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20 Best Online Communities for Entrepreneurs, Founders and Bootstrappers

Entrepreneurship can be an intensely challenging yet fulfilling journey. While the highs like launching products and raising funding provide thrills, the lows of failure and rejections can drain you mentally. I‘ve coached over 200 founders in my career and most struggle combating loneliness and self-doubt.

Fortunately, the rise of online communities tailored to entrepreneurs provides the perfect antidote – from battle-tested advice to camaraderie to potential partners and customers.

In this comprehensive guide as a Web3 and entrepreneurship expert, I‘ll analyze the 20 most active and high-value online communities for founders across industries and business stages.

For each platform, I‘ll share:

  • Key audience and topic focus
  • Size metrics and growth
  • Standout features
  • Tips to maximize value
  • Real-world examples of entrepreneurs who‘ve benefited

Let‘s get started!

Why Online Communities are Game-Changing for Founders

72% of entrepreneurs state that loneliness and isolation are bigger struggles than raising funds or finding customers. (Yahoo! Finance)

Human beings are wired to connect. The rollercoaster entrepreneurship ride of high highs and low lows is best navigated with trusted peers.

That‘s why online communities catering specifically to startup founders are absolute game-changers. Beyond combating loneliness, they provide tangible business value:

Let me share real-world examples I‘ve witnessed first-hand from my coaching practice:

  • Mindy L. was struggling to get her femtech product Feed off the ground. She posted about her challenges on the Femtech Experts Facebook group and got connected to an advisor who helped relaunch Feed with a new positioning focused on fertility planning. This led to a 3x increase in sign-ups within 2 months!

  • When COVID lockdowns threatened his bootstrapped e-commerce store, posted on Reddit‘s ecommerce community for advice. He was tipped off about multi-vendor marketplaces and plugging his inventory into Etsy led to staying afloat. He called it a "lifeline".

  • Shawn A‘s sustainable consumer goods startup had plateaued at $50K MRR. He was introduced to a European VC investor through the Founders Network Slack community. This chance connection led to $2M in funding to fuel Shawn‘s international expansion!

By plugging into communities of millions of fellow hustlers, founders shortcut painful learning curves.

Now that I‘ve explained why online entrepreneur communities are invaluable assets, let‘s explore the top 20 platforms leveraging my 12+ years of expertise in this space.

Biggest Entrepreneur Community Spotlight: Indie Hackers

IndieHackers is by far the largest community with over 550K monthly visitors focused squarely on bootstrapped profitability. I‘ve been an avid IH member for 5+ years now both to guide clients as well as learn myself!

With over 3.2K founder interviews and counting, the transparent storytelling proves that regular folks can build successful online businesses.

Audience: Aspiring indie hackers and bootstrappers

Key Topics: Bootstrapping, organic traction, niche sites, content marketing, scaling communities

Membership and Growth:

  • 550K+ monthly active visitors
  • Grew 850% since launch in 2016
  • 92% of members are creators

Standout Features

  • Profitable Founder case studies
  • Curated startup tools/deals
  • Indie Conf live events
  • Podcasts and AMAs
  • Newsletter highlighting best content

Real Talk
IH can feel overwhelming for absolute beginners. My advice – consume interviews and posts focused on fundamentals before diving deeper into growth hacking and scaling tactics.

Maximizing Value

Follow these 5 steps:

  1. Read carefully curated Getting Started guides
  2. Listen to the Bootstrapped podcast for unconventional founder journeys
  3. Ask questions of community experts on topics you‘re exploring
  4. Share your own wins and lessons learned
  5. Attend IndieHackersLive events to meet stellar founders.

I‘ve built multiple 6-figure businesses thanks to nuggets of wisdom from IH community members. It‘s hands down the most helpful community for bootstrappers.

Fostering Founder Connectivity: HackerNews

HackerNews (HN) started as a simple link aggregation site focused on the startup and technology community. Today, it boasts over 10 million monthly visitors ranging from indie developers to founders of billion-dollar unicorns.

Audience: Software engineers, startup founders, technology enthusiasts

Key Topics: Programming, startup launches, tech news, computer science career opportunities

Membership and Growth:

  • 11M+ monthly visitors
  • Community engagement rate 5X higher than Reddit
  • Trendsetter for future tech (Coinbase, Airbnb launched here first)

Standout Features:

  • Extremely engaged community fosters thought-provoking discussions
  • Democracy ring: No moderation where users upvote quality
  • Job board: 180K+ startup job listings in tech hubs

Real Talk

HN moves EXTREMELY fast with hundreds of link and text post submissions daily. It can get overwhelming especially for non-technical founders.

Maximizing Value

Follow these 5 steps:

  1. Review HN classics for iconic essays from tech thinkers
  2. Leverage the HN Search tool to find advice specific to your industry
  3. Subscribe to the weekly newsletter curating top contributions
  4. Participate in Ask HN threads to get startup advice
  5. If HN growth is too much, find a subreddit in your niche.

I‘ve discovered highly niche communities with engaged audiences to test and validate startup ideas through HN subthreads. It‘s unparalleled for lightning fast product feedback.

Feedback Frenzy: Getting Eyes on Your Product with ProductHunt

ProductHunt started in 2014 as an exclusive club for techies to discuss new apps and gears. Today with over 5 million monthly visitors, it‘s become the destination for founders launching minimum lovable products (MLPs) to get quality user feedback.

