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How to Charm Cressida‘s Flying Books in Hogwarts Legacy

Wingardium leviosa isn‘t the only spell that makes objects fly in Hogwarts Legacy. Enchanted books with fluttering pages soar through the halls of the legendary school of witchcraft and wizardry, darting just out of reach. When the magically airborne texts prove too tricky for one Hogwarts student to handle alone, she turns to your custom character for help retrieving them in the "Cressida and the Flying Books" side quest.

As an experienced wizard newly arrived at Hogwarts, you‘ll need to master the summoning charm "Accio" to collect these troublesome tomes. Read on for step-by-step instructions to complete Cressida‘s quest along with extra tips to make capturing charmed books easier. Just be mindful of Irma Pince and the other librarians—they won‘t tolerate horseplay or disruption in their libraries, magical or otherwise!

Meet Cressida, Ravenclaw Struggling with Charmed Books

You‘ll encounter Cressida and her flying book troubles in the Central Hall courtyard early at Hogwarts. With messy blonde hair partially obscuring her spectacled face, Cressida‘s blue-trimmed robes and the iconic Ravenclaw house symbol mark her as a member of Hogwarts‘ scholarly set.

Ravenclaws prize wisdom, creativity and individuality. As such, precocious students like Cressida often experiment with advanced charms ahead of their skill level. In her case, an attempt to enchant her textbooks for easier transport went awry.

"I was so tired of lugging around heavy books everywhere, I thought a locomotor spell would help," Cressida explains with exasperation. "But I messed up the wand movement, and now they zooms around with minds of their own!"

The five floating books cause chaos as they erratically dart and dive around the hallways just out of reach. Students and staffers shout in alarm while feathery pages continually shed onto the stone floors. Portraits grumble as the zipping books disrupt their frames. One nearly upends a display of enchanted armor.

Cressida needs your help containing the magical mess and recovering her beloved stories before she gets in more trouble. Thus starts your first encounter with the Castle‘s anxious bookworm. Offer to retrieve her books, then check Central Hall‘s map for the Library Annex fast travel point.

Scoping Out the Library Annex Site

Tucked away in Hogwarts‘ left wing, the Library Annex serves older students studying advanced magical topics beyond the core curriculum. Upon entering its towering chambers, have your wand equipped and summoning charm ready before taking in the sights.

Opened in 1847, metallic bookcases extending stories-high house restricted manuscripts not permitted to leave the library’s premises. Alcoves with crackling hearths provide cozy reading nooks, while scattered desks host candlelit late night study sessions. Glowing runes etched into the stone pulse with wizarding knowledge collected over centuries.

Sunbeams washing over the scarred oak tables originates from the vaulted glass ceiling, serving as natural spot lighting to illuminate rare magical species compendiums and fading star charts. Suspended overhead between iron beams, rotating focus crystals further empower the pursuit of magical knowledge.

However amid these wondrous wares zip Cressida’s five flying books, pages fluttering like frantic birds crashing wildly off bookcases and stone columns. You’ll need to corral these texts quickly before causing more mischief – or drawing the wrath of Irma Pince. Hogwarts’ senior librarian strictly enforces decorum in the stacks and protects her literary treasures fiercely.

Hogwarts Library Annex

Hogwarts Library Annex where Cressida‘s charmed books run amok. Have Accio ready!

Recommended Search Areas

Consult the map below highlighting primary locations to focus your flying book search within the mutli-tiered Library Annex:

Library Annex Map Callouts

Step-By-Step Flying Book Collection Guide

Follow these steps to efficiently gather the fluttering textbooks before Madam Pince intervenes:

1. Meet Cressida in Central Hall

Cressida with her wild blonde hair and Ravenclaw robes stands out in the courtyard and great hall area. Approach and she’ll frantically explain her plight with the flying books. Offer to help.

2. Fast Travel to the Library Annex

Check Central Hall‘s map for the Library Annex site icon, then select it to instantly transport to the location.

3. Equip Your Wand and Prepare Accio

Ensure your wand is readied in your dominant hand. Then hold the corresponding button to prime your magic capabilities.

