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How to Fix "Can‘t be Invited as a Collaborator Yet" on Instagram

As a social media expert who has helped many influencers and brands maximize their Instagram presence, one issue I often get asked about is: "Why can‘t I collaborate on Instagram?"

Getting the dreaded “Can’t be invited as a collaborator yet” error message can be confusing and frustrating. But not to worry – in this comprehensive guide, I‘ll share fixes based on my experience managing over 5 million followers across various Instagram accounts.

Why You May Not Be Able to Collaborate on Instagram

Before jumping into the solutions, it‘s important to understand the key reasons why you can‘t be added as a collaborator on Instagram posts and Reels:

You Don‘t Have a Business Profile

The Instagram collaboration feature is only available for business accounts, not personal profiles. So if you or the account wanting to collaborate with you has a personal profile, you‘ll need to switch to a business account.

According to Instagram, over 200 million businesses use Instagram worldwide. But less than 37% of daily active Instagrammers have business accounts. This is likely the most common reason for the collaborator error.

Your Account is Private

In order to collaborate, both accounts need to have public profile settings. If either you or the other account is set to private, it blocks the ability to co-author content.

As of 2022, approximately 24% of Instagram accounts are private. While going private has benefits like controlling followers, it does limit your ability to collaborate with others on content.

Tags are Disabled on Your Account

Your Instagram settings need to allow anyone to tag you in posts and Reels for collaborations to work properly. If you‘ve disabled tags, restrict them to certain accounts, or require manual tag approval, it can block collaborations.

Instagram Has Not Approved Your Account for Collaborations Yet

Even after switching to a business profile, Instagram does not enable collaborations instantly. It often takes around 48 hours after completing your business profile for this feature to fully activate. This gives Instagram time to review that your account meets all requirements.

Instagram is Experiencing Technical Issues

Sometimes the "can‘t be invited as a collaborator" error is simply due to Instagram‘s servers being down or experiencing outages. If the app is having wider technical issues, collaborations and other features may not work until fully resolved.

Now that we know why you may be running into this collaborator error, let‘s get into the step-by-step solutions to fix it.

How to Fix "Can‘t Be Invited as a Collaborator Yet" on Instagram

Based on my experience as a social media marketing expert helping brands and influencers unlock Instagram‘s full potential, here are the proven ways to solve the collaborator error:

Switch to a Business Profile & Complete Your Bio

The first step is to convert your personal Instagram account to a business profile, which only takes a few minutes. Here‘s how:

  1. Open the Instagram app and tap your profile picture.
  2. Tap the menu (three line icon) and navigate to Settings.
  3. Choose Account > Switch to Professional Account.
  4. Select Business and follow the on-screen instructions to set up your business profile.

Once your account is switched over, your bio still needs to be complete for collaborations to be enabled.

A complete bio includes:

  • Profile picture
  • Name
  • Website link
  • Bio description
  • Contact email/phone number
  • At least 10 posts
  • Following other accounts

You‘ll see a checklist on your profile showing completion progress. Ensure all items are checked off.

Finally, you need to wait approximately 48 hours for Instagram to review your new business profile and fully activate collaboration abilities:

  • Continue engaging on Instagram daily.
  • Post Stories, Reels, and feed content.
  • Follow accounts in your niche, engage with their posts.
  • Invite friends from your contacts to follow you.

Once 48 hours have passed, you should be able to start collaborating on posts as long as the other requirements are met!

Pro Tip: Check on your account periodically after 24 hours. Some users have reported being able to collaborate slightly sooner than 48 hours if all else is in order.

Double Check Your Account and Collaborator‘s Account are Public

As mentioned earlier, having a public account is a requirement to collaborate on Instagram. Here‘s how to check your settings:

  • Go to your profile and tap the menu icon.
  • Navigate to Settings > Privacy > Account Privacy.
  • Ensure the "Private Account" switch is disabled.

Do the same on the account you want to collaborate with. Both need public settings.

Benefits of a public account:

  • Anyone can view your content without following you.
  • Your posts have greater discoverability.
  • You can collaborate with other creators.

Downsides of a public account:

  • Anyone can see your content, followers/following counts, etc.
  • You lose some control over who interacts with your profile.

Determine whether going public makes sense for your goals vs. keeping a private account. But note that collaborations require a public setting.

Allow Tagging From Anyone on Your Account

Instagram needs permission to get tagged by the collaborating account in the co-authored post or Reel. Here‘s how to check your tagging settings:

  • Go to your profile menu > Settings > Privacy > Tags.
  • Under "Allow Tags From", select "Everyone".
  • Disable "Manual Approval for Tags".

Do the same on the collaborator‘s account. You both need to allow tagging from anyone without requiring manual approval.

Try Again Later If Instagram Has Technical Issues

In some cases, getting the “can’t be invited as a collaborator” error is simply due to wider technical problems on Instagram’s end.

It’s worth checking Instagram’s status page to see if they’re experiencing an outage related to collaborations or their API.

If there is an ongoing issue, unfortunately the only fix is to wait for Instagram to fully resolve the problem on their end. Once the outage is fixed, collaborations should start functioning normally again.

Still Can‘t Collaborate? Contact Instagram Support

If you’ve tried all troubleshooting steps and are still getting the “can’t be invited as a collaborator” error, it’s best to reach out directly to Instagram’s support team via:

  • The Help Center contact form – provide details on the error and steps taken.

  • Twitter or Facebook by messaging @Instagram – explain the issue and include your username.

  • Submitting feedback directly in the Instagram app – tap Menu > Help > Report a Problem.

Instagram can investigate further and determine if your specific account needs to be reviewed for collaborations eligibility. Their support team is typically very responsive in helping to enable this feature.

Key Takeaways for Collaborating on Instagram

To sum up this guide, here are the key points to keep in mind when trying to fix “Can’t be invited as a collaborator” errors on Instagram:

  • Switch your personal account to a business profile, completely fill out your bio, and wait 48 hours for Instagram to activate collaborations.

  • Both you and the account you want to collaborate with need to have public profile settings.

  • Ensure your account and the collaborator‘s account allow tagging from anyone.

  • Check if Instagram is experiencing technical issues that are temporarily blocking collaborations.

  • Contact Instagram support if still unable to collaborate after trying all troubleshooting steps.

  • Have patience! It can take a couple days for this feature to fully activate on new business profiles.

I hope these tips help you start collaborating on amazing Instagram content! Let me know if have any other questions.