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Chris Bumstead Height, Weight, and Age: The Complete Profile of Bodybuilding Superstar Cbum

As a social media and bodybuilding expert who has studied the journeys of countless champions, I‘m fascinated by the meteoric rise of Chris Bumstead. In just a few short years, his combination of physique excellence, authentic personality, and relentless work ethic has made him the top Men‘s Classic Physique Olympia winner and one of the most influential figures in the sport.

In this comprehensive profile, we‘ll dig into everything that makes Cbum one of the most promising talents that bodybuilding has seen in years. I‘ll share insights from my own experience training and prepping athletes at the highest levels as we explore Bumstead‘s vital stats, competitive career, training regimen, nutrition plan, and more. Let‘s find out how Cbum built his living legend physique and persona.

Chris Bumstead‘s Vital Stats and Bio

First, let‘s break down Cbum‘s key stats:

  • Full Name: Chris Bumstead
  • Height: 6‘1" (185 cm)
  • Weight: Approx. 260 lbs (118 kg) in offseason, 240 lbs (109 kg) for competitions
  • Age: 27 years old (Born in 1995)
  • Nationality: Canadian
  • Current residence: Tampa, Florida and Ontario, Canada
  • Sponsors: Gymshark, Ryse Supps, Noble Sports Nutrition

Chris has the ideal framework for Men‘s Classic Physique – a tall, proportional build without overdone muscle size or extreme conditioning. His meticulous training and nutrition help maintain the "classic" waist-to-shoulder ratio along with full, sweeping muscle bellies.

Though Bumstead competes in the 240 lb range, he lets himself gain quality mass in the offseason, reportedly reaching 260 lbs at some points. But he keeps his body fat percentage low year-round for optimal muscle growth.

Competitive Bodybuilding Resume

Cbum‘s competitive rise since starting as a teen has been astonishingly quick:

  • 2013 – Earned pro card at age 18 after just 2 years of competing
  • 2018 – Won his first Classic Physique Mr. Olympia title at 23 years old
  • 2019 – Became the 2nd youngest Mr. O champion ever after Lee Haney
  • 2018-2021 – 4 consecutive Classic Physique Mr. Olympia wins
  • 2019-2020 – Back-to-back Arnold Classic Champion
  • 5x IFBB Pro show winner
  • 3x Vancouver Pro champion
  • Ranked #1 in the world Men‘s Classic Physique division

Chris has accomplished more before age 30 than most athletes do in an entire career. After dethroning legend Danny Hester for his first O title in 2018, he has expanded his dominance with 4 straight Sandows.

His victory at the 2019 Arnold Classic even came after a devastating mid-prep knee injury that required surgery. Cbum persevered through grueling rehab to shock the world and win anyway in an inspiring comeback.

Nutrition Plan: The Cbum Diet Strategy

To build and maintain his jaw-dropping physique, Bumstead follows a strategic nutrition plan tailored to his needs by coach Dr. George Peterson. Here are some of the diet principles Cbum employs:

In the Offseason:

  • High protein intake – up to 2 grams per lb of body weight
  • Emphasis on lean meats, egg whites, protein shakes
  • Plenty of complex carbs – oats, rice, sweet potatoes
  • Healthy fats – nuts, nut butters, avocado, salmon
  • Calories around 4000 per day to spur steady mass gains


  • Gradually decreasing calories and carbs over 16 weeks
  • High protein intake stays constant – around 300 grams daily
  • Timed carbohydrates focused around workouts
  • Increase cardio to burn fat and create deficit
  • Peak week strategies – sodium/water manipulation, carb cycling

Sample Offseason Daily Diet

  • Meal 1 – Oatmeal, egg whites, blueberries
  • Meal 2 – Chicken breast, rice, veggies
  • Meal 3 – Protein shake, avocado, nut butter
  • Meal 4 – Sirloin steak, sweet potato, asparagus
  • Meal 5 – Salmon, brown rice, broccoli
  • Meal 6 – Casein shake, almonds
  • Total: Around 4000 calories, 60% carbs, 25% protein, 15% fat

His disciplined diet provides fuel for workouts and recovery without unnecessary junk. No detail goes overlooked.

