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How to "Break Suda‘s Flow at Three Locations" in Genshin Impact

The recent Genshin Impact 3.1 update introduced an intriguing multi-part quest to break the Flow created by the ancient god Suda at three different locations. In this comprehensive 2000+ word guide, I‘ll be sharing expert tips and detailed walkthroughs to help you efficiently solve this mystical puzzle.

Who is Suda and Why Break Her Flow?

First, some backstory. Suda is a mysterious deity-like entity from Sumeru lore who is said to have shaped the deserts by spreading her celestial Flow across the land. However, she has now fallen asleep for unknown reasons. According to prominent fan theories, breaking Suda‘s Flow at the designated locations might re-awaken her and reveal hidden secrets.

Completing this puzzle quest also unlocks access to special domains, storylines and events as part of the major 3.1 update. So there are lucrative rewards involved for those who can overcome the challenges.

With the right party, strategies and a bit of puzzle-solving luck, you‘ll be able to fully "Break Suda‘s Flow" at all three required locations.

Detailed Walkthrough For Location #1: Northern Suda Flow

The first Suda Flow area is found by heading north once you enter the designated quest zone in the Sumeru desert. Look for a tall cliff face with glowing blue crystals on the side.

Recommended Party:

For this initial area, I highly recommend having the pyro bow user Amber in your party to easily destroy the Suda Flow crystals. Some other useful teammates include:

  • Anemo support like Sucrose for Swirl damage
  • Shielder like Noelle to mitigate trap damage
  • Healer such as Barbara or Qiqi

How to Break the Suda Flow:

Approach the cliff wall and you‘ll spot the first Suda Flow source dripping down from above. Use Amber‘s charged aimed shot to destroy it.

This will grant you access inside the cliff itself. Head in and you‘ll find three more Suda Flow sources on the walls and ceiling inside the cavern.

Switch to manual aim mode and snipe each source with Amber‘s pyro arrows. Be sure to extinguish any torches with fire arrows as well to unlock hidden chests.

Once all four crystals are destroyed, you‘ve completed the first Suda Flow location.

Detailed Walkthrough for Location #2: Eastern Suda Flow

After finishing the north location, make your way east through a canyon pass. There you‘ll find the second Suda Flow site on another cliff wall.

This one is more easily accessible since it‘s located on the lower half of the cliff. Simply approach it and destroy the Suda Flow using Amber‘s aimed shots once more.

Enter the newly opened cave entrance. Inside you‘ll find three more Suda Flow sources to break. The placement of these can be trickier to hit, so make sure to utilize Amber‘s manual aim for precision.

With all four sources broken, you‘ve finished the second location as well.

Detailed Walkthrough for Location #3: Chasm Floor

The third and final Suda Flow area is the most challenging to locate. Make your way to the very center of the quest zone – you should see a deep chasm in the rocky ground.

Carefully drop down the chasm, avoiding damage and conserving stamina. Heal up once you reach the bottom. Down here, you‘ll find the last Suda Flow location.

Numerous Suda Flow crystal clusters coat the walls and floor around you. Methodically destroy each of them with Amber‘s arrows.

Be sure to light up the mini-torches on the walls as well to unlock additional treasure chests. These contain useful Charl‘s Headband artifacts to boost elemental mastery.

Once every single Suda Flow crystal in this chasm is destroyed, you‘ll complete the third and final location.

Comparing the Difficulty of Each Location

Based on my experience beating this quest multiple times, I would rank the three locations as follows in terms of difficulty:

  1. Chasm Floor – Hardest area due to maze-like nature and platforming challenges
  2. Northern Suda Flow – Moderate difficulty due to verticality requiring aimed shots
  3. Eastern Suda Flow – Easiest area thanks to accessible crystals

The chasm specifically can be punishing due to its depth and falling hazards. I recommend bringing a shielder to mitigate damage from slipping off edges. The northern cliff also requires practice hitting aerial targets.

But with enough attempts, all three locations can be mastered. Don‘t be afraid to retry the challenging parts!

Recommended Team Builds & Characters

Here are some of my top character and build recommendations for tackling this quest:

Amber – Main DPS for destroying Suda Flow. Build for ATK% and pyro damage.

Sucrose – Anemo support to Swirl pyro and boost EM. Triple EM build.

Diona – Excellent shielder plus healing. Prioritize HP% and healing power.

Fischl – Ranged electro sub DPS to overload Suda Flow. ATK% and electro goblet.

Alternate DPS – Yoimiya, Yanfei, Klee also work.

Other Support – Hydro applicators like Xingqiu to react with pyro.

Healers – Prototype Amber wielders, Kokomi, Qiqi.

Aim for 1-2 pyro characters to destroy the Suda Flow. Anemo supports like Sucrose provide Swirl, while shielders and healers keep you alive on the treacherous terrain.

Additional Tips & Strategies

Here are some more expert tips from my experience completing this quest multiple times:

  • Use food buffs like Jade Parcels for added ATK.

  • Level your DPS talent levels as much as possible.

  • If you have Skyward Harp bow, equip it on Amber for crit rate.

  • Bring the illuminating Seelie gadget to light dark areas.

  • Build some Elemental Mastery on Amber for stronger reactions.

  • Use charged attack headshots on slimes to conserve arrows.

  • Equip an Exile‘s Circlet on Sucrose for extra elemental mastery through its 4-set effect.

  • Activate the Geo MC‘s elemental skill before dropping down to cushion your fall.

  • Mark Suda Flow sources with an elemental skill indicator before shooting them.

  • Bring a bow-wielding secondary DPS in case you need more damage.

Mastering these tips and team building suggestions will give you a much easier time breaking Suda‘s Flow across all three mystic locations in the quest.

Common Questions about the Suda‘s Flow Quest

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about this quest:

Do all party members need to be present when breaking the flows?

No, only Amber needs to hit them. But extra elements help with puzzles.

What level should my characters be?

Aim for at least 70/80 ascension with key talents levelled up.

What if I fall in the chasm and can‘t get back up?

Use the "Return to Entrance" option in the map menu.

Do the locations have to be done in order?

No, you can break the Suda Flow in any order.

How long does it take to complete?

Around 30-45 minutes with this guide‘s tips.

In Summary

With the right party, aiming skills and puzzle-solving awareness, you can easily overcome the challenges of breaking Suda‘s Flow at all three designated locations in Genshin Impact. This guide has provided you detailed walkthroughs, team recommendations, expert strategies and locations tips to help master this quest.

Now that you know the secrets to "Breaking Suda‘s Flow", you‘ll be prepared to take on the challenges, unlock new domains and storylines, and unravel more of the mystical lore introduced in the massive Genshin Impact 3.1 update. Time to grab your best pyro bow user like Amber and start shattering that Suda Flow!