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How to Fix Chat Heads Not Showing on Messenger

Messenger is one of the most popular messaging apps, with over 1.3 billion monthly active users. The app‘s Chat Heads feature provides a convenient way to view and respond to messages without leaving your current app. However, many users report problems getting Chat Heads to show up properly.

In this comprehensive troubleshooting guide, you‘ll learn how to fix issues with Chat Heads not appearing, not working, or going missing on both Android and iOS devices.

Why Chat Heads Matter

Chat Heads provide a floating bubble overlay that pops up when you receive a new message. You can view and respond directly without needing to open the Messenger app.

This allows you to seamlessly multitask and chat while gaming, browsing, or using other apps. No more getting pulled out of your flow!

According to Facebook, over 500 million messages are sent between people and businesses daily on Messenger. With engagement this high, having a smooth messaging experience is critical.

Alternative apps like WhatsApp and Telegram have similar "chat bubble" style notifications. But Messenger‘s Chat Heads lead the way in providing a lightweight and non-disruptive alert system.

Troubleshooting Missing or Non-Working Chat Heads

If you aren‘t seeing Chat Heads appear when new messages arrive, here are the top issues to check:

Confirm Chat Heads Setting is Enabled

The most common reason Chat Heads don‘t show is because you don‘t have the feature enabled. Go to your Messenger settings and turn on "Chat Heads" under the Notification section.

Allow Messenger to Float Over Other Apps

In your device settings, check that Messenger has permission to "Appear on Top" of other apps. This allows the Chat Head overlay to float above your current app.

On Android, go to:

Settings > Apps > Messenger > Advanced > Appear on top

And on iPhone:

Settings > Messenger > Allow on Lock Screen + Notification Center

Open a Chat Head from an Existing Chat

Sometimes Chat Heads need a manual trigger to start working properly. Open any message thread in Messenger, long press the profile icon, and select "Open Chat Head."

Update the Messenger App

An outdated version of the app could be preventing Chat Heads from working correctly. Check the Play Store or App Store for any available updates and install the latest Messenger version.

Restart Your Device

If all else fails, do a quick device reboot. This will clear any software glitches preventing Chat Heads from loading.

Best Practices for Managing Chat Heads

While having Chat Heads active can be useful, some users may find the constant notifications disruptive. Here are some tips for managing heads effectively:

  • Customize visibility – Control which conversations show as Chat Heads via the individual thread settings.

  • Limit heads to priority chats – You can choose to only enable heads for your VIP contacts.

  • Use alternative alerts – Try notification dots or pop-ups instead of floating heads.

  • Set Messenger to Sleep – Prevent heads overnight by enabling sleep mode.

Take Control of Your Messaging Experience

Chat Heads provide a great way to stay connected, when they work properly! With the troubleshooting steps in this guide, you can get Messenger‘s heads up and running smoothly again on both mobile operating systems.

Let us know if you have any other tips and tricks for customizing Chat Heads to suit your preferences. Messaging should work for you – not the other way around. So take control and optimize your Messenger experience.