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Unlocking the Secrets: How to “Look for Clues to Decode” in Tower of Fantasy

As an avid player since Tower of Fantasy’s launch, decoding hidden messages has become second nature to me. But I remember the utter confusion I felt when first attempting the “Fireworks Prep II” quest. My communicator simply instructed me to “look for clues” somewhere in Banges to crack a cryptic password. Easier said than done!

Let me spare you the headaches and guide you step-by-step through locating the hidden document that holds the key. Together, we’ll have you channeling your inner spy and language decoder in no time.

Setting the Scene: Who Needs this Password Anyway?

First, some background for context. The Fireworks Prep storyline tasks you with helping Felton gather supplies for the Bradley Brothers’ upcoming fireworks show in Banges (which I’m VERY excited for by the way!).

In this sub-quest, Felton reveals that he needs help cracking the password on his communicator device. Without it, he can’t coordinate critical fireworks logistics. Talk about high stakes!

So he dispatches us on a mission to track down clues that will unlock the password we need. Let’s get to it, decoder buddy!

Hot on the Hunt: Finding the Oil Rig Hideout

After accepting the quest, Felton marks a location on our map that directs us to this area:

[Insert annotated map screenshot highlighting oil rig destination]

I made the amateur mistake of overlooking this unassuming oil rig SEVERAL times on first playthroughs. But the nondescript metal platforms and pipes hide an important secret document if you know where to look.

More specifically, we need to approach the small shed-like building nestled alongside a towering structure with a car perched on top (nice touch, designers).

[Embed short video walkthrough showing route through oil rig to house]

Striking Password Gold: Extracting the Vital Clue

Just outside this hut, on top of some sealed barrels, lies the “Hyena Classified Document” and our ticket to decoding glory.

[Zoom in on classified document, highlight key text]

The message inside conveys that ALL Hyena passwords have been reset to the same simple code:


Can you believe that?! For an imposing enemies faction, not the most complex passcode system. But hey, it works to our advantage here!

A Hero Returns: Delivering the Decoder Key

Now we can smugly saunter back to Felton, with the sequence “1-2-3-4” firmly memorized as the password to unlock his communicator.

He’ll be thrilled we sleuthed out the clue to crack his code. And we’ve already forged closer towards the impending fireworks festivities with our crafty problem solving!

So give it a shot and unleash your inner spy. The secrets encoded across Tower of Fantasy’s worlds are just waiting to be discovered by savvy explorers like us. Happy decoding!

[Insert comments speculating on other hidden quests, decoder loyalty rewards]