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Should You Buy Facebook Votes? An Expert‘s Perspective

Facebook contests and polls can be an excellent way for businesses, organizations, and even individuals to generate engagement, increase their reach, and boost their online presence. However, as social media marketing has become more competitive, some have turned to buying Facebook votes and contest entries from third-party providers as a shortcut to better results.

In this 2600-word guide, we‘ll analyze the controversial practice of buying Facebook votes, including the ethics, risks, and potential value. As an online privacy and cybersecurity expert, I aim to provide an objective, comprehensive perspective to help readers make informed decisions.

The Appeal of Buying Votes and Contest Entries

First, let‘s explore why buying votes, likes, and contest entries is so tempting:

Quick Results for Minimal Effort

Compared to organically building an audience and running marketing campaigns, buying votes, likes, and contest entries takes little time and effort. Just enter your payment info, your contest link or Facebook Page, and you‘ll have hundreds or thousands of votes flooding in within hours or days. For time-strapped businesses and marketers, it‘s an extremely convenient shortcut.

Perception of Popularity & Social Proof

A contest, poll, or Page with thousands of votes and likes looks popular, establishment, and well-received by the public. This lends an air of credibility and authority. Businesses want to look as legitimate and supported as possible to attract real customers.

Increased Reach & Discovery

The more votes and likes you have, the more Facebook‘s algorithm may show your content to real people who may follow or support you organically. So bought votes can kickstart discovery and reach.

Contest Prizes & Viral Attention

If real rewards are at stake in a Facebook contest, such as cash, products, experiences, etc., the motivation to cheat with bought votes rises. And if the contest goes viral, buying votes provides huge exposure.

The Case Against Buying Facebook Votes

However, there are also significant downsides to consider:

Artificial Manipulation vs Real Connections

At its core, buying votes manipulates perceptions andRepresents an inauthentic social media approach focused on vanity metrics rather than real connections. It risks turning people off if discovered.

Potential Legal Issues

Facebook and most contest platforms prohibit buying votes and fake accounts. You may get banned. And if contests have legal contracts or cash prizes, you could face fraud allegations. Know the rules first.

Limited Real Business Value

While bought votes may briefly inflate perceived popularity, the accounts are fake, so you won‘t gain loyal customers, brand advocates or quality leads this way. It won‘t drive sales.

Hurts Competitors Playing Fair

If you use bought votes to gain an advantage over others playing by the rules in contests and polls, it undermines fairness and trust in the system.sabotages the chance for organic community-building.

Often Low Quality & Easy to Spot as Fake

Many vote selling services rely on fake, zombie, or compromised accounts. But it‘s typically easy to spot patterns of fake votes, which kills credibility. Quality varies widely.

May Violate Social Media Terms of Service

All social platforms prohibit fake accounts and bought metric manipulation. There‘s always a risk your Page or Profile gets deleted if caught, losing your entire online presence.

Doesn‘t Address Underlying Issues

Buying votes or contest entries is only a superficial band-aid fix. It won‘t make up for low quality/relevance of content, poor digital marketing strategy, or real audience engagement issues.

A Balanced Cost/Benefit Analysis

As we can see, buying Facebook votes, likes, and contest participation carries significant ethics concerns and risks. However, for some organizations and individuals, the potential benefits may justify testing in small doses.

Here are key questions to ask yourself when weighing the pros and cons of buying Facebook votes or contest entries:

  • What are your goals/motivations? If you simply want vanity metrics to inflate egos, buying votes carries too much downside. But if votes get you vital exposure to amplify an important cause, it merits consideration. Know why you‘re doing this.

  • Have you optimized organic marketing first? Buying votes should only ever supplement foundational organic marketing, not replace it. If you haven‘t built an organic marketing strategy, start there.

  • Can you suffer the consequences if caught? Assess your appetite for risks like account bans, fraud lawsuits, and reputation damage if your bought votes are discovered. Know the worst-case scenarios going in.

  • Is the context fair & transparent? If running a contest, are the rules clear? Make sure you‘re not actively misleading people or sabotaging others playing fair with bought votes.

  • Will bought votes achieve lasting business value? Consider whether short-term vanity metrics translate to real, loyal customers and revenue. If not, reconsider.

If after asking these key questions you still believe tested investment in buying votes may further your goals, proceed with extreme caution. Never stake major budgets or contests without organic community-building first. Next we‘ll explore best practices for risk mitigation.

Safest Practices for Buying Facebook Votes

If you move forward with buying Facebook post/page votes, likes, or contest entries after careful consideration, these tips can help maximize results and minimize risk:

1. Review Provider Reputation & Quality Carefully

  • Scrutinize online reviews for any vote/metric seller before buying
  • Ask for samples and assess the account quality so they look real
  • Ensure strong refund policies/support in case of issues

2. Start Small to Test Quality and Detection Risk

  • Only buy small vote batches at first, like 100-500
  • Monitor platform warnings and reaction in comments to assess detection risk before scaling up

3. Don‘t Link Purchased Votes to Business Pages or Identities

  • Consider creating a separate account not directly tied to identities to link bought votes to
  • Don‘t risk penalties on important business Pages until confident in safety

4. Don‘t Buy Votes for Content That May Go Viral

  • If you expect a post may get heavy organic traction, avoid adding potentially detectable bought votes
  • They‘ll make up a tiny fraction of total activity anyway

5. Spread Purchases Over Time

  • Place smaller orders over an extended period
  • Avoid sudden vote spikes that appear inorganic

6. Blend With Organic Promotion for Cover

  • Don‘t rely solely on bought votes as it may raise red flags
  • Combine with some real ad spend and cross-promotion for camouflage

Smarter Alternatives to Buying Facebook Votes

While buying Facebook votes or contest entries may provide short-term vanity metrics, long-term success requires authentic, organic community engagement.

As an alternative path, here are my top recommendations for ethically building your presence:

Invest in Facebook & Social Ads

  • Thoughtful ad targeting and testing beats fake votes for sales impact
  • Prioritize ads over bought votes/follows/likes

Cross-Promote Content Widely

  • Leverage networks of partnerships, influencers and loyal supporters to get legitimate votes and amplification

Keep Optimizing Content Strategy

  • Create evergreen, helpful content that resonates organically with no votes needed
  • Continually test new content types, angles and topics to find your audience

Build Loyalty & Advocacy

  • Develop a community eager to support your mission because they love you

While bought votes may help inflate vanity metrics, only passion and affinity drive real support over time. Stay focused on creatively meeting audience needs rather than artificial shortcuts.

If current traction and visibility seem underwhelming, instead of rushing to services selling Facebook votes and likes, double down on understanding your audience and sharing content that brings true value. The rest will follow in time.

The Bottom Line on Buying Facebook Votes

After analyzing the ethics, risks and potential selective use cases for buying Facebook votes, likes and contest entries, let‘s summarize key conclusions:

  • Buying votes raises significant credibility concerns but may help some organizations/causes gain vital visibility

  • Proceed with extreme caution, starting small – But buying at scale almost never justifies the risks

  • Primarily invest resources into organic, ethical marketing over artificial vanity metrics

  • If you do buy votes, take steps to mitigate risk and blend with authentic promotion

While buying Facebook votes fails as a standalone strategy, tactically it may amplify your visibility enough to then attract organic supporters. But focus only on real connections and community-building long-term.

I hope this comprehensive expert overview distilling the controversy around buying Facebook votes has provided useful insights and principles to consider before you decide on an ethical social media marketing path optimized for your goals.