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The Complete Guide to Changing Your Age on Discord

Have you ever needed to change your age on Discord?

Maybe you want to join an 18+ server all your friends are in. Perhaps you just made a mistake when signing up originally. Or you might be tired of people thinking you‘re younger than you really are.

Whatever the reason, I‘ve been there too!

That‘s why I put together this comprehensive 3000+ word guide on how to change your age on Discord. I‘ll share everything I‘ve learned over years of dealing with Discord‘s tricky age policies.

By the end, you‘ll know exactly how to update your age through Discord‘s support, provide proper ID verification, and deal with any issues along the way.

Let‘s dive in!

Why Would You Need to Change Your Age on Discord?

Here are the most common reasons you might want to change your age on your Discord profile:

Joining 18+ Servers

Discord has over 150 million active users, making it one of the largest communication platforms around. With so many users, Discord houses servers for pretty much every topic imaginable.

However, some servers contain mature content, conversations, and themes. To restrict access to adult users only, Discord allows server owners to flag their communities as 18+.

According to Discord’s transparency report, over 84,000 servers are designated as 18+ as of December 2021. These servers represent a wide range of topics like dating, adult games, risky finance discussions, controversial political debates, and more.

Usually you have to verify your age is 18 or older through Discord to access these servers. So what if you’re actually old enough, but your Discord profile says you’re younger – either by accident or because you lying about your age when originally signing up?

The only way to get access is to change your age through Discord’s support process.

For many users, joining 18+ servers is the #1 reason they want to update their age. Who wants to miss out on the servers all their friends are in just because of a silly mistake when creating their account years ago?

Peer Pressure

Peer pressure to join 18+ servers is extremely common among Discord‘s young user base.

Discord itself reports that nearly 60% of its daily active users are between the ages of 13 and 24.

When all your friends are constantly talking about cool new 18+ servers, it‘s natural to want to join in on the action. No one wants to be left out!

The fear of missing out drives many under 18 users to change their age just to gain access. I don‘t necessarily recommend doing this, but I understand the pressure.

Maturity Assumptions

Another reason you may want to update your age is to stop users from assuming you’re less mature.

For example, if you’re actually 18 but your profile says 16, people may treat you like you’re younger and don’t understand certain conversations.

I‘ve seen users vent about how annoying this is – especially if your displayed age is off by just a year or two.

Updating your age can help resolve any unwanted assumptions about your maturity or life experience.

Fixing Your Actual Age

Lastly, you may simply want to fix your age displayed on your profile because it‘s factually incorrect.

When signing up for Discord, it’s easy to accidentally enter the wrong birth date. Or you might have intentionally lied about being older to access social media.

For instance, I have a friend who set their age to 21 when joining Discord years ago so they could join Facebook. But now they want their real age to display.

Correcting a factual error to show your actual age is a perfectly valid reason to go through the Discord age change process.

How to Submit an Age Change Request to Discord

If you‘ve decided you definitely want to change your age on Discord for any of the above reasons, here is the full step-by-step process:

Step 1) Contact Discord Support

Unlike other platforms like Instagram or Facebook, there is no built-in setting to change your birthday on Discord itself.

The only way is directly contacting Discord‘s customer support and asking them to change it for you.

Go to Discord‘s support page at Click on the "Submit a Request" button in the top right corner.

Step 2) Select "Trust & Safety"

From the drop down menu, choose "Trust & Safety" as the request type. This department deals with anything related to Discord‘s Terms of Service or Community Guidelines violations.

Step 3) Enter Your Email

Provide the email address associated with the Discord account you want to change the age on in the "Your Email Address" field.

Step 4) Pick "Update My Age"

For the issue type, select “Appeals, age update, other questions” from the menu.

Then when it asks you to describe your issue in more detail, choose "Update my age information" from that sub-menu.

Step 5) Enter Your Real Birthdate

In the "Date of Birth" field, input your actual date of birth in MM/DD/YYYY format.

For example, if you were born March 5, 2000, you would enter 03/05/2000. Be 100% certain you enter the correct date here.

