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Fixing the "Oops! We Could Not Find Matching Credentials" Error on Snapchat

Have you ever tried logging into your Snapchat account, only to be greeted by the cryptic "Oops! We could not find matching credentials" error message?

This frustrating notification suggests your username and password combination is incorrect. But more often than not, it‘s just a glitch on Snapchat‘s end.

Not to worry! Resetting your password is a simple yet effective solution for resolving the Snapchat credential error.

In this detailed guide, I‘ll walk you through the step-by-step process to change your Snapchat password and regain access to your account.

Here‘s what we‘ll cover:

Let‘s get started on resolving that pesky Snapchat credential error for good.

What Causes the "Matching Credentials" Error on Snapchat?

Before we dive into the step-by-step password reset process, let‘s briefly look at why this error occurs in the first place.

The "Oops! We could not find matching credentials" notification suggests your username and password don‘t match what Snapchat has on file.

But in reality, the error frequently pops up due to:

  • A Glitch in the App: Snapchat‘s software can sometimes glitch and fail to recognize your correct login details. Resetting your password essentially gives the app a fresh start.

  • An Outdated Login: If you changed your Snapchat password through the website recently, the app may still have your old password stored, causing a mismatch.

  • Too Many Login Attempts: Entering an incorrect password repeatedly can also trigger credential errors. Giving your account a break and resetting your password gets things back on track.

  • Compromised Account: In rare cases, the error may indicate your Snapchat account was compromised. Resetting your password secures your account.

  • Expired Session: Not logging out properly from Snapchat on a shared or public device can cause credential conflicts. A password reset fixes it.

Essentially, when you see the "matching credentials" error, it likely means your real login details have gotten out of sync with Snapchat‘s records.

Resetting your password refreshes everything and resolves most issues causing the message.

Now let‘s look at how to easily change your Snapchat password to get back into your account.

Step 1: Navigate to the Snapchat Login Page

First things first, open the Snapchat app on your mobile device.

The login page can be accessed by:

  • Downloading and opening the app if you don‘t have it installed
  • Tapping the profile icon in the top left, then tapping the gear icon
  • Tapping ‘Log Out‘ on the profile screen
  • Simply opening Snapchat if not logged in

Look for the familiar yellow Ghost logo to confirm you‘re in the right place.

At the bottom of the login screen, tap the Use Other Account option.

Tap Use Other Account on Snapchat's login page

This brings up the main login portal where we can initiate a password reset.

Step 2: Tap "Forgot Your Password"

In the username/email field, enter the Snapchat username or email address associated with the account you want to access.

Below the password field, tap the Forgot your password? link.

Tap the Forgot Your Password link on Snapchat's login screen

This opens the account recovery options.

Step 3: Choose Email Password Reset

After tapping "Forgot your password?", a window will pop up asking how you want to reset your password:

  • Via Phone – resets your password using SMS text message
  • Via Email – resets your password via a link sent to your email

Tap the Email option to reset your password using the email on your Snapchat account.

Note: If you no longer have access to the email on your Snapchat account, you‘ll need to contact Snapchat Support to recover access to your account.

Choose the email option when resetting your Snapchat password

Email password resets are quick and effective for regaining access to your Snapchat.

Step 4: Enter Your Email Address

After selecting email, you‘ll be taken to the Password Reset screen.

Enter the full email address associated with your Snapchat account here.

Double check that you‘ve entered the email correctly before tapping Submit.

Enter the email on your Snapchat account to reset password

This sends a password reset link to your email address.

Step 5: Find the Password Reset Email

Check your email inbox for a message from the Snapchat Team.

Open the email and look for the password reset link.

Open password reset email from Snapchat

The reset link will be active for a limited time, so be sure to use it promptly.

If you can‘t find the email, check your junk or spam folders. Email filters sometimes catch the automated message.

Once you locate the email, click the password reset link inside to change your Snapchat password.

Step 6: Change Your Snapchat Password

After clicking the reset link, you‘ll be directed to Snapchat‘s Change Password page.

Here, you can enter and confirm a new password for your Snapchat account.

Be sure to choose a strong password that others can‘t easily guess. Use a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols where possible.

Enter a new password on Snapchat's change password screen

Once you‘ve entered your new password, tap Save at the bottom to change it.

This resets your Snapchat password so you can regain access to your account.

Step 7: Return to the Snapchat App

After changing your password, Snapchat will show a confirmation screen.

Don‘t tap Continue, which redirects you to Snapchat‘s web login.

Instead, head back to the Snapchat app on your mobile device.

Go back to the Snapchat app after changing your password

We need to re-enter our new login details in the mobile app.

Step 8: Login with New Password

Back in the Snapchat app, input your username and new password in the login fields.

Then tap Log In to sign in with your updated credentials.

Log into Snapchat with your new password

The "Oops! We could not find matching credentials" error should now be fixed!

You should be able to access your Snapchat account and all of your conversations again.

Troubleshooting Tips

On the off chance inputting your new password still shows the credential error, don‘t panic. Here are a few troubleshooting tips:

  • Delete and reinstall the Snapchat app – Clearing the app‘s cache often resolves persistent login issues.

  • Use Snapchat‘s account unlock page – Head to and log in with your new credentials.

  • Contact Snapchat Support – If all else fails, reach out to Snapchat‘s customer service who can further investigate the problem.

  • Check email filters – Your email provider may have blocked Snapchat‘s automated reset email. Add Snapchat to your safe senders list.

  • Modify password – Try updating your password to something completely new again. And make it strong!

For most users, simply resetting your Snapchat password via email will squash the credential error right away. But keep these extra troubleshooting tips in mind if needed.

Success! Enjoy Snapchat Again

After following the step-by-step process above and resetting your password, you should see:

✅ No more "Oops! We could not find matching credentials" error

✅ Full access restored to your Snapchat account

✅ Ability to log in seamlessly with your new password

✅ All your Snapchat contacts, photos, videos, and chats available

Changing your password essentially gives Snapchat a fresh start, allowing you to enjoy the app without login frustrations.

Go ahead and test it out – search for friends, view Stories, snap some photos. With the credential error fixed, Snapchat is your oyster again!

Final Thoughts

Dealing with Snapchat‘s "matching credentials" error can be a headache. But thankfully, following the steps in this guide makes resetting your password quick and painless.

To recap, here are the key steps to fix the error:

  1. Navigate to Snapchat‘s login screen
  2. Tap "Forgot your password?"
  3. Choose to reset via email
  4. Enter your Snapchat email address
  5. Open the password reset email from Snapchat
  6. Change your Snapchat password
  7. Return to the mobile app
  8. Log in with your new password

Changing your password gives Snapchat a fresh start, resyncing your credentials in their system.

Just be sure you still have access to the email address associated with your Snapchat account. Otherwise, you‘ll need support from Snapchat to recover your account.

With an updated password, say goodbye to the "matching credentials" error and hello again to sending Snaps!

Further Reading

Here are some additional Snapchat guides if you found this one helpful: