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4 Ways to Contact Discord for Help or to Share Feedback

Discord has exploded in popularity in recent years, becoming the go-to communication platform for over 150 million users worldwide. With excellent voice, video, screen sharing and community building capabilities, Discord dominates the market for gamers, streamers, hobbyists and other niche communities looking to hang out and engage online.

However, any piece of software used by over 150 million people is bound to run into issues now and then. Users may encounter problems with their account, have questions about Discord‘s features, or think of ways to improve the platform. Thankfully, Discord offers several effective channels to get assistance or directly share feedback.

As a social media marketing expert who has helped advise multiple startups, I‘ve seen first-hand how vital strong customer service and user feedback channels are for growth and success.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll take an in-depth look at the four main options you have as a user to contact the Discord team, when to use each method, and best practices to get the fastest resolution.

1. Submit a Request Via the Help Center

With over 150 million diverse users, Discord needs to leverage smart customer service to efficiently handle questions and troubleshooting. Their help center allows them to provide solutions at scale.

The Discord Help Center should always be your first stop when running into an issue or have a question. The help center has a clean, easy-to-navigate interface with articles divided into logical categories:

  • Getting Started: Account creation, downloading Discord, server setup guides
  • Account Settings: Managing your profile, enabling 2FA, changing password
  • Text Chat: Messaging, formatting, emojis, markdown syntax
  • Voice Chat: Fixing mic and audio issues, changing voice settings
  • Server Management: Roles, moderation tools, boosting servers
  • Troubleshooting: Common questions for connections, lag, crashes
  • Parents & Educators: Resources for teachers and guardians
  • Other Resources: Links to status pages, brand guidelines, etc.

Discord Help Center Categories

I recommend browsing through the help center first to see if your question already has an article or solution. Search thoroughly using keywords related to your issue.

For example, if you‘re having microphone problems in voice channels, search "microphone not working" and browse results for troubleshooting steps.

If you can‘t find an existing article that helps, you can submit a request:

  • Go to the Discord Support Page
  • Select the category that best fits your issue
  • Enter your email address
  • Choose the type of question you have
  • Provide a detailed description of the problem you‘re experiencing
  • Attach any relevant screenshots or files
  • Click "Submit" to send your request directly to Discord‘s support team

Submitting a request puts your issue into Discord‘s help ticket system. You‘ll receive a confirmation email, and a support representative will respond to your request via email within 24-48 hours.

Help Center Benefits

The main benefits of going through the help center for issues are:

  • Solutions are public so other users can benefit as well
  • The help center has comprehensive articles on all Discord products
  • It reduces duplicate requests to Discord‘s team
  • You get an emailed response from a Discord support rep within 24-48 hours

According to Discord‘s 2021 transparency report, their Customer Experience team handled 1.37 million support tickets that year. The help center plays a big role in scaling their support efficiently.

When to Use the Help Center

I recommend using the help center for:

  • Account and billing issues – payment problems, can‘t login, unauthorized access
  • Technical problems – audio not working, lag and crashes, link previews not loading
  • Usability questions – how to use Discord features, server management, moderation
  • General "how to" queries – any question where existing help articles may have the solution

2. Reach Out Via Social Media

In addition to the help center, Discord has very responsive presences on Twitter and Facebook. If you don‘t need an immediate response, bringing public visibility to an issue, or making a suggestion, social media is a solid option.

Contacting Via Twitter

Discord‘s Twitter accounts actively monitor mentions and Direct Messages from users:

To contact them on Twitter:

  • Mention: Tweet @discord or @discord_support describing your issue and include screenshots or links for context.

  • Direct Message: Click the envelope icon on their profile and DM your issue or suggestion.

Discord‘s community managers monitor Twitter closely during business hours and will often respond to simple questions or initial troubleshooting within a few hours. If your issue requires more complex support, they‘ll typically direct you to email or the help center.

Contacting Via Facebook

You can also contact Discord‘s support team via their Facebook page:

  • Go to the Discord Facebook page
  • Click the "Message" button
  • Explain your issue or suggestion, providing as many details as possible

Similar to Twitter, you‘ll generally get a response from community managers directing you to email/help center for anything requiring extensive troubleshooting. But Facebook can be handy for a quick response to simpler questions.

Social Media Benefits

Reaching out via social media has a few advantages:

  • Community managers typically respond faster than email
  • Provides public visibility to issues impacting multiple users
  • Allows users to rally support from other community members
  • Enables suggestions and feedback to be shared quickly

I once helped a client whose Instagram account was unfairly banned. By mentioning Instagram‘s Twitter account in a post that gained traction, they were able to get it resolved in hours vs. waiting days for email responses. Public visibility really helps put pressure on companies to take action!

3. Email Discord‘s Support Team Directly

When you need private, detailed troubleshooting or back-and-forth communication, emailing Discord directly is the best approach.

Discord‘s support email is:

[email protected]

To get the fastest response:

  • Use the email associated with your Discord account
  • Put your username in the subject line
  • Explain the issue in detail, with screenshots and links
  • Attach files if relevant to the problem

Based on my experience advising clients, you can expect an initial response within 24-48 hours, though complex issues may require longer troubleshooting via email.

Email Tips

Here are a few tips for communicating effectively via email:

  • Be as detailed as possible – the more info you provide upfront, the faster the team can assist you.
  • If the issue is account-specific, use the email on your Discord account to email them.
  • One issue per email – don‘t lump multiple questions or problems together.
  • Follow-up if you haven‘t heard back within 48 business hours.
  • Be patient and polite – the team is always slammed with tickets. Kindness goes a long way!

Email is best suited for:

  • Complex account or billing issues
  • anything requiring back-and-forth correspondence
  • privacy – unlike social media methods

According to Discord‘s report, billing and account support accounted for over 415,000 tickets last year, highlighting the need for email support.

4. Share Feedback Via the Discord Community

Beyond just getting help, Discord also makes it easy for users to share suggestions to help improve the platform. This is done through the Discord Feedback Community.

In the Discord Feedback Community, users can:

  • Suggest new features they‘d like to see
  • Provide feedback on existing features
  • Offer UI and design improvements
  • Request new community server templates
  • Submit bug reports

And much more. Discord‘s product team regularly reviews the community and engages with users‘ posts.

To share your feedback:

  • Go to the Feedback Form
  • Log in with your Discord account
  • Provide a title and detailed description
  • Select the most relevant category
  • Click "Submit" to post publicly

This public portal allows Discord to crowd-source ideas and feedback from their highly engaged user base. And it lets users see what features, changes, and improvements others in the community are suggesting.

When to Use the Feedback Forum

I recommend leveraging the feedback community when you have:

  • Feature suggestions – new capabilities, integrations, etc.
  • Product change requests – UI adjustments, notifications, etc.
  • Bug reports – to report reproducible software issues
  • Template ideas – requests for new server templates

The feedback forum is all about shaping Discord‘s future based on users‘ needs. I advise my startup clients to always listen closely to their power users‘ suggestions!

Response Time Comparison

To summarize the main options:

Contact Method Average First Response When to Use
Help Center 24-48 hours Account issues, how-to questions, technical support
Twitter 2-4 hours Quick feedback, visibility to issues
Facebook 4-8 hours Same benefits as Twitter
Email 24-48 hours Complex support, privacy needed
Feedback Forum 1-2 days Suggestions to improve Discord

For fastest results, Twitter is ideal for simpler questions and feedback. Email takes the longest but is better for detailed troubleshooting.

Best Practices When Contacting Discord

Based on my extensive experience in social media marketing and community management, here are some top tips when reaching out:

  • Always check the help center first – your issue may already be solved.
  • Clearly explain the problem – provide ample detail, screenshots, examples.
  • One issue per request – don‘t combine multiple problems.
  • Follow-up politely if you haven‘t gotten a reply.
  • Share feedback respectfully – harsh criticism is less helpful.
  • Be patient – Discord‘s team is busy, complex issues take time.

Being as detailed as possible in your initial outreach saves a ton of back and forth. And remembering there‘s real people on the other end helps lead to faster resolution.


Discord has cultivated an excellent support system given their meteoric growth to over 150 million users. Between proactive self-help via the robust knowledge base, email and social media support channels, and a public feedback community, Discord offers several avenues to get assistance or suggest improvements.

The key takeaways around contacting Discord effectively are:

  • Search help articles before reaching out
  • Use email for detailed troubleshooting
  • Leverage Twitter/Facebook for quick responses
  • Share feedback respectfully via the forums
  • Provide ample detail on issues to get faster resolution
  • Patience and kindness go a long way

With real humans powering Discord‘s customer service along with smart self-service options, they‘ve succeeded in keeping their fast-growing community happy. Their multi-channel support strategy is one many rising startups should follow.