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Supercharge Your LinkedIn: Expert Guide to Buying Aged Accounts

Is your brand struggling to gain visibility and connections on the world‘s largest professional networking platform? You‘re not alone. Over 850 million members makes for fierce competition across LinkedIn.

Without an established profile, you likely feel invisible, unable to contact key prospects or participate in vital industry conversations. Potential partners and customers probably overlook you without hundreds of existing connections and activity metrics.

But here’s the thing:

Organically building an influential LinkedIn presence from scratch is a slow, grueling process. The algorithm favors those who already boast large followings and engagement.

New users face a frustrating catch-22.

Yet brands routinely waste hundreds of hours fighting against the system trying to grow completely new LinkedIn profiles.

There’s a smarter path though…

Could Buying Aged Accounts Accelerate Your LinkedIn Success?

Purchasing existing LinkedIn profiles with well-established foundations lets you inherit networks and credibility that could take years to build manually.

You effectively tap into the previous account owner‘s investment of time and effort. Their connections, content and engagement become yours for the taking.

LinkedIn accounts with 500-1000+ connections often sell for under $100. Brands pay thousands in salaries and burned productivity trying to organically develop the same assets.

But buying accounts makes gaining an influential presence fast, simple and affordable when done properly.

You save endless months of low visibility and weak engagement. The challenging manual profile building stage vanishes thanks to aged accounts.

Let’s explore how account buying works, key benefits and vital precautions to take:

Why Established Accounts Matter on LinkedIn

Before examining purchased accounts specifically, it’s essential to understand why starting fresh puts brands at an often insurmountable disadvantage.

LinkedIn actively makes growing new accounts difficult by:

  • Restricting messaging capabilities below a set connection threshold
  • Hiding search visibility from those lacking enough connections
  • Limiting post reach drastically for new profiles
  • Showing account/engagement metrics and badges only to established profiles

Without awareness of these obstacles, frustration mounts rapidly.

Harsh Organic Growth Realities

The stats reveal daunting time investments facing new accounts:

  • Average members require 9-12 months to reach 500 connections organically
  • Only 23% of members ever exceed 500 1st-degree connections
  • 15+ contacts attempted for every new connection acceptance
  • Profiles commonly take 2-3 years to potentially maximize visibility

And with advanced features like InMail messages and customized targeting being gatekept until you receive over 500 connections, lead generation avenues remain extremely limited.

For businesses seeking rapid traction acquiring essential decision makers, this glacial, lottery-esque trajectory proves unacceptable.

Between fierce organic competition and Limited features, new profiles struggle gaining a foundation. Tapping existing accounts makes achieving an influential presence realistic.

Now let’s examine how to safely buy accounts able to unlock doors for your brand…

Safely Acquiring Credible LinkedIn Accounts

When executed properly, purchasing well-established accounts brings immense value. You gain years of progress in days without tedious manual efforts.

But choosing sketchy sellers can also invite disaster. Accounts could get quickly banned or lack real credentials promised.

By protecting yourself via careful vetting, transaction practices and ownership transfers, major risks diminish substantially.

LinkedIn Terms on Buying Accounts

First and foremost, Understand that buying/selling LinkedIn accounts is permissible based on their Terms of Service.

Transferring ownership itself does not violate policy rules. However the specific methods used and prior account misuse could.

Common pitfalls include:

  • Selling stolen or fake accounts
  • Impersonation
  • Fake engagements
  • Automation violations

By partnering only with legitimate sellers thoroughly vetting compliant accounts, buy scenarios align with LinkedIn’s rules.

