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How to Master the Devastating Depulso + Levioso Combo in Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy offers Harry Potter fans the magical RPG experience they‘ve been waiting for. As an aspiring Hogwarts student, you can finally live out your wizarding dreams on an epic adventure filled with mythical beasts, dark wizards, and incredible magic.

One of the most satisfying feelings is unleashing powerful spell combinations in combat. This guide will teach you how to cast one of the most effective combos – Depulso on a levitated enemy. Master this technique to wreak havoc on any foe.

Understanding Hogwarts Legacy‘s Magical Arsenal

Hogwarts Legacy features a deep magic system, allowing you to learn spells from different schools like Charms, Hexes, and Jinxes. Each spell has unique properties and effects. For example:

  • Charms alter attributes or properties of targets. Levioso causes levitation.

  • Hexes cause negative status effects. Confundus confuses enemies.

  • Jinxes are offensive spells that disrupt or damage. Depulso blasts enemies away.

Mixing and matching spells leads to powerful combinations. Levioso lifts enemies vulnerable to knockback, while Depulso launches airborne targets for devastating damage.

Acquiring the Levioso and Depulso Spells

Levioso is a 1st year Charm taught by Professor Hecat early on. It levitates objects and creatures into the air.

Depulso is a 1st year Jinx unlocked after completing Professor Sharp‘s introductory assignment. It emits a strong gust of wind that knocks back enemies.

Once learned, equip both spells into your quick slots. Their icons are:

  • Levioso: Purple hand
  • Depulso: Yellow feather

Maximizing your Charms and Jinxes skills will reduce cooldowns, allowing quicker spell combos.

Step-By-Step Instructions: Casting the Combo

Follow these instructions to blast enemies with the Depulso + Levioso combo:

1. Equip Both Spells in Your Quick Slots

Ensure Levioso and Depulso are equipped in your usable spell slots. You‘ll need to quickly cast them in sequence.

2. Approach Your Target Enemy

Get within range of your intended target. Most foes can be levitated, from beasts to dark wizards.

3. Cast Levioso on the Enemy

Target the enemy and cast Levioso, lifting them helplessly into the air. Timing is key for the next step.

4. Swiftly Follow Up With Depulso

Immediately cast Depulso while they are still levitated. This propels them backwards for heavy knockback damage.

![Depulso Combo]

(Casting Depulso on a levitated enemy)

5. Objective Complete!

Executing this combo correctly will complete Professor Sharp‘s assignment. The enemy will take increased damage from being launched while airborne.

This simple yet potent spell pairing demonstrates your mastery of Charms and Jinxes. Now let‘s examine why it works so well in combat.

Analyzing This Dynamic Duo of Spells

Casting Depulso on a levitated target is extremely effective for several reasons:

  • Suspended Targets: Levioso leaves enemies hovering helplessly, unable to dodge or block.

  • Increased Damage: Depulso‘s knockback damage is multiplied as airborne enemies are flung much farther.

  • Interruption: This disrupts enemy attacks or spells before they can finish casting.

  • Crowd Control: Depulso‘s pushback effect scatters grouped enemies in all directions.

  • Defense: Melee fighters are rendered harmless when suspended mid-air out of reach.

  • Support: Levioso can save allies by levitating enemies off of them.

This combination takes advantage of both spells‘ unique attributes for maximum impact. Next, let‘s explore advanced tactics to further amplify the combo‘s devastation.

Advanced Combat Tactics and Strategies

With practice, you can integrate the Depulso/Levioso combo into more complex strategies:

  • Chaining: Rapidly cycle between levitation and knockback to juggle enemies in the air.

  • Adding Status Effects: Combine with debilitating hexes like Confundus before blasting away.

  • Environmental Damage: Knock airborne enemies into walls or off cliffs for bonus damage.

  • AoE Damage: Upgrade Depulso to Expulso to damage groups more effectively.

  • Stealth: Strike unaware enemies by levitating them first before they detect you.

  • Ranged Initiation: Engage safely from a distance by opening with Levioso.

  • Countering: React quickly with Levioso to interrupt an enemy preparing a powerful attack.

Learning when best to use the combo comes with practice. For example, levitation helps isolate dangerous foes or peel attackers off allies. Time it well to interrupt enemy spells.

Customizing Your Build for Maximum Combo Impact

To pull off the combo flawlessly, invest in skills that enhance your Charms and Jinxes effectiveness:

  • Charms Mastery: Reduces Levioso‘s cooldown for frequent hovering.

  • Jinx Mastery: Boosts Depulso‘s knockback force for added damage.

  • Sorcery Mastery: Improves combo speed by quickening overall spellcasting.

Gear and talents also offer combo benefits:

  • Gear: Robes and wands improving charm and jinx skills.

  • Talents: Effects like reducing levitation cooldown or increasing airborne damage.

Personally, I like adding talents that chain charm effects or extend levitation duration for longer air juggle combos.

Notable Spell Combinations in Hogwarts Legacy

While potent, Depulso and Levioso are just one devastating combo available. Here are other excellent spell pairings:

  • Confringo + Immobulus: Surround frozen enemies with deadly flames.

  • Glacius + Bombarda: Shatter frozen targets into damaging icy shards.

  • Accio + Stupefy: Yank enemies into stunning range.

  • Protego + Firestorm: Engulf an area in fire while shielded.

Half the fun is discovering creative combos through experimentation. Depulso and Levioso should remain a staple pairing though when tackling any challenge!

10 Tips for Mastering This Classic Combo

Follow these tips to effectively integrate the Depulso + Levioso combo into your arsenal:

  1. Practice the timing to instantly cast Depulso after Levioso.

  2. Use gear and talents to shorten cooldowns for quicker combos.

  3. Levioso larger enemies first before blasting them with Depulso‘s knockback.

  4. Catch groups in the combo‘s AoE by spreading them with Depulso then picking them off.

  5. Open from range with Levioso against melee enemies first to suppress them.

  6. Combos work well on nearly any enemy, from beasts to dark wizards.

  7. Knock levitated foes into walls or cliffs for additional impact damage.

  8. Depulso upgrades like Expulso widen the knockback AoE against groups.

  9. Maximize Charms, Jinxes, and Sorcery skills to boost combo effectiveness.

  10. Let Levioso save immobilized allies by levitating enemies off them.


Hogwarts Legacy encourages creative spellcasting, and the Levioso into Depulso combo exemplifies this wonderfully. Mastering this iconic pairing will serve any young witch or wizard well on their coming adventures.

Approach each encounter tactically, unleashing your magical arsenal with precision. Suspend foes helplessly with charms before bombarding them with jinxes. This classic one-two punch of levitation and knockback remains one of the most satisfyingly devastating combos for dominating any battle.

So venture forth confidently, wand ready, and show the wizarding world the true power of magic! The lessons you learn at Hogwarts will soon make you a force to be reckoned with.