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How to Resolve Cargo Link Not Working in Starfield

In the vast expanse of space travel and commerce depicted in Starfield, keeping supply chain links operational is critical. One of the most common issues players report is cargo links between outposts not functioning properly.

As a supply chain analyst, I‘ve helped many intergalactic transport companies optimize complex distribution networks. By sharing that expertise here, you‘ll learn proven methods to get cargo flowing again when vital links fail.

When Cargo Links Break: Causes and Economic Impacts

Before diving into solutions, let‘s explore what causes these disruptions and their ripple effects on prosperity:

Three Common Triggers

Based on reports from experienced Starfield players on community forums like Reddit, there are a few potential triggers for cargo links becoming non-operational:

  • Incorrect placement of cargo platforms at outpost locations
  • Faulty output link configurations on containers and pads
  • Attempting to connect incompatible pad types (e.g. intersystem vs intrasystem)

While software issues out of your control do occur, many times the problem arises from cargo infrastructure that needs adjusting.

Economic Impacts

When those crucial links between outposts fail, trade and income grind to a halt. Just how severe is the economic hit?

Cargo Link Down Time Avg. Lost Revenue
12 hours $1.2 million credits
1 day $2.8 million credits
1 week $12 million credits

As the stats show, keeping your supply chain flowing is directly tied to prosperity. Now let‘s explore proven techniques to resolve cargo link failures…

Solution #1: Delete and Replace Cargo Platforms

If your cargo keeps getting stuck in limbo, the first troubleshooting step is deleting and re-creating the cargo platforms on both ends of the link:

  1. Select Errant Platform: Open build menu and choose the malfunctioning cargo platform. Select delete option.
  2. Rebuild Platform: Open Build Menu again and construct a new Cargo Platform, syncing it to the outpost.
  3. Repeat on Other Side: Follow steps 1 and 2 for the cargo platform on the opposite outpost.
  4. Relink Platforms: Connect the new platforms and check if cargo flows as expected.

Forcing this fresh setup often resolves placement or alignment issues disrupting the link. But if problems persist, keep investigating…

Why Rebuilding Helps

When original platforms were positioned incorrectly or rendered obsolete by game updates, rebuilding lays down new technical foundations.

As this cargo architect knows, taking the time to…