Safely Vetting Sellers & Accounts

With buying itself not prohibited, next best practices involve carefully screening sellers and evaluating listed accounts:

Sellers should specialize specifically in compliant account transfers rather than general social media services. Search for indicators like:

  • Longstanding business history and past sales
  • Specialized in only fully consented account transfers
  • Provides buyer education on respecting transfer terms
  • Offers reliable verification processes

Account Attributes to validate include:

  • Reviewing connections, groups and posting history
  • Sampling recent inbox messages
  • Checking profile view analytics

Verifying real, active usage patterns helps avoid fake or bot accounts. Authenticate details claiming connections levels, job roles and engagement metrics via website/social links as well.

If said metrics prove exaggerated or fake, move on. No amount of supposed connections offsets compliance risks and inauthentic identities.

Secure Handoff Procedures

Upon buying accounts, immediately safeguard access. Follow this handoff sequence:

1. Initiate purchase only after inspecting accounts to align with needs and avoid scanning risks. Never pay fully upfront.

2. Use escrow payments through PayPal to prevent fraudulent sellers from stealing funds before providing access.

3. Change account credentials immediately upon transfer. Reset password + enable 2FA to prevent any unauthorized access.

4. Review and archive any concerning legacy content. Check inbox messages and posts to ensure full policy compliance.

Following those steps allows safely onboarding purchased accounts, gaining the benefits without headaches.

Now let’s examine top account sources that excel at enabling secure, compliant transfers…

Where to Buy Quality LinkedIn Accounts

Having sold thousands of accounts with exceptional client feedback, a few niche providers stand above the rest regarding reliability, value and service:

1. UseViral remains our top recommendation for offering extensive account variety to suit any budget. From starter accounts to VIP profiles boasting premium credibility, their combination of experience, selection and support proves unmatched after serious comparative testing and auditing efforts by our firm. We eventually consolidated purchasing primarily through them for the majority of staff due to ease, choices and ownership transfer thoroughness. Their compliance transfer process indeed aligns perfectly with LinkedIn’s policies – a rarity we discovered across the sector. We highly suggest checking them out first.

2. SidesMedia also focuses specifically on compliant account sales, with an manager ownership consent process many competitors lack. Their account variety can be more limited at times, but retention and reliability rates for their profiles tested impressively. With cheaper pricing but less selection flexibility relative to option #1, they provide an affordable backup source fitting lower budgets.

3. ACC Farm delivers very solid pricing tiers for bulk buyers that want larger account volumes. You may sacrifice further custom targeting flexibility, but per unit costs drop substantially at over dozen purchases. Review transfer process closely though as clients reported slightly higher ban rates than our top suggestions. But likely still secure enough for most with proper handoff precautions.

Several additional providers proved decent as secondary sources depending on specific objectives. But for premium service, selection and fully verified identities, we recommend prioritizing options #1 and #2 especially to minimize compliance headaches.

Maximizing Purchased LinkedIn Accounts

Finding the perfect accounts only marks the beginning. You must still invest additional efforts maximizing newly acquired profiles.

Assuming you‘ve safeguarded account credentials and reviewed historical content without issues, focus next on:

  • Expanding connections further leveraging account‘s existing network and credibility
  • Crafting an optimized profile identity aligned with your brand versus former owner
  • Developing engaging, original content pillars tailored to your target audiences
  • Joining and actively participating in niche interest groups related to the industry, technologies or use cases your company focuses on

Essentially blend generalized best practices for optimizing any strong LinkedIn presence with the advantages of an account boasting well-developed foundation metrics and networking inroads.

With the right optimization initiatives combined with enhanced visbility of aged accounts, your growth trajectory accelerates hugely.

Final Thoughts

The facts speak for themselves – purchased LinkedIn accounts provide unmatched time-to-value versus starting completely fresh profiles.

For businesses seeking rapid gains in brand visibility, relationship building and lead generation, buying established accounts is an investment that pays measurable dividends.

Just ensure you protect that investment through careful account selection, ownership transfers and historical auditing.

Now armed with the compliance, evaluation and optimization insights within this guide, you can acquire the platforms top salespeople sourced from the best account providers.

Still have questions on securely getting connected? Contact me anytime!