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How to Find the Carved Out Heart of the Towering Twins in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

The Carved Out Heart of the Towering Twins is one of the most hotly anticipated quests in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, the eagerly awaited sequel arriving on Nintendo Switch in May 2023. This mysterious mission will take our hero Link to a never-before-seen location called the Dueling Peaks, where he must scale tremendous heights to rescue Princess Zelda herself.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll walk you through every step needed to complete the Carved Out Heart of the Towering Twins quest, sharing hard-won tips from my decades of Zelda gameplay experience. You‘ll learn optimal strategies for the perilous climb, gear recommendations to aid your ascent, and combat tactics to defeat the formidable enemies awaiting you at the peak.

Let‘s begin this epic adventure!

Overview of the Quest

Most details around the Dueling Peaks remain shrouded in mystery prior to Tears of the Kingdom‘s release. But trailers have revealed this dual-pronged mountain range as a brand new landmark within Hyrule‘s open world. To complete this quest, Link must reach the summit of these peaks where Zelda is held captive in order to save her and unlock the next main story branch.

Based on footage, we know Link will need to utilize his athletic climbing abilities to their fullest in order to scale the Dueling Peaks‘ steep cliffs. Given the quest‘s mid-game placement, we can also expect mighty enemies and obstacles along the way. But the payoff for persevering will be well worth it.

This quest exemplifies Tears of the Kingdom‘s emphasis on verticality and three-dimensional traversal. Series producer Eiji Aonuma has cited inspirations like The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword and Breath of the Wild, both of which featured towering locales to scale. This quest captures that same sense of height and accomplishment.

Step-By-Step Walkthrough

Follow these steps for a complete walkthrough of the Carved Out Heart of the Towering Twins quest:

Gather Gear for the Climb

Before setting foot on the Dueling Peaks, ensure Link is properly equipped for a grueling vertical ascent by stocking up on:

  • Stamina Restoration Foods: Enduring boiled eggs, stamina shrooms, etc. These replenish Link‘s stamina gauges, essential for long climbs.

  • Stamina Enhancing Items: Stamina vessel meals, enduring elixirs. Boost total stamina to extend climb time.

  • Climbing Gear: Climber‘s bandanna (less slippage). Climbing outfit (better grip).

  • Temporary Boosts: Food or elixirs that improve climbing speed and reduce stamina usage for the climb.

I recommend having at least three full stamina vessel extensions and carring at least 10-15 stamina restoration items. This provides sufficient resources for even the most athletically demanding ascents.

Ascend the Peaks

Once equipped, locate the Dueling Peaks in Hyrule‘s Akkala region. These prominant twin mountains have distinct sword-like shapes, jutting into the sky higher than any nearby peaks.

Begin climbing the tallest mountain from any accessible side. Burst upwards in spurts using Link‘s full stamina, then quickly pause to recover stamina as needed. Identify climbing routes with the fewest overhangs to maintain momentum.

If you encounter overhangs, use Cryonis to create ice block platforms to stand on temporarily. Rappel down and try alternative routes if you get stuck. With patience and proper stamina management, you‘ll reach the summit lit by six torches.

Free Zelda from Her Cage

At the peak, you‘ll discover a caged Zelda suspended over the mountain‘s eastern cliff edge. Interact with the cage to trigger a cutscene where Link breaks Zelda free.

Defeat the Yiga Clan Forces

Freeing Zelda causes Yiga footsoldiers and blademasters to emerge from plumes of smoke around the peak. You must defeat them before finishing the quest.

For combat, equip heavy armor like the Knight‘s set to withstand blows. Wield hard-hitting two-handed weapons to defeat foes quickly. Bows let you snipe aerial enemies, while one-handed swords pair well with shields for defense.

The key is patience. Lure in small groups of foes and use perfect dodges and parries to expose them for flurry attacks. Eliminate archers first so they can‘t snipe from afar. Stay moving and use Cryonis or remote bombs to create barriers if overwhelmed. With practice, you‘ll eliminate all the sinister Yiga forces.

Return to Penn at Dueling Peaks Stable

With the enemies vanquished, return to the Dueling Peaks Stable below the mountains and speak to the NPC Penn. He congratulates you and provides the Ultrahand rune ability as your reward.

