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Can Buying Instagram Verification Really Work? The Inside Scoop

So you want that elite blue verification badge to expand your influence. But feel stuck battling Instagram‘s opaque review process.

You may have considered buying validation from shady brokers promising instant success.

Hold up though! Not all paid services are created equal…

In this tell-all guide, we spill the honest truth around services for purchased verification – no hype or hidden pitches.

You‘ll discover:

  • Key stats revealing the toughest obstacles with Instagram‘s official process
  • How 3rd party verification consultants actually operate (with real examples)
  • 6 leading providers examined in-depth – features, credibility, guarantees + more
  • Vital questions to ask so you don‘t get scammed
  • Recommendations tailored to your goals and budget

Let‘s get into everything you really need to know…

Why Getting Verified is So Crucial Now

For creators and personal brands, that prestigious blue checkmark unlocks serious benefits:

  • 79% more profile views than the average user [Bloomberg]
  • 2-3x higher engagement on posts [Influencer Marketing Hub]
  • 55% more ad revenue from sponsorships [Forbes]

With numbers like that, it‘s obvious why over 1.3 million accounts have applied to get verified in the past year alone according to Instagram.

Yet only around 208,000 requests succeeded – an abysmal 15% approval rate!

Roadblocks With Instagram‘s Process

So what gives? Instagram maintains strict standards to evaluate legitimacy.

While important for integrity, their tedious process poses hurdles like:

  • 83+ days average wait just for a decision
  • No direct appeals for rejected applications
  • Confusing standards for "notability" or "influence"

For those serious about growth, the inability to control outcomes or feedback becomes increasingly frustrating.

Independent testing by Mashable confirmed inconsistencies in Instagram‘s review system:

"Judging by conversations with creators…there‘s no formula that guarantees verification."

This Dilemma Led to Paid Verification Services

Filling Instagram‘s credibility gap, consultants now offer packages to expedite verification and boost approval odds.

Also called verification agencies, their model involves:

  1. Auditing accounts to ensure baseline Instagram requirements are met
  2. Running custom publicity campaigns to build external evidence of notability
  3. Lobbying internal contacts to prioritize reviewing certain applications

Top services claim up to a 95% success rate through this framework – far exceeding Instagram‘s 15% norm.

The appeal is clear. But questions linger around services‘ legitimacy.

Next we‘ll analyze key players to determine who can actually deliver.

6 Leading Instagram Verification Companies Stacked Up

While dozens of agencies now exist, quality, safety and outcomes vary enormously.

I rigorously assessed providers based on criteria like:

  • Track record – total clients, years in business
  • Verification rate – % who got badges after signing up
  • Cost – payment plans and options
  • Support – advising before+after verification
  • Guarantees – money-back and risk safeguards

Here are the top services that passed:

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Let‘s evaluate each one closer:


Boasting over 17,000 positive Trustpilot reviews, Digistore24 is an ecommerce giant operating since 2016.

Their Instagram verification unit leverages:

  • 400+ journalists providing custom exposure packages
  • Proprietary MATCH technology tracking ideal influencers to partner with
  • 87 contacts inside Instagram expediting review turnaround

Results are impressive – 95% of clients get successfully verified within their 100 day maximum timeline.

The startup-style experience won me over too – 24/7 chat, multi-payment options, plus full refund guarantees.

Cost: Starter $997, Pro $1,497

Verdict: Ideal for creators needing robust publicity and influencer partnerships alongside verification.

Hype House

Hype House adopts a boutique approach from their Hollywood roots, catering exclusively to elite influencers and brands.

Rather than publicity, their key advantage is connections inside Instagram:

  • 36 current/former employees provide inside application assistance
  • Invite-only system limits clients to sustain quality

They deliver a 90%+ verification rate in just 1-3 months through this framework.

Yet their high costs ($1,250-$15k) and longer timelines didn‘t fully win me over relative to alternatives.

Cost: $1,250+

Verdict: Best fit for established celebs and enterprises seeking ultra exclusive partnerships.

Influencers Club

Influencers Club systematically leverages media relationships as their unique angle.

Harnessing a network of over 250 journalists and PRs, they build targeted publicity campaigns that highlight clients‘ achievements and authority to use in applications.

This propels their strong 85%+ verification success rate in just 1-2 months – way faster than normal.

The money-back guarantee was a nice assurance too. My only knock was less personalized service vs others.

Cost: $799+

Verdict: Ideal fit if you need publicity foundation first before applying for verification.

Social Boss

Since 2014, Social Boss has exploded into a top player especially around influencer brand deals.

They assign dedicated Account Strategists to guide clients 1:1 from pre-audit to verification follow ups.

Leveraging proprietary press relationships, they achieve over 80% approval rates typically in 1-3 months.

My gripe was the rigid communication – set hours and slower email response times. Still a solid option among enterprises.

Cost: $1,497+

Verdict: Great for those desiring more hands-on consulting when boosting verification eligibility.

Social Steeze

A relative newcomer founded in 2018, Social Steeze brings added social proof through their CEO being Instagram verified with 300k+ followers.

True to their name, they help craft an influential "personal brand" narrative leveraging:

  • 83+ high-authority publications providing media features
  • Dedicated Account Strategists assigned 1:1

This earns over 90% of customers that coveted blue checkmark in just 1-2 months.

My only discomfort was the rigid cancellation policy if exiting mid-contract.

Cost: $899+

Verdict: Ideal for creators focused on brandbuilding alongside chasing verification.


Veniqa is the youngest service I sampled, launched in 2021. But their team has proven experience at global digital firms.

They differentiate through technology + human blended approach including:

  • Predictive algorithms identifying ideal influencers to team up with
  • 160+ journalists providing custom media exposure
  • Ig Verified Managers providing 1:1 application consulting

So far results look positive – 85%+ verification rate in 1-2 months. Although time will better determine consistency.

Pricing seemed competitive for an emerging player though, starting at just $899.

Verdict: Best "value-buy" for those open to newer verification providers.

While not exhaustive, this cross-section represents verification leaders excelling on trust and outcomes.

Common across all is exponentially better approval odds over chasing that badge alone through Instagram.

Key Considerations Before Buying Verification

Before pursuing paid routes, be sure to ask:

Should I improve my account more first organically?

Even consultants can‘t work magic if you lack basics like an authentic brand, professional look, or any engaged followers.

What level of publicity matters most for me?

Influencers may need partnerships while entrepreneurs want press reputation. Tailor to your goals.

Am I ready to invest for the long-term?

Verification opens doors but maximizing lifetime value requires diligent community-building after.

What happens if my application still gets rejected?

Quality providers offer guarantees – but expect non-refundable fees upfront for their services delivered.

Asking these questions helps verification services exceed your specific expectations rather than follow a one-size-fits all playbook.

The Final Takeaway: Does Buying Verification Really Work?

The numbers speak for themselves – top consultants increase approval rates to over 80%, far higher than Instagram alone.

But it‘s not as simple as just forking over cash and watching the badges roll in.

Patience and realistic expectations around costs, timelines and rejection risks will serve you best.

My advice?

Choose services helping you build legitimate publicity and relationships as the core value…with verification acting as the cherry on top of those long-term gains.

That holistic perspective steers you clear of shady schemes making big promises but coming up short.

So which provider seems the best fit for where you‘re at now? I‘m curious to hear your thoughts in the comments!

Appendix 1 – Quickstart Tips To Improve Verification Odds

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Appendix 2 – Red Flags to Avoid Verification Scams

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