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How to Fix Brutalities Not Working in Mortal Kombat 11

Hey there Mortal Kombat fan! Have you ever gotten frustrated when you attempt a sick brutality but it just won‘t come out right? As a longtime MK player myself, I totally get it. But don‘t break your controller just yet – this guide will help you troubleshoot those stubborn brutalities in MK11.

A Quick Brutality Breakdown

For newcomers, brutalities are flashy finishers introduced back in MKX that let you end a match by destroying your opponent in creative ways. They became an instant hit with fans.

Each character has multiple brutalities to unlock by performing certain button presses and conditions during the final hit. Nailing the timing takes practice, but pulling one off successfully provides a huge rush of satisfaction.

Over the years, brutalities have become more complex with intricate inputs and criteria. For example, Scorpion‘s classic "Get Over Here" brutality requires you to hold Down after connecting his spear, release Down, press Forward to dodge, then Uppercut at precisely the right moment. Pretty tricky!

Brutalities can turn the tide in competitive matches by inflicting massive damage – up to 50% extra! So having access to brutalities is a key strategy component for dedicated players.

Why Brutalities Don‘t Work in MK11

When a brutality you know you‘ve done many times before suddenly stops working, it‘s easy to get frustrated. But there are two main reasons this happens in MK11:

Input Errors: You‘re not pressing the right buttons or following the criteria properly. The timing of brutalities is very strict.

Confirmed Bugs: The brutality itself is glitched and non-functional. MK11 has some known issues.

For instance, a common complaint is Scorpion‘s "Get Over Here" brutality not working even when players are sure they‘re inputting it correctly. This is mostly due to small timing errors or pressing the wrong sequence.

On the other hand, Liu Kang‘s "Hot Mess" brutality is widely reported as completely broken right now based on posts in r/MortalKombat and comments on YouTube. No matter what you do, it won‘t activate due to a bug.

Step 1: Open The Advanced Move List

When brutalities refuse to work, the first thing to do is open the Advanced Move List. Here‘s how:

  1. Open Move List from the pause menu
  2. Select Finishers
  3. Choose Brutalities
  4. Switch to Advanced View by pressing Square on PS4

This shows you extended notes on how to perform each brutality such as exact button presses and additional criteria like avoiding block damage.

Carefully studying these notes will give you insight into why a brutality might not be activating. Are you missing a key input or condition? The answers are in the Advanced View.

Step 2: Troubleshoot Your Inputs

If you think input error is causing the issue, it‘s time to troubleshoot. Try slowing down and pressing each button deliberately until the timing clicks.

Use Practice Mode to rehearse the inputs. Turn on Input Display to see where you may be going wrong. Refer to the Advanced View notes frequently.

Watching footage of other players executing the brutality can also help engrain the timing and sequence in your muscle memory.

Sometimes you might need to slightly adjust the inputs. Turn off Release Check or change the special move or button sequence if needed. The Advanced View will indicate if variations are allowed.

With patience and practice, you‘ll nail down even the most difficult brutality timings.

Step 3: Check for Confirmed Bugs

However, if you‘re absolutely certain you‘re inputting the brutality correctly, then it may be an unfixed bug. Check WB Games‘ known issues page and the Mortal Kombat 11 subreddit to see if others report the issue.

For example, as mentioned above, Liu Kang‘s "Hot Mess" brutality is demonstrably broken right now. No amount of practice will make it work – it simply won‘t activate due to a coding bug.

If you run into a confirmed bugged brutality, submit a bug report to WB Games along with video evidence. The more data they have, the quicker they can patch it!

Brutality Glossary

Here are some common brutality terms to know:

Release Check: Requires you to release a button before pressing the next input

Punish: Must connect the brutality as a counterattack punish

Krushing Blow: Needs you to land a Krushing Blow during the match

Fatal Blow: Must connect the brutality after landing a Fatal Blow

No Block Damage: Can‘t block any damage during the final round

X% Life Remaining: You must have this much health left to perform the brutality

In Conclusion

With the right modifications to your inputs and timing, you can overcome most brutality issues. For truly broken brutalities, submit bug reports and wait patiently for a patch. Reading the Advanced Move List closely is critical.

Brutalities add hype moments and strategic depth to Mortal Kombat 11. I hope these troubleshooting tips help you unleash brutalities more consistently so you can finish matches in style! Let me know if the guide helps fix your brutality woes. Happy Kombating!