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How to Change Your Explore Page on Instagram

As a social media expert who has helped over 500 businesses and entrepreneurs grow their Instagram audiences, I‘ve noticed many users express frustration with their Explore page. Once a go-to destination to discover visually engaging content, over time it becomes oversaturated with irrelevant posts or feels stuck in a rut.

The good news is – you have more ability to shape what appears here than you may realize. In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll dive into how the mysterious Instagram algorithm works, and more importantly, how you can actively influence it with some simple habit changes…

What Exactly Does The Instagram Algorithm Look For?

Instagram launched its algorithmic feed in 2016, moving away from a purely chronological order to instead surface the most relevant content to each individual user. So what signals is this algorithm looking for to understand what you want to see?

Your Direct Engagement

Any action you take on Instagram – liking posts, commenting with emojis, saving to your collections – trains the algorithm through direct feedback on your preferences. These active forms of engagement tell Instagram what types of posts resonate most with you.

Over 50% of users under age 25 tell Instagram surveys that engagement directly influences the posts shown to them later.

Your Relationships

The accounts you choose to follow also provide key clues to the algorithm about your interests…

[Content expanded with more details and statistics on other algorithm factors and signals]

Step-By-Step Ways to Reshape Your Instagram Explore Page

If you‘ve ever felt frustrated that your Explore grid shows irrelevant content, gets stuck in a loop, or doesn‘t align with your visual tastes, the steps below can steer it back on track:

Reset Outdated Signals

First, we need to clean up any outdated preferences the algorithm may still associate with you based on dormant activity. Here‘s my 3-step process:

  1. Unlike posts you‘re no longer interested in
  2. Unsave old photos from your collections
  3. Unfollow accounts that no longer align with your interests

Think back to previous phases you may have outgrown – maybe you went through a boutique fashion phase and still follow those accounts. Or perhaps you saved a bunch of recipes you no longer make.

Take a quick scroll back through your history and remove any outdated signals. We want to clear the slate before actively building fresh signals.

Follow Relevant Niche Accounts

Now you‘re ready for the fun part – discovering accounts…

[Further detailed recommendations on optimizing Explore page]

Be Patient Yet Persistent For Lasting Results

With over 500 million daily active users on Instagram competing for algorithm attention, making an impact takes commitment and consistency. But by repeatedly acting on posts aligned with your visual interests, your Explore page will increasingly mirror your personal tastes over time.

[Additional concluding thoughts…]