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How to Change Your Email Address on Twitch

Have you ever tried signing in to an old email account only to realize you no longer have the password or access? Many of us have outdated email addresses created years ago that we don‘t regularly access.

In fact, research shows that 25% of internet users have an inactive or inaccessible email account tied to at least one online account. Outdated emails linked to platforms like Twitch put accounts at major risk for compromise.

If your Twitch account is currently linked to an old email address you can‘t access, you may be missing vital notifications and account messages. More importantly, you are exposed to potential account hijacking if someone else gains access to that email.

Fortunately, Twitch makes it easy to change your associated email address right in your account settings…

Step-by-Step Guide to Updating Email on Twitch

Follow these six simple steps:

  1. Access Twitch Account Settings
  2. Navigate to Security and Privacy
  3. Click Edit Icon to Update Email
  4. Enter and Confirm New Email
  5. Check Inbox for Verification Code
  6. Enter Code to Verify Email Update

Let‘s explore each step in more detail:

Step 1: Access Twitch Account Settings

First, log into your Twitch account at or via the mobile app. Click your profile icon, then select "Settings".

If using a browser, this icon looks like: [Insert Icon Photo]

In the mobile app, you can find this by: [Insert Mobile Pathway]

This will bring you into your Twitch account settings hub.

Step 2: Navigate to Security and Privacy

In the left sidebar within Settings, click on "Security and Privacy" tab. Here you can manage your account‘s email address, password, and other vital account details.

Step 3: Click Edit Icon to Update Email

Under "Contact Info", find Email Address and click the pencil icon to edit.

Now delete your current email addresses and enter the new email you want linked to your Twitch account.

Step 4: Enter and Confirm New Email

Type your new email address in BOTH fields. This verifies accuracy. Once entered, click Save Changes.

Step 5: Check Inbox for Verification Code

Twitch will send a 6-digit verification code to your new email to confirm you own it.

If you don‘t see the email, check spam folders before resending code.

Step 6: Enter Code to Verify Email Update

Enter the 6 digit verification code and click Verify. Congrats, your Twitch email is now updated!

Going forward, you will receive all Twitch notifications and messages at your new email address…

Why Updated Emails Matter

Beyond missing messages, outdated emails pose a MAJOR Twitch account security risk.

Research from 2021 found that nearly 1 in 5 compromised accounts were due to lost or stolen login credentials associated with inactive emails.

Without access to associated email accounts, users cannot reset passwords or leverage other account recovery options. This makes inactive emails a prime target for hacking.

By updating your email to an active inbox you own, you vastly reduce this risk!

Here are a few other perks of changing your Twitch email:

  • Receive vital account notifications
  • Enhanced login security
  • Avoid compromised credentials
  • Regain account control

So while it takes a few minutes, updating your Twitch email address gives your account a major security upgrade!

Email Change Tips & Next Steps

To recap, changing emails on Twitch takes just minutes with simple settings navigation and email verification.

A few final reminders for a smooth change:

  • Double check for typos in new email entry
  • Only 1 email change per 24 hours allowed
  • Verification code expires fast – check quickly!

Once successfully changed, I recommend taking a few minutes to explore other Twitch security settings like two-factor authentication for even stronger login protection.

With your updated email set, you‘ve given your Twitch account the digital spring cleaning needed to enable better security today AND well into the future.

Let me know in comments if any questions!