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How to Fix "Cannot Find Minecraft 1.20" in OptiFine

With over 35 million active monthly users, Minecraft continues to be one of the most popular games worldwide. And for good reason – its sandbox open world and immense customization options give players unlimited creative freedom.

One of the most popular ways players enhance their Minecraft experience is through mods – custom plugins that add new features, items, and mechanics to the base game. Of all available mods, OptiFine stands out as a must-have for most players.

Why OptiFine is a Game-Changer

So what exactly does OptiFine do? In short, it applies various optimizations and performance improvements to Minecraft, resulting in:

  • Higher FPS (frames per second) – OptiFine can double or even triple FPS compared to vanilla Minecraft, allowing for smoother gameplay.

  • Reduced lag spikes – Stutters and frame drops are significantly reduced, preventing jarring freezes.

  • Support for HD textures – With OptiFine, textures can be upgraded to resolutions like 256x, 512x, or higher for crisper visuals.

  • Shader compatibility – Advanced lighting, shadows, water effects etc through cool shaders.

  • Customization options – Tweak render distance, performance settings via the GUI.

According to tests, here‘s an example of the FPS gain using OptiFine on a system with a GTX 1060 GPU and Intel i5-9600K CPU:

Render Distance Vanilla FPS OptiFine FPS Improvement
12 Chunks 112 FPS 142 FPS 27%
18 Chunks 71 FPS 94 FPS 32%
24 Chunks 54 FPS 76 FPS 41%

With benefits like these, it‘s easy to see why OptiFine has been downloaded over 63 million times to date.

The "Cannot Find Minecraft 1.20" Error

Given how popular and game-changing OptiFine is, many users want to install it right away.

However, a common error encountered is "Cannot Find Minecraft 1.20", with the message "You must download and start Minecraft 1.20 once in the official launcher".

This frustrating error essentially means OptiFine can‘t detect your installed Minecraft version, preventing a successful install. But why does this issue occur and how can you fix it?

Why You Get the "Cannot Find Minecraft 1.20" Error

For OptiFine to work properly, it needs to be able to identify and hook into your existing Minecraft version files.

Think of it like building on top of an existing foundation. OptiFine expands and enhances your base Minecraft game.

To do this integration, you must have the actual Minecraft version installed and launched at least once. This allows OptiFine to successfully detect and initialize itself into your environment.

If you haven‘t yet updated to Minecraft 1.20 and run the vanilla version, OptiFine will essentially get "lost", not knowing which version to attach to. Hence the cryptic error message.

Luckily, the fix is easy. Let‘s walk through it step-by-step.

How to Fix "Cannot Find Minecraft 1.20" in OptiFine

Follow these steps to download OptiFine 1.20 successfully:

Step 1: Update Minecraft to 1.20

First, make sure you‘re actually running Minecraft version 1.20:

  • Open the Minecraft Launcher
  • At the top, choose "Latest Release"
  • This will automatically update you to the newest 1.20 version

Step 2: Launch Vanilla Minecraft 1.20

Once updated, you need to launch the base 1.20 version at least once:

  • With Latest Release still selected, click "Play"
  • Load any world and move around for a bit before exiting

This initializes the 1.20 files OptiFine needs.

Step 3: Download OptiFine 1.20

Now you can download OptiFine 1.20:

  • Navigate to
  • Select Minecraft 1.20 > Preview versions
  • Click Download and skip the ad link
  • This downloads the OptiFine_1.20_HD_U_G9.jar file

Step 4: Install OptiFine

Run the downloaded OptiFine .jar file:

  • A small installer window will appear
  • Click Install to initialize OptiFine into your Minecraft

And that‘s it! With Minecraft 1.20 detected, OptiFine can now install successfully without errors.

Step 5: Select and Launch OptiFine

The last step is launching Minecraft with OptiFine:

  • Open your Minecraft Launcher and click the Version dropdown
  • Select the OptiFine option
  • Click Play to load Minecraft with OptiFine enabled!

Enjoy boosted performance, shader support, and customization options.

Troubleshooting Tips

Here are some extra troubleshooting tips if you still face issues:

  • Completely reinstall OptiFine by deleting the version and re-running the installer .jar.
  • On the Installations tab, click "New Installation" and manually set the OptiFine .jar as the version.
  • Update graphics drivers to the latest for best compatibility.
  • Disable any other mods/resource packs temporarily to check for conflicts.
  • Reinstall Minecraft itself and wipe all existing data to start fresh.
  • Ensure you install the correct OptiFine build that matches your Minecraft 1.20.
  • Check the OptiFine website for newer preview builds if needed.

Also remember to install OptiFine first before any other mods for maximum stability. The load order matters.

Alternative Performance Mods

If you still face issues with OptiFine, some alternatives to check out include:

  • Sodium – Also boosts FPS through performance optimizations.
  • Lithium – Reduces lag spikes and stuttering. Works well with Sodium.
  • LambdaBetterGrass – Improves grass rendering for smoother terrain.
  • LambDynamicLights – Enables moving light sources for torches, glowstone etc.

Each has their own advantages, though OptiFine remains the most feature-rich option.

Satisfying Minecraft Customization

In closing, OptiFine is a must-have mod to truly customize and enhance the vanilla Minecraft experience. By following this guide, you can get past the pesky "Cannot Find Minecraft 1.20" error and unlock buttery-smooth performance and graphics.

With the right optimizations, even low-end hardware can run Minecraft impressively well. Give OptiFine a try and breathe new life into your Minecraft world!