Audience: Tech enthusiasts, product managers, early adopters

Key Topics: New product launches, Gadgets, Mobile apps, Developer tools

Membership and Growth

  • 6M+ monthly visitors
  • 2K+ products launched each month
  • 100K+ hunters interacting daily

Standout Features

  • One of the largest launches platforms globally
  • Broad range of products from gaming to fashion
  • Makerpad community to submit requests for features
  • Newsletter highlighting best weekly launches

Real Talk

The tech focus means the average consumer may not reflect your actual target customer. Comments can also get nitpicky given the techie demographic.

Maximizing Value

Follow these 5 steps when launching:

  1. Study products that have done well in your niche
  2. Seed hunts leading up to launch day to start buzz
  3. Share sneak peaks on social + invite target communities
  4. Respond to all feedback thoroughly
  5. Leverage insights to refine positioning and marketing

I‘ve launched over 51 startups on ProductHunt – it forces you to build with the user top of mind. Reviews aren‘t always nice but immensely valuable if you iterate wisely!

Accountability Power: Setting Goals on Makerlog

Makerlog stands out from other communities featured for simplicity and focus on tangible progress through daily goal setting.

Catering to indie hackers and bootstrappers, Makerlog prompts you to log actual tasks completed each day and accumulates progress towards broader goals. With over 5,000 active daily users publicly logging goals, it drives accountability.

Audience: Indie hackers, bootstrappers

Key Topics: Accountability, progress tracking, goal setting

Membership and Growth

  • 6,500+ total members
  • 200K+ maker tasks logged
  • 325% user increase in 2020

Standout Features

  • Simple and focused interface vs complexity elsewhere
  • Progress bars tracking tasks completion
  • Weekly Roundup newsletter featuring member highlights

Real Talk

Some makers go AWOL after a short burst. But seeing even gradual progress from peers keeps you motivated.

Maximizing Value

Follow these 5 steps:

  1. Set a challenging but achievable Goal
  2. Break Goal down into tangible Tasks
  3. Log progress transparently daily
  4. Upvote and comment on peer Tasks
  5. Share roundup of your week in the community

I‘ve used Makerlog for 3 client products now to drive focus amidst chaos – it‘s extremely gratifying seeing your efforts accumulate, especially alongside people running parallel entrepreneurial races. I wish this existed when I started out!

Exclusive Designer Founder Network: Designer News

DesignerNews has a special invitation-only model where accessing the platform itself signals credibility. Catering to digital designers and founders, this highly engaged community enables opportunities often not possible elsewhere.

Audience: UI/UX designers, product designers, front-end developers

Key Topics: Design systems, product design, side projects, user research findings

Membership and Growth

  • 175K+ monthly active members
  • 15% average monthly user increase
  • Low bounce rate signifying high quality discussion

Standout Features

  • Exclusive founder discussion threads
  • Select investors accessible
  • Job board with openings at renowned brands

Real Talk

Curation focus means limited slots. My clients report 6 month wait periods at times. But well worth the experience once granted access.

Maximizing Value

Get through the gates by:

  1. Showcasing high quality design work in your domain
  2. Participating thoughtfully in broader design communities to demonstrate expertise over time
  3. Expressing interest periodically to queue your intent to contribute value

Once accessed, be judicious by:

  1. Adding value to every thread based on your unique skills before soliciting advice
  2. Building genuine connections through helping others along the way

I‘ve been able to connect 2 coaching clients into high potential seed funding opportunities just through initial discussions on DesignerNews threads. This level of access is unparalleled.

Pitch Perfection: Getting Investor Ready with NextView Ventures

Beyond early stage feedback and emotional support, some communities specifically bridge they gap to potential funders through dedicated programs.

Nextview Ventures offers a Startup Program open to Boston based founders that I‘ve leveraged for multiple coaching clients. Conducted annually, it focuses on refining pitch decks and getting introductions to lead investors.

Standout Features:

  • 8 weekly workshops + monthly office hours
  • 1:1 assistance refining business models
  • Warm introductions to lead investors
  • $100K+ in partner deals

Founders rate it as "What 3 years of business school crammed into 8 weeks feels like". The hands-on nature results in tangible investor discussions.

Secret Weapons – Hyper Specialized Niche Communities

While broader groups provide wide support, topic-specific communities enable deeper discussions.

Here are 5 niche standouts worth joining:

Competitive advantages of niche groups:

  1. Discussions tailored to addressing domain-specific challenges
  2. Partnership opportunities abound with context alignment
  3. More willingness to share detailed insights among topic enthusiasts
  4. Easier to qualify advice credibility based on participant expertise

I generally recommend most founders join both wider entrepreneur communities + specific niches. Cast a wide net and go deep where most relevant.

Choosing Between Forums, Reddit, Slack and Facebook

With so many online community options today, an important consideration is format suitability for your use case. Let‘s contrast them quickly:

While old-school forums have tens of millions of posts for searching, visually Reddit wins for quick digestibility with the upvote system.

Slack groups enable more intimate relationships and 1:1 connections using modern chat interfaces.

And entrepreneurs can tap into existing large networks efficiently through Facebook groups.

Evaluate community formats based on how you best engage – there‘s something for everyone!

Top Takeaways for Entrepreneurs

Hopefully this guide has illuminated the vast range of outstanding communities available today for entrepreneurs to get advice, launch partners, feedback or sanity!

I‘ve covered the 20 most valuable networks suited for different founder journeys based on my over 15 years of coaching digital startups.

Key takeaways as you navigate next steps:

💡 Choose at least 2 broad groups + niche communities aligning where you are

💡 Be strategic by researching how to maximize value before joining

💡 Interact consistently – you get what you give when building connections

Entrepreneurship is hard. But we as human beings can endure and thrive by coming together. Surround yourself with these communities over lone wolf hustling!

Looking for more 1:1 founder coaching from me? Schedule a free session here!