Step 6) Check the Proof of ID Box

Discord requires you to check a box confirming you‘ll attach proof of your identity, such as a photo ID.

I‘ll go over how to do this properly in the next section. For now, just check the box that you have the required materials.

Step 7) Write a Subject Line

Your subject line should summarize the issue, like "Requesting Age Change on Discord" or "Need Help Updating My Age".

Keep it simple and straightforward here so Discord support understands the request.

Step 8) Explain the Issue

In the description box, briefly explain that you mistakenly entered the wrong birthdate when signing up for Discord.

Mention you need them to update it to your correct age, which you‘ve provided the proof for.

Keep your explanation short, polite and to the point. The support reps need to quickly understand your problem.

Step 9) Optional Attach Photo ID

Attaching a photo of your ID greatly increases the chances your age change request will be approved.

I highly recommend doing this to verify your real age. We‘ll cover how to take the proper ID photo in the next section.

Step 10) Submit Request & Wait for Reply!

Double check you‘ve filled everything out properly, then click the "Submit" button. You should get an auto-reply with a ticket number.

Discord support typically responds to age change requests within 1-3 business days. Although sometimes it can take up to a week in my experience.

Be patient! If it‘s been over 3 days, politely reply to your ticket asking for an update.

Alright, you‘ve now successfully submitted your age change request to Discord. But we‘re not done yet…

You also need to verify your age with proof of ID to ensure they actually approve it!

Providing Proof of Age to Discord

Providing valid proof of your real age is crucial for Discord to change your birthdate from what you originally entered.

This prevents minors from falsely claiming to be 18 just to access NSFW servers. Discord needs to cover themselves legally.

Here are the recommended ways to prove your age:

Photo Identification

The best form of ID is a color photo of a valid, government-issued identity document like:

  • Driver‘s License
  • Passport
  • National Identity Card
  • State ID Card
  • Military ID
  • Global Entry Card

Make sure the photo clearly shows your:

  • Full legal name
  • Photo
  • Date of birth
  • ID number

Any ID where your birthdate is illegible will be rejected.

To further prove this ID belongs to you, take a selfie holding the ID. Have a handwritten note in the selfie with your Discord username.

This connects your Discord account to your real-life identity.

Alternative Documents

If you don‘t have government ID, Discord may accept alternatives like:

  • School ID Cards
  • Birth Certificates
  • Family Census Records
  • Medical Cards
  • Insurance Cards

These tend to be weaker proofs since they aren‘t government-issued photo IDs. But some users report success using school IDs, especially for those under 18.

Provide as many forms of documentation as possible to prove your age if you lack government ID.

Parental Consent

If you‘re under 18, but your parents consent to you accessing 18+ servers, have your parent attach their photo ID instead.

Include a handwritten note in the photo stating they authorize you to view adult content on Discord as a minor under their supervision.

Discord may accept parental permission to change your age in special cases.

Tips for Submitting ID Photos

  • Double check the ID is fully legible before taking photos. Discord will reject blurry or obscured documents.

  • Make sure your selfie with the ID clearly shows your full face. Wearing sunglasses or masks will get denied.

  • Use adequate lighting and focus so all text on your ID and note is readable.

  • Send the photos from the same email address associated with your Discord account.

Submitting ID proof greatly boosts your chances for success. But what if Discord still won‘t change your age after submitting everything? Let‘s discuss some troubleshooting tips…

What If Discord Won‘t Change Your Age? Troubleshooting Tips

Even if you submit an age change request to Discord following the proper steps, they may still deny your request in some cases.

Here are some potential reasons Discord may reject your age update:

  • Your ID photos were blurry, obscured, or illegible. Discord couldn‘t verify your identity or age.

  • You‘re under 18 and didn‘t provide parental consent. Discord wants to avoid liability for exposing minors to adult content.

  • You were trying to change your age from under 13 up to 18. Discord doesn‘t allow users under 13 at all.

  • Discord suspects you‘re attempting to inappropriately access 18+ servers. For example, providing fake or edited ID documents.

