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What is the Boomerang App & How to Master it in 2023

The Boomerang app from Instagram burst onto the scene back in 2015, promising to "turn everyday moments into something fun and unexpected." So what exactly does it do and why has it become so popular?

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll cover everything you need to know about Boomerang in 2023 – what it is, how it works, why it‘s so popular, and tips for taking your Boomerang videos to the next level.

What is Boomerang?

Boomerang is a video app owned by Instagram that captures a rapid burst of photos and stitches them together into a high quality mini video that plays forward and backward in a loop – hence the "boomerang" name.

So for example, you can use Boomerang to:

  • Capture a friend blowing out birthday candles on a cake and the candles will "re-light" themselves over and over
  • Record your dog catching a frisbee and the frisbee will boomerang back to you
  • Show off you tossing basketballs through a hoop and the balls will fly back out

It‘s an easy way to turn ordinary moments into something visually interesting. Kids especially love seeing themselves in fun little Boomerang loops.

The clips are only a few seconds long but they continue playing in an endless loop until manually stopped.

Where Can You Get The Boomerang App?

Boomerang is available as a standalone camera app:

However, the easiest way to access it is through Instagram Stories – no separate app download needed!

When creating an Instagram Story, you‘ll find the Boomerang mode icon in the row of camera options along the top. On phones, it‘s identified by a small rotating arrows icon.

So launching it through Instagram Stories makes capturing and sharing Boomerangs much faster.

How Do You Use The Boomerang App?

The Boomerang app couldn‘t be much simpler to use! Just follow these steps:

  1. Open the Boomerang app or switch to Boomerang mode in Instagram Stories
  2. Frame your shot
  3. Tap and hold the large shutter button

That‘s it!

Behind the scenes, Boomerang is capturing a rapid burst of 10 photos in one second. It then stitches them together into a mini video that plays forward and backward.

So all you need to do is:

  1. Compose a fun scene
  2. Tap and hold the capture button as the action happens
  3. Let Boomerang work its magic!

Tips For Shooting Great Boomerangs

Follow these pro tips to create awesome Boomerangs that will make your Instagram followers smile:

  • Capture movement – Boomerang works best with a moving subject, object or scene. Think jumping, dancing, swirling, bouncing, splashing, etc. Static shots tend to be boring.

  • Get close – Framing the action tightly instead of from far away makes it more immersive. Clear facial expressions are big winners!

  • Find great lighting – Bright natural light eliminates graininess. Night modes on phones can compensate for low light.

  • Hold steady – Subtle camera shakes get magnified in Boomerangs. Brace your arms against your body. Use a tripod or set the phone on a flat surface for super stable shots.

  • Shoot bursts – You need less than 2 seconds of action for most Boomerang loops. But shoot 5+ seconds worth and cherry pick the best moments later!

  • Have fun with effects – Instagram‘s creative tools let you add stickers, text, drawings and more to put your own spin on Boomerangs before sharing. The right touches take them to the next level!

Ways To Share Boomerang Videos

Once captured in the Boomerang app itself or via Instagram Stories, you have options for sharing your looping videos:

Share Boomerang Videos on Instagram

  • Post directly to your Instagram Stories
  • Send individual Boomerangs to friends via Instagram Direct messaging
  • Upload a Boomerang into your main Instagram feed by clicking the + icon to create a new post

Boomerang videos often get more engagement than regular videos or photos on Instagram feeds because they are so eye catching as they play on repeat.

Share Boomerang Videos on Social Media

  • Copy and paste your exported Boomerang videos to Facebook, Twitter, TikTok or other platforms
  • Convert Boomerang clips to regular video or GIF formats using converter sites/apps if needed
  • Download your Boomerangs to store on your phone and upload anywhere

Share Via Text, Email, Etc

  • Text or email Boomerang videos like you would any video clip or GIF

So get creative in spreading your Boomerang moments far and wide!

Why Is Boomerang So Popular?

There are several key reasons why Boomerang has become a breakout hit:

It‘s Fun – The playful, mini clips have an irresistible charm about them. The unexpected looping effect puts smiles on people‘s faces. They grab attention and spread joy.

It‘s Easy – Anyone can make visually impressive Boomerangs without special skills. Just hold down a button and capture a brief moment!

It Amps Up Ordinary Moments – Mundane activities become more exciting when turned into Boomerangs. Suddenly that walk with your dog seems special.

It Adds Action to Photos – The constant motion makes still images more lively and engaging when played as a Boomerang clip.

It Benefits Brands & Influencers – Boomerang is a powerful marketing tool for businesses, personal brands and content creators to better connect with modern audiences.

So whether you‘re a casual mobile user or an avid social media maven, Boomerang offers an irresistible way to boost engagement and fun.

Boomerang Alternatives

While Boomerang remains top dog in the short looped video space, here are a couple of alternatives if you want to switch up your style:

MultiCam from Facebook

  • Works similarly to Boomerang, creating mini videos from a burst of photos
  • More flexible editing options
  • Only available on iOS devices

Motion Stills from Google

  • Generates moving GIFs and clips
  • Lower video quality than Boomerang
  • Includes advanced stabilization

However, Boomerang still offers the smoothest end-to-end integration with Instagram Stories specifically.

As this guide has shown, mastering Instagram‘s fun Boomerang app is now easier than ever. With an understanding of what it is plus tips for creating captivating mini video loops, you can readily boost engagement across Instagram and beyond.

So tap and hold that shutter button to start bringing more smiles, delight and "wow" moments to your audience!