avoid Automation

Don‘t use bots or services to auto-DM users. Instagram hates automation, so doing this excessively will definitely trigger blocks. Only message manually.

Don‘t Abuse Liking/Following

Getting "action blocked" also prevents messaging, so avoid aggressive following/unfollowing and liking posts too quickly. Do these actions manually in moderation.

Create a Backup Account

Have a secondary account handy in case your primary gets blocked. Use it respectfully as a backup DM option if needed, but don‘t overwhelm it either.

Stay In-Bounds

Never send unwanted spam DMs, buy fake followers, or otherwise violate Instagram‘s terms of service. Getting your account outright banned eliminates messaging privileges.

The Takeaway

Dealing with Instagram blocking your direct messaging abilities can be super annoying. But in most cases, being patient for their spam filters to reset or refraining from automation does the trick to regain messaging.

Pace yourself, don‘t copy-paste messages, don‘t use bots, and don‘t go overboard on following/liking. If you follow Instagram‘s rules and act human, you should avoid "Couldn‘t create thread" fails in the future.

Let me know in the comments if you have any other tips and tricks for dodging messaging blocks! I‘m always looking to improve my Instagram DM strategy.