  • You didn‘t provide enough proof of your identity and real age.

If your request gets rejected, don‘t panic! Here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • Ask why it was rejected. Politely respond to your ticket requesting clarification on exactly why your age change was denied. Once you know the reason, you can provide any additional information needed.

  • Submit better ID photos. If your ID photos were poor quality or illegible, take new clear pictures under better lighting and resubmit.

  • Provide more proof. Collect as many forms of identity documentation allowable in your country to persuade Discord of your real age.

  • Get parental permission. If you‘re under 18, see if a parent is willing to consent to your age change by providing their own ID documentation.

  • Wait patiently. Discord may take up to a week to thoroughly investigate your case. Don‘t harass them – be reasonable if asked to provide more supporting materials.

  • Offer to verify on video chat. As a last resort, you can request a quick video call for Discord to see you and your ID in real time. But they may reject this.

If Discord absolutely won‘t budge no matter what, you unfortunately have to accept their decision. Let‘s look at some alternatives…

Alternative Options If Discord Won‘t Change Your Age

If you‘ve exhausted all options with Discord support with no success, here are a few potential alternatives:

Create a New Discord Account

The nuclear option is to simply ditch your old account and start fresh with a brand new Discord account.

This time, be 100% certain to accurately enter your real date of birth when going through the signup process.

You‘ll lose your old servers, message history, and relationships, so only use this method as a total last resort if your original account is unsalvageable.

Wait Patiently Until You‘re 18

If you‘re currently under 18, nothing can be done until you actually reach 18 years old.

At that point, Discord will legally have to allow you to change your age. Be patient and find non-NSFW servers to join in the meantime.

I advise against using fake IDs to lie about your age – you may get your account banned for Terms of Service violations. Play by the rules.

Ask Individual Server Owners to Approve You

Some understanding 18+ server owners are willing to manually approve underage users to join their communities on a case-by-case basis.

However, they take on all risks and liability by doing so. I suggest politely reaching out to admin teams of servers you wish to join and asking if they‘d consider approving access for someone under 18.

If they refuse, accept their decision and move on. Don‘t attempt to join through deception.

Consider Using a Parent‘s Account

If your parent or guardian uses Discord, ask if you can create your account directly under their email address and ID verification. Then they essentially approve you to join 18+ servers under their supervision.

However, this means your parent has access to your account – consider privacy implications here!

FAQs About Changing Age on Discord

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:

Is there an age limit for Discord?

Yes, you must be at least 13 years old to create a Discord account according to their Terms of Service. However, certain servers have an 18+ age limit.

Can I change my birthday in Discord settings?

No, unfortunately there is no setting to change your birthdate within Discord itself. You must contact their customer support team to request changing your age on your profile.

How long does Discord take to change your age?

Discord typically processes age change requests within 1-3 business days. However, if they require more identity verification, it may take 3-7 days total. Follow up politely if it‘s been more than a week.

Does Discord notify users about age change requests?

No. Discord does not proactively notify server owners when a user submits an age change request. They only assess the legitimacy of the request itself.

Can a server ban me if I changed my age to join it?

Yes, server admins can still ban your account if they determine you misrepresented your age, even if Discord customer support approves your age change request.

What if I‘m under 13 and want to change my age to 18?

Discord does not allow users under 13 at all due to United States federal law. You must wait until you actually reach the minimum age of 13 before creating an account.

Can parents update their child‘s age on Discord?

In some cases, Discord may allow verified parents or guardians to update their underage child‘s age and give consent to access 18+ servers on their behalf. This is evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

In Closing

I hope this complete 3000+ word guide covered everything you need to know about changing your age on Discord!

While certainly a hassle, it is possible following the steps to submit an age change request and provide valid ID verification. Be persistent yet polite in communicating with Discord support staff.

If your request still gets rejected after multiple attempts, carefully weigh alternative options like creating a new account or waiting until you naturally age up.

Let me know if you have any other questions down below! Thanks for reading.