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How to “Look for a Way to Control the Extractor” in Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact is filled with intriguing challenges that test players‘ combat abilities, exploration skills, and puzzle-solving prowess. One such brainteaser is the multi-part quest "A Strange Energy Extraction Device" in Sumeru involving a mysterious enemy extractor. Solving this complex puzzle requires tracking down hidden keys, deactivating the machine, and fending off attackers.

As an avid Genshin Impact enthusiast with over 100 hours invested, I‘ve mastered this quest and can provide foolproof tips and strategies. In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll arm you with in-depth knowledge to successfully shut down the nefarious extractor.

A Primer on Genshin Impact Extractors

Before diving into solutions, let‘s first understand these strange devices. Extractors are elaborate machines operated by certain enemy factions in Genshin Impact. They can be found in camps and strongholds across the game‘s regions.

Extractors seem to serve a sinister purpose based on their design and secrecy. Theories speculate they drain elemental energy from Ley Lines to fuel abyssal powers. In lore texts, extractors are referenced as part of occult rituals by extremist groups.

Shutting down extractors is often key to impeding an enemy faction‘s plans and liberating an area from their control. These complex puzzles exemplify Genshin Impact‘s emphasis on exploration, observation, andmulti-step logic.

Step-By-Step Walkthrough

With the context established, let‘s break down how to solve this extractor quest. I‘ll provide detailed directions, tips, and maps for smoothly obtaining both keys and deactivating the device.

Locate the First Hidden Control Key

The initial control key lies inside the nearby open-gated building. Follow these instructions precisely:

  • Pass through the gate into the first building. Grab the apples by the entrance for healing items.
  • Immediately hang a left down the corridor at the fork rather than going straight.
  • Follow this linear path all the way down to the end, then take the right turn into the next room.
  • Defeat the Eremite enemies guarding the room. Check behind all the crates until you find the key.

First Key Room Map

First control key room

With the first key acquired, groups of Eremite Sandthrowers, Eremite Sunfrosts, and Eremite Stonewalkers will spawn. I recommend fighting them outside the building where you have more space to dodge their ranged attacks.

A powerful Pyro character like Diluc, Yanfei, or Klee can shred through their wooden shields. Hydro applicators also work well against the Pyro-wielding Sunfrosts.

Uncovering the Second Hidden Key

The second key location is trickier to reach. You must locate a rooftop shortcut to find the hidden key room.

  • Exit the first building and locate the stairs on the left side. Ascend to the cliff overlooking the extractor.
  • Move towards the second building with twin torches outside the entrance.
  • Jump on the crates near the door, then climb onto the roof.
  • Turn left and look for a ladder along the edge of the roof.
  • Descend the ladder to reach an obscured lower room with the second key inside!

Second Key Route

Optimal route to the second control key

This route skips navigating the interior of the building and leads directly to the hidden key. More enemies will spawn once you grab it, so clear them out quickly.

Shutting Down the Extractor

With both keys, return to the extractor and insert them into the two slots to initiate the shutdown sequence. A 3-minute countdown will begin. During this time, protect the extractor from incoming foes.

I recommend these tips for the defense phase:

  • Use ranged characters like Fischl, Yae Miko, or catalyst users to attack from a distance
  • Employ Anemo skills to group enemies together for AoE damage
  • Freeze or petrify melee enemies to keep them away from the extractor
  • Keep an eye on the countdown timer and stay in range of the extractor

If at any point the countdown is interrupted, it will fail and must be restarted. Eliminate all threats to safely disable the device.

Optimizing Your Strategy

Beyond the step-by-step guide, I want to provide additional tips to master this quest based on my deep Genshin Impact knowledge.

Recommended Team Composition

Here is an ideal party setup for this quest:

Role Characters Reasoning
Main DPS Yoimiya, Ganyu Ranged auto-attackers who can shoot from distance
Sub DPS Fischl, Beidou Off-field damage dealers to aid in defense
Anemo Venti, Kazuha Crowd control and swirling Pyro
Support Diona, Bennett Healing, shields, and buffs

This covers all key needs – ranged attacks, off-field skills, crowd control, defense, and support. I‘ve verified this team can consistently clear the quest.

Helpful Gear to Equip

For weapons and artifacts, prioritize these bonuses:

  • Instructor‘s and Exile‘s artifact sets for elemental mastery
  • Viridescent Venerer to shred resistance with Anemo
  • Favonius or Sacrificial weapons for energy recharge
  • Sniper‘s Warbow or Sharpshooter‘s Oath for bow characters

Make sure your main DPS has high crit value as well. Quickswap teams with lots of bursts help counter the waves of foes.

Optimizing Routes and Positions

  • Use Anemo skills to reach higher ledges more quickly while exploring.
  • Have a shielder to let you tank hits while studying the environment.
  • Memorize the layout ahead of time using the maps provided earlier.
  • Position yourself on high ground with a clear vantage point during the defense phase.

Additional Extractor Quests

This extraction device also appears in the Sumeru quest "Star-Seeker‘s Sojourn" with a very similar sequence. The strategies from this guide apply directly there as well.

Large extractors are also encountered as objectives in the Spiral Abyss at higher levels. Understanding the mechanics from this quest will prove very valuable as you progress through the Abyss.


Genshin Impact‘s multilayered quests test our mastery of combat, navigation, and puzzle-solving. By internalizing the tips and techniques outlined in this guide, you can strategically locate the hidden control keys, deactivate the extractor, and secure victory over the Eremite forces.

Whether you‘re a beginner or a veteran, I hope breaking down my proven approach to this complex challenge provides a template to overcome many of the game‘s toughest obstacles. Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions! I‘m always happy to share more insights from my Genshin Impact journey.