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How to Get The "Bot" Tag on Discord (8 Easy Steps)

As a social media marketer who has created bots for several high-profile Discord servers, I‘ve seen firsthand how a well-configured bot account can engage communities in fun new ways.

But bots aren‘t just useful tools for server moderation. When acquired properly, they also provide some wild pranking potential!

In this comprehensive guide, gleaned from years of bot wrangling expertise, I‘ll showcase how to get that coveted "Bot" tag along with tips for stirring up some bot-powered mayhem.

The Allure of Bot Accounts

Bots may seem like relatively minor enhancements for Discord servers. But don‘t underestimate these automated assistants!

Over 16 million active bot accounts exist on Discord as of 2022 based on reporting by BotBlock. And developers are cooking up inventive new use cases by the day:

As a digital community manager, I often advise server admins on deploying bots for things like:

  • Posting regular announcements and notifications
  • Running polls and contests to boost engagement
  • Answering FAQs to handle repetitive questions

But bot accounts offer more than just productivity tools…they also open up opportunities for next-level pranking!

Benefits of a Bot Account

Here are a few special traits you gain when procuring that prestigious bot tag icon:

Verified Bot Badges

The various badges next to a bot‘s name give it an air of authority. Friends will less likely suspect a prank!

Animated Emojis

Access emojis from OTHER servers like special Twitch Subscriber ones! Fun reactions for everyone.

Unlimited Profile Customization

Go wild decorating your bot‘s About Me and roleplaying background info. Sky‘s the limit!

Let‘s jump right into transforming you from normal user into full fledged bot commander…

Step 1: Developer Portal Registration

Registering as a Discord developer only takes a minute. But this gateway account is crucial – it allows creating/hosting your bot profile.

Here‘s the direct link to get started:

Upon registering and confirming your email, you gain access for making new applications. This is essentially like adding a new Discord account.

Application Tip: I advise using a creative bot name and fun profile picture. Might as well start roleplaying from the beginning!

Take a moment to poke around the Developer Portal. We‘ll dive deeper into these tools next…

Developer Portal Exploration

The Discord Developer Portal may seem imposing at first glance. But it‘s actually quite user-friendly!

Here‘s a quick overview of key areas:

General Information – Basic app settings and important Client ID

Bot – Connect and manage bots

OAuth2 – Generate invite links

Roles – Permission presets to apply

We‘ll focus specifically on the Bot and OAuth2 sections momentarily. But I recommend trying out every feature to understand possibilities!

Take advantage of this sandbox environment. Can‘t break anything…only glean new profound bot inspirations!

Now let‘s move forward with attaching your very own obedient bot underling…

Bot Creation and Activation

Here comes the fun part – birthing a brand new bot!

Naviagate over to the "Bot" tab of your developer app. Click the "Add Bot" button.

You‘ll be prompted to confirm this momentous addition. Click "Yes, do it!" to finalize activation.

A new section will populate with your bot‘s login token – treat this like a password and keep it secret! This secure token allows controlling your bot.

But don‘t get too eager to chat just yet…your bot must first undergo the sacred server invitation ritual!

Generating a Bot Invite Link

Discord has a slightly peculiar bot invitation flow compared to adding normal users. It involves creating special oauth links.

Fret not! I‘ll demonstrate generating the proper bot invite code:

  1. Copy your app Client ID from General Information

  1. On the OAuth2 page, enable the bot scope option:

  1. Construct a link with your unique Client ID:

Plugging that link into your browser prompts selecting a Discord server for bot admission.

Complete the CAPTCHA and…boom! Your bot joins the party!

Now we can finally seize control of your very own bot puppet…

Bot Login Client Setup

While Discord provides developer tools for registration, bots still need external hosting and login clients to actually function.

Numerous open source clients exist like AnarchyGrabber. But my personal favorite is DiskoBot:

DiskoBot offers a clean interface, auto-reconnection on interruptions, multiple bot account switching, and painless mobile monitoring.

To link DiskoBot, simply plug your secret bot token into the config fields during setup:

And voila! DiskoBot allows remote operating right within Discord as your bot persona!

Now the REAL mayhem begins 😉…

Chat, Customize, Go Crazy!

I always get giddy once everything clicks and I start controlling the bot account. So much potential!

DiskoBot makes it simple to send messages and monitor responses in real-time. Just like any other user!

A major upside of self-hosting a bot is nearly infinite customization ability. I like to really lean into the RP elements.

For example, check out my ghost hunter bot with full bio, images, suspiciously high rank badges:

When reaching out cold to new servers seeking spectres to examine, this extra effort goes a LONG way towards credibility!

Pranking Ideas

Now for the best part – using your bot to sow some friendly chaos!

I polled my community newsletter on favorite bot gags and these got the most laughs:

The Prophet

Give vague warnings about upcoming doom that starts coming eerily true.

Corrupt a Mod

Tempt proper mods to abuse powers for silly reasons.

Fake Drama

Manufacture server gossip and rumors that slowly become accepted as fact.

I encourage digging through bot features for inspiration. Custom emoji access alone unlocks so many possibilities!

Put those creative juices to work stirring up some bot-powered pandemonium! Just maybe go a liiiiittle easy on your friends 😜

Advanced Configurations

While this guide covers fundamentals, many additional tweaks exist for enhanced functionality:

Alternate Login Methods

Self-hosting avoids reliability issues of external services. I cover tutorials for Node.js and Python hosting in my Developing Bots course.

Automated Interactions

Coding scripts to auto-respond, deliver messages on schedules, and more. JavaScript knowledge required.

Multiple Bot Control

Run an army of bots using DiskoBot‘s multi login! Perfect for re-enacting famous battles.

Exploring those advanced paths allows professional grade bot skills. But this startup guide should provide plenty tools for chaos!

Now go out there and breathe glorious life into your bots!

Parting Wisdom

Through my years as a bot wrangler, I‘ve witnessed firsthand the creativity and joy bots can ignite within digital communities.

What may initially seem like a utility feature can transform into treasured server mascot…or vehicle for hilarious pranking!

My core advice to fellow bot enthusiasts – don‘t ever lose sight of that fun. Sprinkle in some whimsy between the productivity grind.

Bots represent imagination incarnate – an avenue to experiment with previously impossible digital connections and personas.

So tinker boldly and most importantly, bring people together with plenty laughter along the way!

Raise your glass with me in a toast to the beloved bots tirelessly spreading that positivity 24/7! 🥂