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How to Climb the Battlements in Hogwarts Legacy

As an experienced Hogwarts Legacy player, the Rear Keep battlements were one of the most satisfying climbing challenges I finally overcame. While reaching these towering heights may seem daunting at first, with the right preparation any new wizard can master this advanced ascent. In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll share hard-earned tips to have you conquering the climb in no time.

Location and History of the Rear Keep Battlements

The Rear Keep battlements encircle the backside of Hogwarts Castle, offering sprawling views from one of the highest elevations in the area. Based on J.K. Rowling‘s magical lore, these defensive walls likely date back to the 11th century, built to protect the school against muggle and magical threats.

Accessing the Rear Keep battlements can be tricky. You‘ll find the entrance tucked away in a corner of the Transfiguration Courtyard, recognizable by the imposing stone wall and towering parapets overhead. Once at the top, an Owls‘ Roost fast travel point awaits along with unbeatable panoramic views.

Step-By-Step Instructions to Conquer the Climb

While most building-climbing in Hogwarts Legacy relies on the Ascendio spell, a unique levitation challenge guards the path to the Rear Keep. By combining Depulso, Wingardium Leviosa, and Levioso in the proper sequence, you‘ll able to elevate and scale the wall:

Step 1: Open the Gate with Depulso

  • Approach the locked metal gate and target the rotating mechanism to its left.

  • Cast Depulso to blast the mechanism, opening the gate.

Pass through the now-opened gate into the small courtyard.

Step 2: Levitate the Crate into Position with Wingardium Leviosa

  • Examine the tall stone wall and locate a medium-sized wooden crate on the ground.

  • Cast Wingardium Leviosa on the crate, levitating it upward and toward the wall.

  • Carefully position the floating crate directly under the lowest point of the wall.

Step 3: Keep the Crate Elevated with Levioso

  • Do NOT continue using Wingardium Leviosa. Instead, cast Levioso on the crate.

  • Levioso will keep the crate suspended in place without needing to manually rotate it.

Step 4: Climb the Levitating Crate and Wall

  • With the crate securely levitating under the wall, jump atop it.

  • From the crate, leap upward to grab the ledge of the wall. Pull yourself up.

  • You‘ve now ascended the wall and unlocked access to the upper battlements!

Helpful Tips to Master the Climb

Don‘t be discouraged if this multi-spell challenge takes a few tries. Here are some tips to master the Rear Keep ascent:

  • Practice levitation spells – Wingardium Leviosa and Levioso handle objects differently. Familiarize yourself with their nuances in low-stakes areas first.

  • Increase Stamina – Levioso especially taxes Stamina. Earn more at the Training Grounds to extend duration.

  • Come back later if needed – Higher Magic levels make levitation and climbing easier. Return when you‘ve gained more XP if struggling.

  • Precisely position the crate – Placement must be flawless to easily climb up. Take it slow.

  • Quicksave often – Don‘t lose progress if you fall! Quicksave at each new milestone.

With the right levitation skills and persistence, these battlements will be no match for your burgeoning magical talents. The rewards at the top make it all worthwhile.

What Awaits at the Top of the Rear Keep?

Once you‘ve scaled the stone walls, here‘s what you‘ll find waiting on the Rear Keep battlements:

  • Owls‘ Roost fast travel point – Unlock this high tower perch to quickly return anytime.

  • Iconic views – Gaze across the lake, Forest, and mountains from this panoramic vantage.

  • Transfiguration access – Enter the classroom you climbed above to attend lectures.

  • Secrets? – Rumors hint at treasures hidden in nooks along the ancient battlements…

Further Reading on Hogwarts Legacy Climbing Locations

Now that you‘ve conquered the Rear Keep ascent, test your skills on these other challenging climbing spots across Hogwarts castle and grounds:

With the right mix of spells, gear, and gumption, the dizzying heights of Hogwarts are yours for the taking! Let me know in the comments if you have any other tower climbing tips and successes to share. I hope this guide serves you well on the path to mastering the Rear Keep ascent.