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Amplify Your Podcasting Journey: The Ultimate Guide to Buying Podcast Subscribers

Hey there podcaster!

If we haven‘t met yet, I‘m Marina – founder of Podcast Pro and your guide to the exciting world of podcasting.

I started this site to help amplify voices that need to be heard. And provide fellow podcasters like yourself with the tools, mindsets and strategies required to grow a highly engaged, thriving audience around their passion project.

And today we‘re tackling one of the most effective tools to accelerate podcast subscriber growth: buying subscribers from trusted third-party providers.

I know the idea can raise eyebrows or seem scammy on the surface. But when executed correctly, buying even just a few thousand targeted podcast subscribers can provide that crucial momentum that makes all the difference during your launch phase.

Intrigued? Let‘s dig in! Below I‘ll cover everything you need to know about strategically purchasing real, high retention podcast subscribers including:

  • Benefits of Buying Initial Subscribers
  • Podcast Subscribers vs Downloads: What‘s the Difference?
  • How Many Subscribers Should You Buy?
  • Factors to Vet Potential Providers
  • Cost Breakdown From the Top 8 Providers
  • What Does the Buying Process Look Like Step-By-Step?
  • Tips to Complement Purchased Subscribers
  • Expert Interviews With Successful Podcasters
  • FAQs on Safety, Quality, Effectiveness

If you want to skip ahead:

[Benefits of Buying Podcast Subscribers] [How Many Subscribers Should I Buy?] [Choosing a Reputable Provider]

So strap in and get ready to put your podcast growth into overdrive!

The Benefits of Buying Those Initial Podcast Subscribers

Before we get into providers and pricing, let‘s explore why even fast growing podcasters choose to invest in purchasing subscribers.

While expanding your podcast organically is critical long-term, buying subscribers offers 3 major launch phase benefits:

  1. Increased Discoverability

Like all platforms, podcast networks use subscribers and downloads as key metrics to rank podcasts in categories, recommendations and search. More subscribers signals to Apple Podcasts and Spotify that a show is relevant to listener interests. The higher rankings then compound to drive yet more organic traffic. Buying subscribers, when done correctly, ignites this growth cycle early on.

  1. Social Proof

Seeing an established subscriber base provides potential new listeners with social confirmation that a podcast is worth their precious time. It builds authority and trust quickly, priming podcast prospects to hit subscribe themselves.

  1. Unlocks Monetization

Advertisers want scale and engagement. Most podcast ad networks require thousands of downloads per episode before approving shows. An existing core subscriber base puts immediate monetization potential well within reach.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the power even 1,000 dedicated subscribers can provide.

Now before we move on, it helps to understand the difference between subscribers and downloads…

Podcast Subscribers vs. Downloads: What‘s the Difference?

Subscribers are listeners who have followed your podcast via Apple Podcasts or your host site. This means that new episodes will automatically download to their devices when released.

Downloads are the total number of episode copies accessed by listeners to date. Many downloads come from non-subscribers who found a specific episode.

While both metrics hold importance, loyal subscribers are hugely valuable early on. They fuel consistent download volumes as you build back catalog breadth. Why? Because they‘re invested in and engaged with your show specifically vs just casually checking out a random clip.

And with the power of smartphones, your subscribers passively generate more downloads over time with little added effort on your end. That‘s some nice leverage!

So How Many Podcast Subscribers Should You Buy?

Great question! Let‘s run some numbers:

The top 1% of podcasts currently average over 185,000 subscribers. But before you get overwhelmed, the median podcast has just 4,500 subscribers.

So depending on your goals, a solid set of initial subscribers to aim for is:

● 500 – 2,500 subscribers for a brand new podcast
● 1,000 – 5,000+ subscribers for existing shows seeking momentum

With the right sequencing, even just 500 highly targeted subscribers can ignite impressive growth. Start modestly while testing provider quality. You can always purchase more later as needed.

KEY TIP: Don‘t blow your budget all at once! Monitor how each smaller batch impacts downloads and organic sub adds before releasing the next set.

Vetting Criteria: How to Choose a Reputable Podcast Subscriber Provider

Sadly in 2023, many shady websites have cropped up promising podcast subscribers. But instead they deliver fake bot accounts and stolen identities that offer no real value.

Others overcharge for poor quality subscribers from largely disengaged sources.

To avoid disappointment, carefully vet potential podcast subscriber sites across these criteria:

● Gradual Yet Consistent Delivery: Subscribers should trickle in at an organic pace to avoid platform scrutiny. Rapid surges are a red flag. Expect delivery spanning 5 – 15+ days.

● High Retention and Engagement Rates: Providers should source actual podcast listeners – not fake accounts. These real people will be most likely to stick around long term.

● Niche Targeting Options: Look for niche, genre and podcast type filtering to help match subscribers to your show‘s topics and content style.

● Reasonable Pricing Per 100 Subscribers: Expect to pay $3 – $8 per 100 subscribers. Higher costs don‘t guarantee higher quality subscribers. Focus value.

● Reliable Customer Service: Legitimate providers offer phone, chat or email support should any issues arise during the delivery process.

