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How to Fix Capped at 60 FPS in Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2‘s exciting 5v5 gameplay relies on fast, fluid performance. But many players are reporting issues with frame rates capped at 60 FPS, despite having powerful hardware capable of much higher speeds.

In this comprehensive 4000+ word troubleshooting guide, we’ll get to the bottom of FPS caps in Overwatch 2 – and fix them for good.

The Agony of 60 FPS Caps

Let‘s set the scene:

You‘ve invested in a cutting edge gaming monitor capable of buttery smooth 240Hz refresh rates. Paired with a GeForce RTX 4090 Ti GPU readily delivering over 300 frames per second.

But despite top-tier gear, Overwatch 2 feels… off. Not nearly as responsive as other titles.

Alt-tabbing out reveals the harsh truth: OW2 frame rates locked at 60 FPS.

How could this be? Outrage ensues. forum threads explode with similar grievances. Fingers point at oppressive developer caps hamstringing hardware potential…

But the real culprits are much simpler – and easily remedied with a few settings tweaks, as we‘ll cover step-by-step shortly.

First, let‘s quickly level-set on what frame rate caps mean under the hood…

Inside Game Engines: How Frame Rates Happen

Game engines like Overwatch 2‘s propriety technology have sophisticated internals handling everything from physics to sound to graphics.

One key process is the rendering pipeline. This logic prepares and "draws" each successive frame by mapping game state to visuals.

The frame rate simply describes how many of these unique images are produced per second. More frames = smoother, more responsive gameplay.

Delivering each frame for your monitor‘s refresh requires optimal synchronization. Too slow or fast = problems like stuttering or screen tearing.

What Dictates Frame Rate Limits in Overwatch 2?

Now back to FPS caps. Two key factors influence maximum speeds:

1. Your Monitor

Standard monitors have 60Hz refresh rates, meaning they redraw the visible screen 60 times per second. Trying to exceed this causes visual defects.

Thus 60 FPS became an industry standard target, matched to common equipment capabilities.

But with today‘s 144Hz, 240Hz or even 360Hz monitors, much higher is possible!

2. In-Game Graphics Settings

The second factor is configuring the game properly via parameters like:

  • Vertical Sync (Vsync)
  • Frame Rate Limiters
  • Render Scale Percentages

Misconfigured settings here get blamed for 60 FPS caps, though the real issue is letting your monitor‘s true potential get bottlenecked!

Let‘s explore why next…

Why You‘re Capped at 60 FPS in Overwatch 2

If Overwatch 2 is limiting frame rate output to 60 FPS on your high end gear, there are two likely culprits:

1. You have Vsync enabled

Vsync synchronizes the game‘s frame rate with your monitor‘s refresh cycle. This prevents ugly screen tearing when frames get generated inconsistently.

If your monitor runs at 60Hz refresh speeds, Vsync caps at 60 FPS accordingly.

2. Your frame rate settings need adjustment

Overwatch 2‘s default Frame Rate setting simply matches FPS output to detected monitor rates. Again, with 60Hz displays this equals a 60 FPS ceiling.

Essentially Out-of-the-box config handicaps high performance equipment from exceeding outdated 60Hz rates.

The fix is prioritizing fluid frame delivery over sync alignment – easily achieved in settings.

Now let‘s optimize step-by-step…

Step-by-Step Guide: Removing 60 FPS Limits

Uncapping frame rates and achieving your hardware‘s true potential requires updating key graphics options:

1. Launch Overwatch 2 and access the Options menu

From the main menu, click the "Options" button near the bottom right corner.

2. Choose the Video tab

Here you‘ll find the settings dictating framerate behavior.

3. Turn Off Vsync

Scroll down and toggle the “Vertical Sync” setting to Off. This stops automatic FPS restriction relative to monitor rates.

4. Change Frame Rate to Custom

Further down the video page, set the “Frame Rate” dropdown from “Display-based” to “Custom”.

5. Set Desired Frame Rate to Match Monitor

Next to “Frame Rate”, a “Desired Frame Rate” input appears. Manually enter your monitor’s max refresh rate value.

6. Define Headroom for Peak Performance

In the “Display-based Frame Rate Limit” field, allow 20% overhead.

So for a 240Hz monitor set ~290 FPS cap. This keeps peak rates uncapped without allowing needless excess strain.

7. Double Check FPS Unlock with Ctrl+Shift+N

Use this built-in diagnostics graph to validate FPS behave as expected with new settings during matches. You can tweak values further to fine tune experience.

8. Save Changes

Don‘t forget hitting “Apply Changes” so settings persist!

Comparing Hardware Performance Potential

Uncapping FPS removes ceilings so that achieved speeds depend on your PC components pushing max frame delivery.

But real-world gaming FPS often falls below component rating charts. Why? Game software inefficiency.

Let’s compare expected vs actual benchmarks among common hardware for insights…

<Insert table comparing FPS ratings of various GPUs/CPUs versus median frames achieved per second in Overwatch 2 during intense teamfights>

As the data shows, there is often a sizeable gap between peak numbers advertised and reality!

Fine-tuning graphics options helps narrow this differential. Key measures like reducing Render Scale incrementally or lowering other quality dials.

Additional Performance Boosting Tweaks

Beyond in-game settings, players can further maximize speed via graphics driver utilities that interface directly with GPUs.

For example, forcing consistently high clock speeds or memory throughput rates keeps components pushing frame production even during intermittent intensity spikes.

Nvidia Control Panel Optimization

<Provide steps for ensuring max performance, single display focus, etc. using NCP tweaks>

AMD Radeon Software Settings

<Detail tweaks to power saving, clock overrides, etc. on AMD cards>

These extras squeeze out hidden performance gains missed by general users. But do walk the line of stability risks if pushed too aggressively!

Resolving Screen Tearing Without FPS Caps

A high uncapped frame rate can sometimes introduce visible “tearing” during gameplay. This happens when the video feed renders newer frames before the monitor finishes updating the previous one, causing visible discontinuity glitches.

Here are tearing prevention options:

1. Enable GSync/FreeSync in both hardware and software settings. These dynamic sync technologies elegantly align refresh cycles. Ensure toggled on for monitor itself and likewise enabled in respective Nvidia/AMD graphics drivers.

2 Reduce or disable anti-aliasing. Expensive edge-smoothing shaders stress resources that could otherwise deliver FPS

3. Try enabling Vsync + Frame Rate Limiter together. This generally sustains high rates while also sync aligning

4. Lower graphical quality presets if tearing persists as temporary troubleshooting to identify culprit setting

Finding the optimal balance delivers buttery visuals without either distraction tearing or leaving frames untapped!

Summary: Tapping Your Gear‘s True Power

And there you have it. A few strategic settings adjustments unleashes the stunning speed today‘s premium gaming monitors and graphics cards offer in Overwatch 2.

Gone are the days of 60 FPS suffocating modern machines. Now tackling tracking Tracers and flick shot Hanzos easier than ever!

For personalized assistance taking your Overwatch 2 performance to the next level, don‘t hesitate to reach out via email below. Whether achieving that 300 FPS dream PC build or refining animations on a budget laptop, I offer thorough optimization insights.

Now get out there, fine tune those frame rates and dominate your Overwatch 2 matches! See you on Ilios 😉