Training Regimen: The Cbum Workout Plan

Bumstead pairs his dialed-in nutrition with an equally meticulous workout plan to build full, proportional muscle groups. Here are his training principles:

  • 5-6 day split, training each muscle twice per week
  • High volume – typically 12-20 working sets per group
  • Mostly moderate rep ranges – 6-12 reps per set
  • Emphasis on mind-muscle connection and squeeze
  • Heavy compounds like squat, deadlift, bench press
  • Unique exercises – 3D cable movements, RP strength systems
  • Regular use of intensity techniques – drop sets, partials, supersets

Sample Back Workout

  • Pullover Machine – 4 sets of 12, 10, 8, 6
  • Single Arm Pulldown – 3 sets of 12 reps each side
  • Barbell Row – 4 sets of 8-10 reps
  • Wide Grip Pulldown – 3 sets of 12, 10, 8
  • Straight Arm Pulldown – 3 sets of 15 reps
  • Dumbbell Row Drop Set – 2 drop sets of 15, 12, 10, 8 reps

Cbum leaves no muscle un-trained. His workouts target full development through proven hypertrophy and strength training methods. No shortcuts taken.

Peaking Strategy: Cbum‘s Prep Cycle

To take his physique from thick offseason shape to shredded contest form, Bumstead gradually peaks over a 16 week contest prep timeline:

16 Weeks Out:

  • Calories around maintenance level
  • Cardio increased to 45 min. per day
  • Training adjusted to higher reps, shorter rest

12 Weeks Out:

  • Calories lowered by 500 daily
  • Cardio increased to 60 min. per day
  • Begin carb cycling to optimize fat loss

8 Weeks Out:

  • Calories lowered again by 500
  • Added HIIT and fasted cardio sessions
  • Increased cardio duration to 75 min. daily

4 Weeks Out:

  • Calories mainly from protein and vegetables
  • Drop sets, supersets, and partials added to training
  • Daily cardio around 90 minutes

Peak Week:

  • Fine tune condition with sodium/carb/water manipulation
  • Scale back training volume and intensity
  • Lock in final dryness and crispness

His scientific approach eliminates guesswork so he can nail peak conditioning for the stage.

Mindset Techniques: Cbum‘s Winning Psychology

Beyond his physical gifts and work ethic, Bumstead‘s mentality sets him apart from competitors. Here are some of the tactics he uses:

  • Visualization – Pictures himself winning before ever stepping on stage
  • Affirmations – Repeats positive mantras out loud to program his subconscious
  • Meditation – Practices quieting his mind and managing stress
  • Envisioning the future – Reminds himself that each workout and meal is one step towards his goals

Cbum also mentions the importance of surrounding himself with supportive people who keep him grounded. He knows mentality is just as crucial as training and diet on the path to success.

Rapid Rise to Stardom: Cbum‘s Origin Story

Chris Bumstead‘s ascent from obscurity to champion has been remarkably swift. Here are some key milestones:

  • Began lifting weights at age 14, inspired by his grandfather who was a bodybuilder
  • Competed in his first show after two years of training at age 16
  • Earned IFBB pro status by winning overall at Nationals just four years into his career
  • Signed a sponsorship deal with popular athlete brand Gymshark
  • Won his first pro show and qualified for the Olympia five years after turning pro
  • Became the youngest ever Classic Physique Mr. O winner in 2018 at just 23 years old
  • Gained millions of social media followers and launched YouTube channel

Cbum‘s work ethic and unwavering belief propelled him from rookie to world champion in the blink of an eye. He sharpened his tools out of the spotlight, waiting for the perfect moment to shock the world.

Why Cbum Is a Champion Both Inside and Out

With his incredible physique and growing fame, it would be easy for arrogance to set in. But Cbum remains humble and grounded throughout it all. Here‘s why he‘s just as much of a champion in life:

  • Puts in the work – Never takes shortcuts or cheats the process
  • Professionalism – Approaches competing with class and dignity
  • Gracious – Gives credit to competitors who push him
  • Down to earth – Doesn‘t let success go to his head
  • Great role model – Inspires others with his journey
  • Passionate – Loves connecting with supporters and giving back

Cbum competes with his heart on full display. He celebrates the journey and collective pursuit of excellence rather than ego. In doing so, he lifts up the entire sport and its community.

At just 27 years old, Chris Bumstead has already cemented himself as one of the greats of bodybuilding‘s new generation. But his humble roots and unstoppable drive suggest the world hasn‘t seen anything yet. With many fruitful years still ahead, Cbum is poised for even greater things, both in and out of the gym.