Recommended Gear for the Quest

Here are the optimal armor sets, meals, and weapons to equip for this quest:


  • Climbing Gear – Improves grip and reduces stamina usage for climbing
  • Knight‘s Armor – High defense to withstand enemy blows during combat
  • Barbarian Armor – Attack boost to quickly defeat enemies after climbing

Meals & Elixirs

  • Enduring Boiled Eggs – Cheap but effective stamina restoration
  • Stamina Vessel Meals – Temporarily increase max stamina for longer climbing
  • Toughness Meals – Boost defense to survive big hits from Yiga blademasters
  • Hasty Meals – Increase movement and action speed to evade attacks


  • Royal Broadsword – Powerful two-handed sword for crowd control
  • Knight‘s Bow – Accurate bow to snipe aerial enemies
  • Forest Dweller‘s Sword – Quick one-handed sword for close combat

Prioritize stamina restoration and defense boosts to conquer both the climb and ensuing combat with minimal headaches.

Alternate Strategies and Playstyles

While the climb itself is linear, you have multiple options when taking on the Yiga forces at the peak:

  • Stealth – Use the Sheikah outfit and silent movement to sneak up on enemies for stealth attacks. Remove archers first.

  • Ranged Combat – Equip a high-damage bow and pick off enemies from a distance. Headshots prevent enemy teleports.

  • Aggressive Melee – Don heavy armor and a two-handed weapon to plow through crowds at close range.

  • Shield Defense – Shields like the Hylian Shield can parry even heavy attacks from Blademasters, exposing them for counters.

  • Evasive – Maximize movement speed to run circles around foes while peppering them with arrows. Cook hasty meals to enhance evasion.

I recommend newer players favor the shields and stealth approach, while veterans can employ more reckless frontal assault strategies to quickly end the fight.

Tips and Tricks for Success

Keep these tips in mind when taking on the quest:

  • Cook "Hearty" dishes for bonus temporary hearts to absorb hits during combat.

  • Use the camera rune to scout groups of enemies from a distance as you plan your attack.

  • Equip the Mythic Climbing Gear set purchased in Roundtable ruins for a major climbing boost.

  • Preemptively mark the Dueling Peaks with a map marker to easily find the start point.

  • Sleep in beds along the climb to restore Link‘s health and stamina before big encounters.

  • Use the blowdown technique while climbing to launch Link high upwards, saving stamina.

  • Headshot sleeping Yiga footsoldiers from afar for an instant stealth kill.

  • Lift metal crates or objects with Magnesis during combat to unbalance enemies or block projectiles.

  • Cryonis generates jagged ice blocks that damage foes – use them strategically when overwhelmed.

  • Fully upgrade your Stamina Vessels by trading Spirit Orbs with Goddess statues before attempting the climb.

The Legendary Legacy of the Dueling Peaks

While geologically new to Hyrule in Tears of the Kingdom, the Dueling Peaks still have roots in established lore and history. Their sword-like silhouettes evoke the classic "Sword & Sorcery" motifs of the Zelda series. The name also calls back to Death Mountain‘s iconic twin peaks in Ocarina of Time, another perilous ascent.

Ancient myths tell of twin brothers, avid stonemasons, who constructed the Dueling Peaks to display their talents. But they grew envious of one another‘s峰 work, sparking a feud that caused the Goddess Hylia to curse them into eternal stone.

Other tales describe the peaks as remnants of ancient titans, who embody concepts like Courage and Power central to many Zelda games. Perhaps by scaling the peaks and calming their lingering rivalry, Link symbolically rebalances Wisdom, Courage and Power – just as he must balance Hyrule‘s chaos in Tears of the Kingdom.

Climbing to New Heights: A Series Tradition

The Dueling Peaks ascent also celebrates Zelda‘s legacy of climbing challenges. Who can forget scaling Death Mountain‘s steaming slopes in Ocarina of Time, or the dizzying ascent of Dragon Roost Island in Wind Waker? These memorable sequences represent milestones in Link‘s quests.

Breath of the Wild expanded this with free-climbing mechanics, letting you scale nearly any surface. So veterans will feel right at home scrambling up these cliffs to Zelda‘s prison, just as past heroes braved Death Mountain, Dragon Roost, and the Spire in Skyward Sword.

Tears of the Kingdom promises more verticleity than any past game. So consider the Dueling Peaks training for even greater heights later in Link‘s journey!


The Carved Out Heart of the Towering Twins quest captures the thrill of exploration and verticality that makes the Zelda series special. With the strategies in this guide, you‘re ready to rescue Zelda from any high-altitude threat.

Just take it slow and steady. Check your gear. Mind your stamina. And most importantly, have fun! These are the moments we play Zelda for. Now go show those peaks who the real master climber is!