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Master Guide: How to Easily Change Servers in Genshin Impact

As a long-time player and expert on all things Genshin Impact, one question I hear constantly is "How do I switch to a different server?"

Friends getting into GI want to join your world for co-op adventures. Or maybe you started playing solo but now find friends on another server. Perhaps you simply wish to benefit from lower ping on a closer server.

Whatever the reason, changing servers is easy and safe if you understand the basics. This definitive guide has you covered, so let‘s get right into it!

Why It Matters Which Server You‘re On

Before learning how to change servers in Genshin, it‘s important to understand why you might want to switch in the first place…

Enabling Co-op Play

Being on the same server is mandatory for joining up with friends in GI‘s online co-op mode. If you‘re on Asia while your friend is on America, connecting in-game for some questing simply won‘t work. You‘ll both stare longingly at your Friends lists wondering why you can‘t match up!

So if you want to explore Teyvat together, synchronized servers are a must.

Reducing Latency and Lag

Servers also have a major impact on your ping, latency, and overall gameplay performance. Picking one close to your geographic region results in buttery-smooth controls free of vexing lag. Players stuck on distant servers often deal with disruptive glitches like:

  • Delayed attack inputs
  • Choppy frame rates while sprinting
  • Frozen screens mid-combat

No one wants to battle challenging weekly bosses while rubber-banding across the arena! Selecting a local server keeps your adventures running flawlessly.

In summary:

  • Join friends for online co-op on the same server
  • Minimize lag by choosing the server closest to you

Now let‘s get you switched over…

Step-By-Step Guide to Changing Servers in Genshin

The process is actually quite simple and only takes a moment. Just follow these steps:

Step 1 – Launch Genshin Impact

First, boot up GI on your platform of choice (PC, mobile, etc). Once the main menu loads, look in the upper-right corner to see which server you‘re currently on.

Step 2 – Click on Your Current Server

This brings up a dropdown displaying all available server options to switch between:

  • America
  • Europe
  • Asia
  • Taiwan/Hong Kong/Macau

Step 3 – Select Your New Preferred Server

Choose whichever server you wish to migrate to from the list. For example, if you wish to group up with a friend happily adventuring on the Asia server, you would select Asia at this step.

Step 4 – Confirm the Server Change

A popup appears stating "Data will not be shared across servers." This simply indicates progress does not carry over when changing servers.

Your adventure rank, unlocked characters, inventory items, and everything else resets back to zero on the new server only. And don‘t worry – no data or progress is ever deleted from the original server.

Think of it like selecting a fresh save file rather than deleting your old one. So rest assured that hundreds of hours of effort remains intact should you ever switch back!

Go ahead and click Confirm to finalize the server change once you‘ve chosen your new home. The game briefly reloads, and voila – welcome to your new server!

See, I told you switching was quick and painless!

Which Server Should You Actually Play On?

When coordinating with friends online, obviously select whichever server they are already playing on to team up immediately.

But for solo players wondering which server generally offers the best experience, choose the one closest to your geographic region:

  • America Server if located in North/South America
  • Europe Server if located in Europe or thereabouts
  • Asia Server if located in Asia or Oceanic regions
  • Taiwan/Hong Kong/Macau Server if located in those areas

Playing on a local server provides significantly better performance by keeping ping under 80ms. This graph shows average latency from various locations:

[infographic showing latency measurements by region]

As you can see, connecting to distant servers means a spike in delay-inducing lag. Local servers yield optimal results.

Convincing Friends to Switch Servers Instead

What if you‘ve already sunk hundreds of hours into your Asia account but a novice friend starts playing on Europe? Rather than abandoning your robust roster to restart from scratch, convince them to select the Asia server at the start of their adventure! This prevents anyone‘s progress from resetting.

Veteran Travelers have significant clout to request server changes from Newcomers. Wield your higher AR ranking wisely! Remind fresh-faced recruits that server picks can‘t be altered down the road.

Parting Words of Server-Switching Wisdom

Changing Genshin Impact servers takes only minutes while protecting all existing progress. Follow the steps above to unite with friends globally or optimize your solo experience.

The key lessons around server switching:

  • Match friends‘ servers to enable online co-op
  • Pick servers close to your region for performance
  • Old server progress remains completely intact

Now who‘s ready to embark on new adventures? With the server migration tips and facts above, you have all the knowledge needed to hop servers and unlock thrilling new in-game possibilities.

The time has come – switch servers worry-free and let the co-op good times roll! Your Teyvat allies await.

Further Reading

Recover Your Genshin Account Guide
300+ Good Usernames for Genshin