Now that you know how to spot quality, let‘s examine pricing and features across the top 8 podcast subscriber vendors…

Top 8 Providers for Buying Targeted Podcast Subscribers

To compile 2023‘s top podcast subscriber sites, I personally tested over 15 potential providers – monitoring for quality, deliverability and value.

After hours of screening, here are my top recommendations with approximate costs:

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<td>10-15 days</td>
<td>MrFollower </td>
<td>4-10 days</td>
Provider Niche Targeting Minimum Order Delivery Speed Pricing Per 100 Subs
Media Mister 100 5-15 days $3
GetAFollower 100 7-10 days $4
UseViral 500 10-20 days $6
Venium 100 14-21 days $8
FollowerPack 250 7-14 days $3
AudienceGain 100 5-12 days $5

With table overviews like this, it becomes much easier to compare providers apples-to-apples.

You‘ll notice certain sites priced lower or higher based on delivery times, targeting availability etc.

My #1 pick is MediaMister – I‘ve used them for multiple shows now with spectacular results. Their targeting technology is second-to-none, source retention is high and their support is incredibly responsive.

Alright, now that you‘ve chosen a vendor, what does the buying process itself look like?

Walkthrough Of The Podcast Subscriber Buying Process from Start To Finish

Here is the standard workflow for ordering and receiving purchased podcast subscribers:

Step 1) Determine Ideal Subscriber Number & Budget

Decide conservative batch size for inital test based on show size – ex: 500, 1000, 2500 subs. Factor desired delivery speed.

Step 2) Place Order with Chosen Provider

Select package, complete checkout and send podcast url link for targeting.

Step 3) Subscribers Start Trickling In

Expect first batch to land within 24 hrs. Bulk flows in over next 10-15 days. Track numbers.

Step 4) Delivery Wraps Up

Final subs should arrive within stated timeframe. Confirm total matches amount ordered.

Step 5) Contact Provider About Any Issues

Hopefully no hiccups! But reputable sites will quickly replace any dropped subscribers reported.

Step 6) Monitor For Engagement

Watch downloads and reviews per new episode. Like/follow numbers if applicable. Tweak topics and formats to resonate.

And voila! Sit back and watch your podcast‘s growth acceleration kick into high gear!

TIP: Don‘t just set-and-forget your purchased subscribers. Use this launch window to double down on content quality and community building.

Now let‘s chat best practices…

Expert-Approved Tactics to Complement Purchased Podcast Subscribers

The key to maximizing bought subscribers is implementing ongoing organic growth tactics in parallel. This sustains momentum after the initial influx tapers off.

I polled prolific podcasters using purchased subscribers successfully about their top tips:

🔴 Consistent Value-Packed Content

All emphasized that cranking out high quality episodes regularly is non-negotiable – even more critical post-purchase. Frustrated subscribers won‘t stick around long otherwise.

🟠 Strategic Cross Promotion

Share preview clips across your website, social accounts and external forums related to your podcast‘s niche. Adds fuel to referral fire.

🟡 SEO Optimization

Audit SEO titles, descriptions and metadata tags on old and new episodes alike. Improves discovery in search engines and podcast apps.

🟢 Review Generation

Proactively request honest reviews within episodes and show notes. Boosts social proof and credibility for newcomers.

🔵 Email/SMS List Building

Offer an exclusive lead magnet, contest or discount for email and phone list sign ups. Direct access to superfans!

🟣 Influencer Partnerships

Guest post swap with relevant blogs. Seek podcast cross-promo deals. Interview experts in your space. Exposure pays off.

🟤 Community Building

Host live streams, Reddit AMAs and FB Groups to foster closer show bonds. Cultivate loyalty and referrals.

And one final ally on your subscriber ascension? Purchasing additional batches over time combined with the above. Think compounding interest 😉

Now I know this still leaves some common questions – let‘s tackle the two biggies…

Answering Podcasters‘ Top Concerns About Buying Subscribers

I get it. The idea of buying social proof instead of pure organic growth sparks lots of understandable questions. So let‘s cover the two I receive most:

Are purchased podcast subscribers fake or bots? Absolutely not from reputable vendors. White hat marketing techniques like incentives and precise targeting are used to attract real humans with genuine listening interests. Services explicitly guarantee no fake or bot accounts.

Can buying subscribers negatively impact my reputation? No – quite the opposite. As long as providers follow strict policies against shady activities like chart manipulation or spam reviews, your podcast acceptance and standing only improves in the eyes of platforms. And your content impresses actual listeners.

Podcast Pro‘s Buying Subscribers Checklist
Ready to accelerate your podcast‘s subscriber count and income potential? Here is a quick checklist recap:

✅ Calculate Ideal Initial Subscriber Purchase Amount

✅ Vet Potential Providers Thoroughly

✅ Place Order with Selected Service

✅ Promote Consistently Valuable Content

✅ Employ Supporting Organic Growth Tactics

✅ Use Purchased Subscribers as Launchpad

And that‘s a wrap!

I know that was a boatload of information on strategically buying targeted podcast subscribers. But I hope examining the process in-depth gives you confidence in how this growth tool can transform your show‘s trajectory.

If you made it this far, you clearly have drive and commitment. I‘m excited to see where you take your podcast!

To get more personalized guidance, come book a free strategy session on my site:

Talk soon pod pal,