4. Locate and Aim At a Flying Book

Scan the Library Annex ceilings for the zipping tomes. Move the camera to center one in your sights.

5. Cast Accio on The Targeted Book!

Press and hold the gesture button to draw the aimed book towards you with the summoning incantation.

6. Repeat Steps 4 and 5 For All 5 Books

You‘ll need to individually target and Accio each of the five flying textbooks. Methodically collect until all books are captured.

7. Return to Cressida in Central Hall

With all five books recovered, fast travel back to Central Hall and speak again with an anxious Cressida near the courtyard. She will squeal with delight and gratitude when you present her beloved stories.

Proper Accio Casting Technique

Having issues snagging those sorcerous stories? Ensure you aren‘t making these common Accio mistakes:

  • Misaimed Wand: Carefully line up the wand reticle with the target before casting. Overeager misfires waste magical focus.

  • Muffled Enunciation: Accio must be clearly pronounced as AH-key-oh or AH-see-oh. Imprecise incantations fail.

  • Unbalanced Gesture: Flick the wand an exact 90° angle from your casting arm during the summoning motion. Shaky swishing loses power.

  • Obstructed Path: Books travel to you along a direct trajectory. Use obstacles to your advantage herding texts into corners but avoid intermediary barriers.

Now you can reliably call objects to your hands with a mere magical phrase! But exercise caution summoning anything heavier than a Hogwarts: A History hardback.

About Hogwarts Legacy‘s Libraries

Of course, towering fortress schools filled with rambunctious young wizards require sanctimonious book vaults to instill discipline. Let‘s explore Legacy‘s libraries further.

Hogwarts Library Branches

Hogwarts hosts multiple literary repositories (see comparison table below):

Hogwarts Libraries Comparison

The main Hogwarts Library seen in the original Harry Potter films contains general texts for student perusal. Irma Pince patrols here using magic to monitor behavior and book circulation. Don‘t mistreat the collection lest you face her feather duster fury!

The Restricted Section as shown in Sorcerer‘s Stone houses advance magic books accessible only to professors or upon permission. Darker arcane media requires Ministry authorization, registration in the Spellbook Registry, and strict protections against underage misuse.

Finally the Library Annex setting for Cressida‘s quest hosts special media for mature magic mastery. Ravenclaws frequent this book sanctuary, seeking inspiration from works like Spellman‘s Syllabary and Advanced Potion-Making by Libatius Borage.

Enchanted Items in Hogwarts Legacy

Cressida‘s experience also highlights Hogwarts‘ abundance of enchanted ordinary objects. Paintings actively observe and comment on passerbys. Statues and armor mutter and shift when interacted with. Everyday school supplies might suddenly lift into the air as if possessed.

As a young witch or wizard new to managing magic, part of your Hogwarts journey involves safely handling these charmed items. Your initial Light Leviosa and Glacius spells can help contain out-of-control objects.

Later shift towards more advanced dispelling (Finite!), untransfiguration (Reparifarge!) or seizure counter-curses (Immobolus!) to return problematic artifacts to normal. Avoid damage by acting fast when things take on a life of their own. Your peers will certainly thank you!

Just don‘t let Irma Pince catch you neglegently letting enchanted items run wild in her domains!

Turning More Pages in Hogwarts Legacy

With Cressida‘s books safely gathered, new adventures await within the castle walls. Now capable of tackling troublesome texts and other charmed objects, put this magical mastery towards puzzles guarding House Common Rooms or the many mysteries permeating the hallways.

And if you ever misplace your Potions notes or Transfiguration spellbook, just ask one of Hogwarts‘ many bookworms for help – they‘ll be happy to summon some advice your way. As Ravenclaw founder Rowena Ravenclaw once remarked:

"Wit beyond measure is a wizard‘s greatest treasure!"

Or as the sage Hermione Granger was fond to say:

“When in doubt, go to the library.”

Now confidently turn the page towards new magical feats! But beware any cursed tomes or restrictive manuscripts that cross your path…