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What Does “Clear Cache” Mean on TikTok?

In this comprehensive 2,300+ word guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about clearing cache on TikTok.

You’ll learn what cache is, why TikTok uses it, the benefits of clearing it, step-by-step instructions, and answers to frequently asked questions. Whether you’re an avid TikTok user or just getting started, understanding cache can help you optimize the platform.

Let’s do this!

Defining Cache in General and for TikTok Specifically

Cache refers to temporary app data stored locally on your device. The purpose of cache is to allow apps to load faster by keeping some information readily available rather than needing to fetch or re-compute it each time.

What type of data makes up cache depends on the app. When it comes to TikTok specifically, cached data includes:

  • User interface elements for faster loading
  • Details about videos previously watched
  • Your feed preferences and settings
  • Other TikTok data that enables quick launch speeds

Without cache, TikTok would need to re-download your profile information, video watch history, and UI elements every time you launched the app.

As you can imagine, that would result in a very sluggish experience!

So in summary, TikTok leverages cache to optimize performance. This temporary app data makes elements load faster.

How Large is Typical TikTok Cache Size?

On average, TikTok cache ranges from 150-300+ MB depending on usage frequency. For context:

  • Moderate users have ~150-200 MB cache
  • Very active users cache from 250-350+ MB

Cache size also depends partially on the length of videos you view. Watching longer videos results in heftier temporary usage files.

Now what does clearing this TikTok cache actually accomplish? Let’s explore that next.

Benefits of Clearing Cache on TikTok

Manually deleting the TikTok cache clears out these temporary app files to achieve two main benefits:

1. Frees Up Significant Device Storage

Over time, TikTok cache can occupy a meaningful chunk of your total storage capacity. For example:

  • iPhone 13 = 128GB total capacity
  • TikTok cache = 250 MB

In this scenario, clearing the TikTok cache frees up ~0.2% of your total device storage.

While this may not seem like much, every little bit counts if you‘re running low on free space for photos, videos, etc.

2. Refreshes Your TikTok Experience

Wiping the TikTok cache also resets app data tied to your preferences and watch history. This allows TikTok to rebuild your profile and recommendations from scratch.

So if your For You feed seems repetitive or you want to recalibrate suggestions, clearing cache can help provide a refreshed TikTok experience.

For most users aiming to optimize storage or fix app issues, clearing cache once every few weeks makes sense. Now let’s see exactly how to do it.

Step-by-Step Instructions to Clear Cache on TikTok

You have two options for clearing TikTok cache – directly within the mobile app, or via your device settings.

Approach #1: Clear Cache Internally Within TikTok

Here is the process for clearing cache using TikTok’s built-in “Clear Cache” functionality:

  1. Open TikTok and tap your profile icon in bottom right
  2. Tap the three-dot menu icon in top right corner
  3. Select “Cache and cellular data”
  4. Tap “Clear Cache” (displays size of cache too)

Once tapped, TikTok cache will be deleted automatically. Expect a few seconds of load time.

You may need to log back into TikTok post-cache clearing. Don’t worry, none of your actual TikTok data is impacted.

Approach #2: Leverage Device Settings

Alternatively, you can clear cache via your device’s app settings:

On Android Phones and Tablets:

  • Go to Settings > Apps > TikTok > Storage > Clear Cache

On iPhones or iPads:

  • Fully delete then reinstall the TikTok app (this automatically clears cache)

While the TikTok built-in method works for most, troubleshooting issues can warrant checking cache via your device settings as well.

Does Clearing Cache Delete TikTok Videos/Drafts?

This is arguably the biggest concern around wiping cache – will it erase videos or other TikTok data?

The answer is no. Rest assured that clearing the cache DOES NOT delete or affect:

  • Your regular TikTok videos – remain posted
  • Draft videos – remain fully intact
  • Liked videos list – unaffected
  • Profile details – remain the same

The ONLY data deleted when clearing TikTok cache is temporary usage data, like video watch history. Your main account information and content persists safely.

So you can confidently clear cache without worrying about losing anything meaningful!

How Does Clearing Cache Impact TikTok Performance?

You will notice two small impacts immediately after wiping TikTok’s temporary data:

Slower Initial Open Time

Expect TikTok to launch a bit more slowly the very first time post-cache clearing. This makes sense since the app needs to re-download your profile information versus loading instantly from cache.

But we’re talking just a few extra seconds here. Performance rebounds quickly.

Forced Log Out

Chances are you’ll need log back into TikTok after clearing cache. This login requirement is normal.

Closing and reopening the app triggers the login prompt. Again, no actual TikTok data is lost in this process.

Does Clearing Other App Cache Help Too?

If device storage space remains limited after clearing TikTok cache, remember to check other apps as well!

The best candidates for cache clearing include:

  • Facebook: Images and videos can quickly bloat cache
  • Chrome: Web page data gets temporarily stored
  • YouTube: Video streaming sites cache tons of data
  • Gaming Apps: Large files for quick access

Review the cache size details provided in your device settings to identify prime targets for freeing up capacity.

Every little bit of cleared app cache can contribute to solving storage limitations.

Key Takeaways and Recommendations

Clearing the TikTok cache provides an easy and safe way to regain device storage and refresh your experience. Let’s review some final best practices:

  • Check current cache size first before blindly clearing
  • Clear cache every 2-4 weeks for moderate-to-heavy TikTok users
  • Be prepared to log back in after clearing
  • Leverage both in-app and device settings for comprehensive cache deletion

I hope this complete guide answers all your questions around clearing cache on TikTok. Remember—it predominantly deletes temporary data only. Your key account information persists safely even after wiping the TikTok cache multiple times.

So use this functionality freely to unlock storage and troubleshoot issues! Let me know if any other TikTok questions come up.