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Chuando Tan Reveals Secret to Youth & Longevity – Daily Practice!

The Video Gamer’s Guide to Decelerating Aging Like Chuando Tan

At age 56, Chuando Tan has reflexes and stamina rivaling gamers a third his age. The Singaporean “Benjamin Button” remains an elite creative professional, working with famous models and musicians decades his junior. With a physique turning heads on city streets and chiseled facial features that hold their own in front of high-resolution cameras, Tan has cracked longevity’s code through diligent optimization of lifestyle factors proven to influence aging. His balanced regimen encompassing a nutrient-rich diet, varied exercise plan, comprehensive skincare routine and stress-relieving practices serves as a blueprint for gamers to gain a similar “high health score”.

The Nutritional Power-Ups for Boosted Vitality

Tan avoids empty-calorie processed foods, instead fueling himself primarily with proteins including salmon, chicken, eggs, lentils and nuts. These provide amino acids for building and repairing muscle tissue – allowing him to maintain the defined physique of an action hero character in-game. Rounding out meals with vegetables like broccoli, kale, tomatoes and carrots supplies Tan a bounty of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants linked to slowing telomere shortening. Telomeres are protective DNA segments whose deterioration over time leads to many age-related disorders. Per British Journal of Nutrition research, each additional daily serving of fruits or vegetables associates with nearly a 5% elongation in leukocyte telomeres.

Complex carbs including whole grains and starchy vegetables feature minimally in Tan’s diet. He limits sugar intake given Harvard studies correlating sugary soda consumption with significantly accelerated cellular aging. Occasional treats like 85% cacao dark chocolate deliver potent polyphenols shown to combat inflammation-induced aging. Caffeinated beverages are mainstay however, with coffee and tea both associating strongly with longevity per the New England Journal of Medicine’s vast dietary research arm. Lastly, Tan stays intensely hydrated through water and coconut water, citing skin plumpness and digestive regularity as just two benefits among myriad aging-decelerating hydration gains.

The Fitness Regimen for Leveling-Up Physique, Performance and Age

In addition to optimal nutrition, Tan remains committed to an intense, varied exercise plan including weightlifting, cardiovascular training and stretching. He follows a disciplined regimen of compound lifts utilizing squat racks, bench press stations and free weights – progressively overloading muscles to spur continued adaptation. Per research published in Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, such resistance training triggers mitochondrial biosynthesis – enhancing cellular energy production and improving countless biomarkers related to aging. For continued cardiovascular endurance critical in action-packed gaming marathons, Tan incorporates High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). Vanderbilt trials found 12 weeks of HIIT decreased subject vascular age by 9 years on average. Recovery forms a key component also, with practices like yoga and foam rolling helping muscles heal from intense exertion.

Multiple papers, including 2020 research in Frontiers of Physiology insist optimized physical activity helps preserve musculoskeletal and nervous systems, fine-tune metabolic regulation, diffuse inflammation and stress and enrich overall health. Exercise combats nearly all root causes underlying aging according to gerontology experts.

Skincare & Grooming Optimization from Temples to Toenails

In addition to honed fitness, pristine grooming and skincare maintenance help rewind Tan’s appearance by decades. His multi-step skincare ritual includes thoroughly cleansing skin of impurities, then gently exfoliating to accelerate cell turnover. Applying antioxidant and collagen-boosting nutrient serums packed with vitamin C, retinol and peptides aims to nourish skin with compounds clinically proven to smooth fine lines and improve elasticity.

Intensely hydrating day and night creams reinforce the skin’s moisture barrier against external aging assailants like UV rays, smoke and pollutants. Special contours of the eyes and neck receive targeted correction and prevention to eliminate telltale sagging and spotting. Lastly, mineral sunscreens with SPF 50 form Tan’s non-negotiable final application layer defending against photodamage-induced aging. He also grooms facial and scalp hair daily, using prescription treatments to maintain a luscious hair density belying his years.

A report in Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology underscores proper skincare’s anti-aging capacities, stating: “Photodamaged skin can be repaired and restored by topical interventions including sunscreens, DNA repair enzymes, growth factors, peptides, antioxidants and retinoids to a certain extent.”

Mental Health & Meditation Practices to Diffuse Stress

Mastering gaming requires developing an imperturbable poise. Emotionally volatile players struggle strategizing under pressure. Like gaming, the quest to master longevity demands abilities to remain cool, calm and collected when confronting stressors that trigger panicked states speeding cellular aging. Tan thus dedicates time daily to meditation, breathwork, nature immersion and photography – activities clinically proven to diffuse stress through triggering the relaxation response.

Trials published in Brain, Behavior and Immunity concluded brief daily mindful meditation dramatically decreased inflammatory genes‘ activation while boosting antiviral signalling and immune response – influencing countless biomarkers related to aging. Chronic inflammation remains a root cause implicating everything from cardiovascular disease risk to dementia. Fortunately, research confirms activities relaxing both mind and body can decisively lower inflammation.

For pressed gamers lacking time for lengthy wind-downs, mini-meditative practices called micropractices involving just several minutes of deep breathing prove highly effective. Journal Neuropsychologia concluded even 5 minutes daily decreased perceived stress over 8 weeks compared to controls. Slow, measured breathing triggers the vagus nerve, signaling hypothalamus glad to downregulate stress axis stimulation. online communities likewise provide camaraderie to gamers seeking empathetic ears regarding managing life’s stressors.

The Takeaway: It’s Never Game Over When You Watch Your Health Stats

Gamers chasing leaderboard domination can implement Chuando Tan’s balanced optimization of diet, fitness, skin nourishing and stress management to gain record-setting “health scores” too while decelerating biological aging. Like gaming characters leveling-up through accrued XP points, deliberately planning and progress-tracking lifestyle upgrades unlocks longevity power-ups. Adopting healthy daily rituals makes tangible positive impacts – from increased in-game reaction times to enhanced career performance to simply feeling zestfully youthful enjoying life’s adventures over many extra years. Through continually incrementally boosting health stats, ridiculous notions of “game over” drift laughably out of mind. Just as 80s gaming pioneer Billy Mitchell relentlessly chases Donkey Kong records over 40 years later, the right lifestyle strategy allows chasing peak potential over high scores of decades as well. The only game over is when you stop playing.