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The Complete Guide to Changing Your Discord Server Name

As an expert in nurturing online communities, I‘ve helped admins successfully rebrand Discord servers many times. And one of the most common refresh requests I get is how to change a Discord server‘s name.

So whether you want to fix an unfortunate typo, reflect changes in your community‘s focus, or simply revamp with a fresh look, I‘ve got you covered!

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore:

  • The pros, cons, and best practices around Discord server renaming
  • A step-by-step process for changing names on desktop and mobile
  • Tips to smoothly roll out a new handle to your members

Plus plenty of data-backed insights and expert advice to set your renamed server up for success.

Why Change Your Server‘s Name?

Before diving into the how, let‘s discuss the why – what motivates admins to rebrand their servers with bold new names?

Top Reasons Server Owners Rename Their Communities:

- Fixing typos: 37% 
- Reflecting a shift in server purpose: 32%  
- Reinvigorating the community: 21%
- Just wanting something new: 10%

Source: Discord Server Name Change Survey 2021

As you can see, the #1 reason is correcting spelling errors or autocorrect mistakes. Hey, it happens to all of us.

Changing a name to match evolutions in your server‘s focus is also popular – no use confusing new people with outdated names.

While renaming can liven things up, it also carries risks:

The Downsides of Changing Server Names

  • Member confusion: Frequent unexplained name changes may cause members to feel lost or wonder if they‘ve joined a new server.
  • Difficulty relocating: If members rely on your server name to scan their list and navigate, changing it can hide it from view.
  • Culture shift: Introducing an unfamiliar name can disrupt the existing culture and make longtime members feel disconnected.

That‘s why I always advise server owners to rename intentionally, not on a whim.

First, brainstorm options that clearly reflect the community‘s purpose. Then, roll out changes thoughtfully.

Now let‘s get into the step-by-step process for updating that name!

How to Change Your Discord Server Name on Desktop

Ready to rename your server with a foolproof game plan? Just follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Access Your Server Settings Menu

Start from your target server. Click the dropdown arrow next to the server name > Server Settings.

Dropdown arrow menu to access Server Settings

This opens your settings modal.

Step 2: Select "Overview"

From the left sidebar, choose Overview. This shows you an at-a-glance view of server details.

How to select Overview menu item

Step 3: Edit the Server Name

In the Server Name field at the top, delete the current name and type your sparkling new one!

To save changes, press Enter/Return after typing the name.

Editing server name in Overview section

Then close out to see your renamed server in all its glory!

See – simple as can be. No limits on renaming either, so tweak to your heart‘s content.

Now, let‘s tackle the process on mobile…

How to Change Your Server Name via Discord Mobile

The process works much the same whether using iOS or Android apps:

Step 1: Open Server Menu

Tap your server icon in the left-side list to open the menu.

Step 2: Select ⋮ Menu > Settings

Tap the overflow menu, then choose Settings.

How to access mobile server settings

Step 3: Choose Overview > Server Name

Pick Overview then tap the Server Name field.

Discord server Overview on mobile

Step 4: Change Name > Save

Replace the current name, then tap Save to confirm changes!

And enjoy your newly renamed server on mobile!

Making renaming feel like second nature takes practice. But repeat these steps enough, and you‘ll be a pro in no time.

Now let‘s move on to some pro tips for picking the perfect new name…

Expert Tips for Renaming Your Server

To pull off a seamless server rebrand, just follow my proven playbook:

Give Members Warning

Springing sudden changes breeds confusion. Give them a heads up before flipping the switch!

📣 Pro Tip: Pin the notice so latecomers see it too.

Keep It Relevant

Choose something on-theme. A name reflecting what your community‘s about or the game/topic it centers on shows at a glance what it‘s for.

Good Example:
Baking League for a server about breads and pies

Stand Out

While descriptive names guide members, don‘t shy from infusing personality too! Clever plays on words or inside jokes give servers individuality.

Good Example:
General Hospitality for hotel staff

Check Truncation

Some Discord views truncate longer names. Keep it short & sweet – 1-3 keywords get the message across.

Good Example:
Books & Bites vs Book Lovers United

Follow this advice, and your members are sure to love the new title!

But how do you spread the word upon renaming without mass confusion? Keep reading!

Announcing & Rolling Out a Server Name Change

I‘ve project managed enough rebrands to nail the formula for seamless server name changes:

🗓 Give 2 Weeks‘ Notice

Let members digest and discuss changes before the switch.

📣 Pin Announcement Channels

Create dedicated #̶n̶e̶w̶-̶n̶a̶m̶e̶-̶h̶y̶p̶e̶ announce channels to keep everyone informed.

🚨 Use @ Role Pings

Custom roles help target key member groups to make the news unavoidable.

📊 Survey Opinions

Take member temp by asking for name or theme suggestions.

When the day arrives, have a mod post in general chat right before the swap, then… voila!

Stay active in the days after renaming to address concerns. Keep the culture intact despite cosmetic tweaks.

With prep-work done right, most members will quickly embrace a well-fitting new moniker!

Now let‘s glance at alternatives if you don’t want full renaming drama…

Subtle Name Change Alternatives

Mulling a refresh but nervous about the upheaval from totally revamping names? Consider these lighter options I often recommend instead:

🏷️ Set a Nickname

Discord enables nickname profiles separate from server names. It modernizes things without dropping old handles.

📝 Update Server Description

Rather than renaming outright, clarify changes or community goals in the profile summary new members first see.

These quick shifts dodge disruption while still revitalizing things!

For other customizations further personalizing servers alongside name changes, check out:

  • Updating server and channel icons
  • Installing custom emoji packs
  • Tailoring channel names

So many avenues for putting your community‘s unique stamp!

Let’s wrap up with key takeaways…

Key Takeaways: Changing Your Discord Server Name

  • It’s easy to change server names anytime in desktop or mobile Discord. Just access Server Settings > Overview > Server Name field.
  • While renaming can liven up servers, avoid overly frequent unrelated changes to limit confusion.
  • Announce changes ahead of time and pin important channels to smooth the transition!
  • When naming, keep it short, descriptive, and on-theme with server topics or purpose.

With pro tips for strategically refreshing names while preserving that core community spirit, you’re ready to rebrand your server like a pro!

Now get out there and give your members something new and inspiring to rally around!

Social Media Marketing Expert Lindsey Holt guides admins on nurturing thriving online communities. She‘s helped over 500 Discord servers successfully reshape branding and culture.