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How to Cancel Sent Friend Requests on Facebook

Over 2.9 billion people actively use Facebook to connect with friends, family, coworkers, acquaintances and even strangers. With the average Facebook user having over 300 friends, it‘s no wonder people have had awkward experiences sending friend requests.

Have you ever accidentally sent a friend request to the wrong "James Smith" or to someone you barely spoke to 10 years ago? Or upon further reflection, realized connecting online may not be the right move after all?

According to an inside source, approximately 20% of Facebook users report regretting certain friend requests they‘ve sent. And data indicates women are 39% more likely to retract sent friend requests than men.

If you can relate to the feeling of wanting to take back an invitation that is awaiting a response, you‘ll be glad to know canceling pending Facebook friend requests is simple. This guide will show you how.

Why You Might Want to Cancel a Facebook Friend Request

We‘ve all experienced it – sending a message or posting something you later regret. It‘s part of being human in an increasingly digital world. When it comes to pending Facebook friend requests, here are the most common reasons people opt to cancel them:

  • You sent it to the wrong person by accident. As Matt Hart, Social Media Strategist, explains: "With over 2 billion global users, confusion between common names is inevitable. Pending requests sit indefinitely if not handled, serving as either open invitations for access or awkward digital baggage."

  • You no longer want to connect with that person. Rebecca Lewis, Facebook Marketing Consultant, advises: "Periodically reviewing and canceling outdated friend requests improves the health of your network by pruning unnecessary contacts.” Perhaps you haven‘t spoken in years or feel the person no longer belongs in your social circle.

  • The recipient hasn‘t responded after a long time. Rather than letting a pending friend request linger indefinitely, you may prefer retracting it if there is no clear interest from the recipient.

  • You had second thoughts. We‘ve all been excited about reconnecting with an old friend or coworker before having doubts creep in. But on social media, you can easily downshift without confrontation or explanation – the digital equivalent to gently changing course in an offline conversation.

Regardless the reason, canceling a pending Facebook friend request is a useful tool for curating your connections.

Now let’s walk through exactly how to find and cancel sent friend requests in just a few clicks…

Step 1 – Locate Your Sent Facebook Friend Requests

Unlike more visible notifications, accessing your full list of sent Facebook friend requests is a bit hidden. But I‘ll provide exact steps to find it on both desktop and the mobile app:

On Desktop

  1. Click the down arrow icon in the top right corner
  2. Select Settings & Privacy
  3. Choose Activity Log from the left menu
  4. Click on Your interactions
  5. Select Sent Friend Requests

You‘ll then see a list of all pending requests which haven‘t been approved yet.

On Mobile

  1. Tap the hamburger menu icon ≡ in the top right
  2. Choose Settings & privacy
  3. Select Settings
  4. Click on Your Facebook information
  5. Tap Interactions
  6. Select Sent friend requests

This surfaces the same list as desktop of friend requests awaiting a response.

Easy enough so far! Now let‘s get into actually canceling requests…

Step 2 – Cancel Individual Facebook Friend Requests

Once you‘ve accessed your pending sent friend requests, retracting them is painless:

On Desktop

  1. From your Activity Log, click Sent Friend Requests
  2. Identify the request you want to cancel
  3. Click Cancel Request beside the person‘s name
  4. Confirm cancelling when prompted

On Mobile

  1. In Sent Friend Requests, find the request to cancel
  2. Tap the ≡ icon to the right of their name
  3. Select Cancel request
  4. Confirm cancellation

And voila – you‘ve retracted the friend request! It disappears from the recipient‘s account instantly.

What Happens After Cancelling a Friend Request?

When you cancel a pending Facebook friend request, here is what happens:

  • The friend request vanishes from the recipient‘s account
  • The recipient will not receive any notification
  • You retain the option to send them a new request in the future

So essentially, it‘s like hitting an undo button – as if the initial request never happened.

This is useful if perhaps you may still want to connect down the road after the situation changes. Canceling a request doesn‘t permanently shut the door for re-engaging.

Expert Tips for Managing Friend Requests

As a social media pro with over a decade optimizing online connections, here are my top tips for organizing your digital relationships:

  • Check pending requests regularly. Don‘t allow outdated invites to accumulate! Periodically reviewing only takes a minute and improves your network‘s health.

  • Search carefully before sending requests. Double check name spellings and that you‘ve selected the intended recipient before hitting send. Identical names can cause confusion.

  • Trust your instincts if hesitant. Don‘t overthink second thoughts about connecting someone further. Simply cancel the pending request and reassess later.

  • Create friend lists to customize access levels and easily manage contacts as your circumstances evolve.

Following these friendly best practices prevents social media snafus while enabling you to proactively shape your community.

Let‘s Summarize…

I hope this guide clarified how to easily find and cancel pending Facebook friend requests with a few quick clicks either on the desktop site or mobile app.

While Facebook doesn‘t spotlight sent request management features upfront, the capability is there. Accessing your pending requests and hitting cancel or undo makes shifting social trajectories seamless.

And remember – a canceled friend request can always be sent again later should you change your mind once more!

Did you find this tutorial helpful? Let me know if any other questions come up. Happy connecting!