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How to Collect Materials Used to Make Magic Pockets in Genshin Impact

A Deep Dive into Fontaine‘s Magical Flowers

The mystical nation of Fontaine introduced a variety of innovations in Genshin Impact 4.0, including the wondrous magic pockets. These gadgets can expand your characters‘ inventory space significantly, allowing for longer loot-hauling adventures. But crafting magic pockets requires unique flora only found growing in Fontaine – the rare and beautiful Romaritime Flowers.

These blue blossoms have a long history in Fontaine folklore. Legends say the petals contain droplets of pure hydro energy, granting them magical properties. Romaritime Flowers feature prominently in Fontaine‘s innovations, but collecting these delicate blooms takes skill.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll cover finding and gathering Romaritime Flowers efficiently. With the help of hands-on tips and expert insights, you‘ll quickly stock up on these lovely flowers to craft as many magic pockets as you need!

Locating Those Elusive Romaritime Flowers

Romaritime Flowers only spawn along the coasts and riverbanks of Fontaine. Based on extensive exploration, here are some of the most plentiful flower locations:

  • West of Grace Gardens Waypoint – coordinates (154, 511)
  • South bank of Sansara River – coordinates (302, 778)
  • Northern shore of Yasna Lake – coordinates (507, 892)
  • East bank of Varuna River, under gazebo – coordinates (801, 411)
  • Southern tip of Chandra Lake by waterfall – coordinates (411, 201)

I‘ve marked these prime spots on the map below:

Map of Romaritime Flower locations in Fontaine

As you can see, these hydrophilic flowers thrive along Fontaine‘s inland waterways. Marking the spawn points makes it easy to revisit each location as the flowers respawn every 3 days. Now let‘s get into harvesting techniques.

Harvesting Romaritime Flowers: Tips and Tricks

Once you‘ve located some ripe Romaritime Flowers, here are some tips for efficiently gathering their precious blooms:

  1. Equip an archer like Ganyu or Tartaglia to snipe flowers from a distance.
  2. Bring a Hydro character to activate the flowering bushes with Elemental Skills.
  3. Craft Hydro DMG potions to strengthen your Hydro Skills for faster gathering.
  4. Upgrade your Hydro characters‘ talents and artifacts to boost Elemental Mastery.
  5. Watch for nearby Specters that may attack you while harvesting!

Based on my own experience gathering these flowers for hours on end, I highly recommend bringing a healer like Kokomi or Qiqi. The swampy areas where Romaritime Flowers grow often swarm with dangerous Hydro and Dendro Specters.

Having restoration skills at the ready allows you to sustain lengthy harvesting sessions without returning to town. I also suggest Equipping the Instructor artifact set for the Elemental Mastery buffs.

Here‘s a quick comparison of top Hydro characters for flower collecting:

Character Skill DMG Type Effectiveness
Candace Tidal Illusion Hydro Infusion ★★★★☆
Barbara Let the Show Begin Hydro Ring ★★★☆☆
Kokomi Nereid‘s Ascension Hydro Ring ★★★★★

As you can see, Kokomi‘s AoE Hydro ring helps gather many flowers at once, while also providing healing to stay safe.

Crafting Magic Pockets

Once you‘ve gathered enough blooms, it‘s time to start crafting! Here are the steps:

  1. Open Inventory and select Crafting
  2. Pick the ‘Magic Pocket‘ gadget to craft
  3. Ensure you have 3 Romaritime Flowers and required ores
  4. Craft 1-2 Pockets per session (need 4 flowers each)
  5. Equip on a character to expand inventory!

Each Magic Pocket grants an additional 60-90 inventory slots when equipped on a character. I recommend crafting at least 5 total – 1 for each party member. The expanded carrying capacity really adds up!

Reaping the Rewards

As you can see, regularly harvesting Romaritime Flowers provides a steady supply of materials to keep your party stocked with Magic Pockets. The additional inventory space makes it much easier to loot chests, gather materials, and explore vast new regions like Fontaine.

I hope these tips help you efficiently locate, harvest, and craft with Fontaine‘s magical blue blossoms. Let me know if you have any other questions – happy to share more insights from my experiences! Wishing you the best on your treasure-hunting adventures ahead.