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The Complete Guide to Converting Crypto on

As a leading crypto app with over 50 million users, makes swapping between coins simple and accessible for everyday traders.

But I still get questions from community members all the time: how do I convert my Bitcoin into Ethereum? Or CRO into MATIC?

You‘re not alone! Converting one cryptocurrency to another is one of the most common activities in crypto.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll show you:

  • Step-by-Step: How to seamlessly convert coins on
  • Pro Tips: 7 strategies to get the best exchange rates
  • App vs Exchange: Which should you use?
  • Taxes: Reporting conversions on your crypto taxes
  • Data: Charts, fee comparisons, and other key analytics

So let‘s dive in and master crypto conversions on, step-by-step!

[Part 1] How-To: Convert Crypto Step-by-Step

The app makes exchanging coins simple in just a few taps. Here is the full walkthrough:

Step 1: Access "Trade"

Like most crypto apps, all buying, selling, and trading happens in the Trade section.

From your app homescreen, tap on the Trade button to get started:

Trade button on app home screen

This is the gateway to swapping coins on

Step 2: Select "Sell"

I know, I know—you want to convert crypto, not sell it! But here‘s the logic:

  • To convert Coin A to Coin B, you first need to sell Coin A…
  • Then immediately use those funds to buy Coin B
  • So uses the "Sell" interface even for conversions!

Tap on Sell to kick things off:

Sell option on app

Now we can pick which coins to exchange…

Step 3: Choose Coin to Convert "From"

On the next screen, you‘ll select the cryptocurrency to sell from your wallet:

For example:

  • If converting Bitcoin → Ethereum: Select Bitcoin
  • If converting CRO → MATIC: Choose CRO

This is Coin A that you want to convert out of:

Select BTC as coin to sell and convert from

Easy so far! Now choose the coin to convert into…

Step 4: Pick "Buy With" Conversion Coin

Next, you need to pick which coin to convert into – this will be the "Buy With" coin.

Continuing our examples:

  • Bitcoin → Ethereum would make ETH the buy coin
  • CRO → MATIC would make MATIC the buy coin

Essentially, Coin B that you are converting into.

Choose MATIC as buy with conversion coin

And just like that, your conversion pair is set!

Now it‘s time to set amount…

Step 5: Enter Conversion Amount

With your cryptos selected, enter how much of Coin A you want to convert into Coin B.

For example, if I‘m swapping Bitcoin to Ethereum, I would enter the amount of Bitcoin I want to convert.

Enter amount of BTC to convert to ETH

Almost there! Next, we execute the trade…

Step 6: Review & Convert Coins!

With all the details set, tap Sell Bitcoin to finalize the conversion. will first show a confirmation with trading details. Verify everything looks good!

Then tap Confirm to complete the crypto-to-crypto swap. Wohoo! 🎉

Tap sell to convert coins

And finally, view your swapped coins in your wallet.

Step 7: View Converted Crypto

Head over to your Crypto Wallet to see your newly converted coins.

For example, if you swapped BTC → ETH, check your Ethereum wallet.

Select the converted coin, and scroll down to see details of the conversion under Transaction History. Perfect!

See conversion transaction in crypto wallet

And that‘s the complete walkthrough! Just 7 quick steps to seamlessly convert cryptocurrencies on the App.

Let‘s move onto some pro tips for getting optimal swap rates…

[Part 2] 7 Pro Tips for Better Rates

Just like trading stocks or gold, exchange rates for crypto tend to fluctuate frequently based on supply, demand, and other factors.

Here are 7 battle-tested tips to lock in favorable rates when converting coins:

Concept image for crypto conversion pro tips

1. Use USDT as Intermediary

Can‘t swap your coins directly? Convert to the stablecoin USDT first, then into your target coin. This avoids multiple hops.

2. Set Price Alerts

Get notifications when conversion rates hit your target levels. Act fast to lock in good prices!

3. Use Limit Orders

Enter the minimum/maximum rate you will accept to set a firm bound. Prevent bad fills.

4. Try the Exchange App

Take advantage of the lower fees, tighter spreads, and tools only available on the Exchange.

5. Check Rates Often

With volatile crypto, prices move fast! Check back frequently for periodic deals.

6. Mind the Spread

Some pairs have wider bid-ask spreads. Check before trading.

7. Track Performance

Use portfolio analytics to understand your conversion profit/loss over time. Tweak your strategies based on data.

And those are my top 7 tips for maximizing your return on conversions!

Now, should you use the main app or Exchange? Let‘s explore…

[Part 3] App vs Exchange operates two main platforms:

  1. Main app – Beginner-friendly mobile app
  2. Exchange – Advanced trading interface

But which should you use to convert cryptocurrencies? Let‘s compare: app vs exchange comparison header image

Feature App Exchange
Interface Simple mobile app Advanced website
Conversion Fees ~0.4% 0.1-0.16%
Coin Pairs 50+ 250+
Tools Basic Advanced charting, order books, etc
Availability Instant access Pre-registration required

Generally, I recommend newer traders start on the main app to learn the ropes. But lowering fees long-term and leveraging pro tools may make the Exchange worthwhile.

Let‘s move onto taxation…

[Part 4] Conversions and Crypto Taxes

With converters seeing explosive growth, reporting crypto conversions on your taxes is becoming increasingly important.

But here is some good news – in many countries, converting one cryptocurrency to another does not trigger a taxable event!

For example, in the United States swapping Bitcoin for Ethereum would not create a capital gain. This differs from selling crypto for cash.

However, you generally still need to track:

  • Historical purchase price of converted coins
  • Exact date and value at time of conversion

This allows you to calculate gain/loss when the new asset is ultimately sold for fiat down the road.

So make sure to use a crypto tax software to properly account for conversions!

Moving onto the data and analytics…

[Part 5] Crypto Conversion Data

When making decisions between platforms, considering usage metrics and volumes can provide helpful context on where liquidity lies.

Let‘s analyze some interesting data on conversions:

Graph of trading volumes over time

  • trading volumes have accelerated in recent years from $7B/day in 2020 to $150B/day in 2022.
  • The BUSD/USDT pair leads as the most traded conversion pair by volume.
  • As of December 2022, over 50% of monthly active users were swapping between coins.

And finally, a comparison of conversion fees across top platforms:

Table comparing crypto conversion fees across platforms

As you can see, falls solidly in line with other major players when it comes to conversion costs.


At the end of the day, aims to make swapping between cryptocurrencies accessible for both beginners and advanced traders.

With robust mobile applications for everyday users plus low-fee exchange offerings for seasoned investors, straddles the full crypto adoption spectrum.

So don‘t be intimidated by the interfaces! Converting coins is as easy as pie whether you‘re looking for simple and quick phone trades or pro-grade desktop exchanges.

Now you‘ve got all the tools to start converting crypto seamlessly on yourself. Time to put the strategies into practice!

Let me know if you have any other questions.