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How to Change Your Genshin Impact Username or Name

So you jumped into Genshin Impact eager to start your Teyvat adventures. You set up your miHoYo account in a hurry and didn‘t put much thought into your username. Now you‘re stuck with a name you don‘t like plastered all over your profile. Or maybe you just feel like changing your in-game nickname for fun. Either way, you‘ve come to the right place.

Changing your Genshin username or in-game name can be confusing, since the process looks different depending on which one you want to modify. Luckily, this guide has all the steps and tips you need to refresh your identity in Teyvat.

The Challenges of Altering a Genshin Username

First, an important distinction:

  • Genshin Username – The miHoYo username tied to your account login credentials and player data. Displayed on your profile. Difficult to change.
  • Genshin Name – Your in-game nickname other players see. Easily changed from Paimon menu.

There is no direct option to alter your miHoYo username from your account settings. This is why so many Travelers are stuck with names like "CoolBoy123" or "John‘s iPhone" forever emblazoned on their profile.

The good news is you can send an email to Genshin CS requesting a username change. The bad news is success is not guaranteed, as miHoYo rarely allows players to modify usernames.

Still, with the right email template and a bit of luck, you may get the name change you desire.

Step-By-Step: Emailing Genshin CS to Change Username

If you want to attempt changing your elusive Genshin username, emailing [email protected] is your best bet.

Here are the steps:

  1. Craft an appeal email to Genshin CS: Politely explain why you wish to change your username, the new preferred name, and account details.

  2. Send the email and wait for a response: Response time may take a few weeks. There is a chance miHoYo support will reject your appeal.

  3. If approved, celebrate your new identity! If rejected, consider opening a new account instead.

When drafting your appeal email, remember to be polite and provide all necessary account details like your UID and email address. Avoid demanding or entitled language. Specifying why your current name is unsatisfactory can increase your odds as well.

Here is an email template you can modify:

Subject: Username Change Request

Dear Genshin Impact support,

I would like to request a change of my current miHoYo username, [old username], to [new preferred name]. The email associated with this account is [your email]. My UID is [UID number].

I wish to change my username because [explain why current one is unsatisfactory or inaccurate]. The new name I have chosen is meaningful to me because [add context if applicable].

Please let me know if you are able to fulfill my request. I greatly enjoy playing Genshin Impact and would appreciate if you could help update my profile name.

[Your name]

Simply fill in the brackets with your details and send the message. Then wait and hope for good news!

Managing Expectations for Username Change Success

While Genshin CS assists players on many account issues, username changes are rarely granted. There seem to be no clear rules on what appeals get approved. Some speculate it comes down to:

  • Reason severity – Extremely offensive or embarrassing current names more likely to be changed.

  • Account standing – Long-time or paying players may get preference.

  • Luck and randomness – Some appeals simply go through, reasons unknown.

Regardless of circumstances, anticipate a long wait post-appeal with no guarantee. If your request gets rejected, it‘s best not to fight it. Creating an entirely new account is the only other method to reset your username completely.

How to Effortlessly Change Your Genshin Impact Name

While altering your engraved miHoYo username often feels impossible, changing your visible in-game nickname is easy!

Follow these quick steps:

  1. Open Paimon menu – On PC press Esc, on mobile tap Paimon icon.

  2. Select "Edit Nickname"

  3. Input new name – Delete old and type desired name.

  4. Confirm changes

And your nickname is now updated! Players will now see your fresh moniker in multiplayer mode and when chatting.

Note: To add friends, share your UID number, not current nickname.

Weighing a New Account to Reset Username

If your Genshin CS appeal falls short, is making an entirely new account worth it to change your impossible-to-edit username? Let‘s compare pros and cons:


  • Full control to pick a fantastic, permanent username!


  • Lose all progress and invested money
  • Tedious rerolling and tutorial replaying
  • Partial account security risks

As you can see, the costs likely outweigh the benefits for seasoned Travelers. Losing access to rare characters, weapons, achievements and years of grinding is devastating. However, new or non-invested players may consider a fresh start worth it.

The takeaway: Only reset via new account if your current progress is minimal. For all other Travelers, reluctantly embrace your old username or keep striving for that coveted change!

In Summary

Altering usernames is a rocky road, but tweaking your nickname is a breeze. While Genshin Impact namesake changes seem permanently out of reach, evolutions in identity and adventure still await in Teyvat‘s dazzling open world.

Now go forth, newly dubbed Traveler – Destiny remains in your hands!