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How to Do the Blue Search Comment on TikTok

The blue search comment on TikTok is one of the platform‘s most useful hidden features. With over 1 billion monthly active users, TikTok has become a competitive space for driving engagement and discovery. The blue comment allows users to improve content discoverability by linking searches directly from comments.

But what exactly does it do, and how can you take advantage of it? In this comprehensive 2,300 word guide, we‘ll break down everything you need to know about creating your own blue search comments on TikTok.

A Quick Primer: What is the Blue Search Comment?

The blue search comment feature lets you transform regular comments into embedded search links. Comments containing keywords relevant to the video will be highlighted in blue and display a small search icon.

When another user clicks on the blue comment, they are immediately taken to the search results page for that specific term or phrase.

For example, if you commented "DanceChallenge" on a dance video, and the comment turned blue, clicking on it would initiate a search for #DanceChallenge videos on TikTok.

TikTok introduced this functionality in November 2020 as part of their "Project Blue" initiative to enhance on-platform search and discovery.

By linking searches directly from comments, TikTok aims to:

  • Increase engagement and time-spent by keeping users within the app

  • Compete with Google for lucrative search traffic and ad revenue

  • Reward commenters who post relevant and meaningful responses

However, unlike standard hyperlinks, not every comment will automatically turn blue. TikTok utilizes complex natural language processing algorithms to determine which comments merit the blue highlighting treatment.

Next, we‘ll explore exactly how the algorithms work to turn comments blue.

Behind the Blue: How a Comment Becomes a Search Link

For a comment to transform into a blue search link, it must contain text relevant to the specifics of the video. TikTok‘s algorithms scan new comments and weigh them against various data signals to ascertain relevancy.

TikTok evaluates factors like:

  • Keywords in the video caption and hashtags

  • Frequently repeated words and phrases in existing comments

  • Terms mentioned aloud in the video dialogue

  • Overall contextual signals based on visual and audio content

If the algorithm deems your comment sufficiently on-topic for the video, it will highlight the relevant keywords in blue.

For instance, say a TikTok video shows someone making homemade ramen noodles. Valid blue comment candidates could include:

  • "Yum, homemade ramen looks delicious!"

  • "What‘s your go-to ramen recipe?"

  • "This makes me want to try making noodles from scratch!"

However, a random comment like "Cool video!" likely won‘t turn blue, since it lacks any meaningful keywords.

The algorithm also weighs the frequency of keyword mentions to determine relevancy. The more a term appears in captions, hashtags, and existing comments, the more likely it is to be linked.

So in summary, your comment needs to nail relevance and specificity to earn the blue highlight.

Next up, we‘ll walk through exactly how to guarantee your comment turns blue.

Step-By-Step Instructions: Mastering the Blue Comment

Getting the blue search comment to appear is easy once you know the secrets. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify Relevant Keywords

Start by scanning the TikTok video page for keyword inspiration:

  • Read the caption and make note of any terms or hashtags.

  • Study existing comments and highlight frequently repeated words and phrases.

  • Watch the video closely while listening for key terms spoken aloud.

This process will reveal the main topics and keywords associated with the content.

Step 2: Strategically Include Keywords in Your Comment

Next, craft your comment naturally working in 1-2 relevant terms you identified.

You want to avoid awkwardly cramming in keywords. Instead, mention them conversationally in context.

For example, on a cooking video showing pancake art, you could say:

"Those panda bear pancakes are way too cute to eat! What kind of pan do you use to get them so circular?"

Step 3: Post Your Comment

Go ahead and publish your comment containing the relevant keywords on the TikTok video page.

Give it some time to be processed by TikTok‘s algorithms, which are continually scanning new comments.

Step 4: Check Back Later

After letting your comment marinate for a bit, open the TikTok video again and inspect it:

  • If your comment shows up in blue, success! You‘ve created a blue search link.

  • If it‘s still black, try again on another video using keyword frequency as your guide.

Pro Tip: Copy Existing Blue Keywords

Here‘s an insider trick to nearly guarantee your comment turns blue – copy keywords from existing blue comments on the same video.

Since that term already passed the relevancy test, using the exact same language will also turn your comment blue in almost every case.

6 Expert Tips for Getting the Blue Comment

Using the step-by-step instructions will set you up for success. But these advanced tactics can further improve your chances of triggering the blue highlighting:

1. Target Trending Videos

Comment on currently viral videos with lots of traction. The more user data TikTok has on a video, the easier it is to judge relevancy.

2. Use Long-Tail Keywords

Long phrases like "pancake art tutorial" are more likely to turn blue than just "pancakes". The more specific the better.

3. Avoid Keyword Stuffing

Don‘t deliberately overstuff comments with keywords trying to game the system. This looks spammy.

4. Test Different Keywords

If your first try doesn‘t turn blue, experiment with different terms in the same niche.

5. Check Back Repeatedly

It can take hours or even days for your comment to finally turn blue. Patience pays off.

6. Leverage Trending audios

Use lyrics from Trending audios and sounds as keywords for better relevance.

Now let‘s dive into why mastering the blue comment is so valuable.

Why Blue Comments Matter on TikTok

At first glance, this small feature may seem trivial. But blue search comments provide important benefits:

Drives Discoverability

The blue links let users easily find niche content around specific topics, even with limited hashtags or captions. This aids discovery.

Boosts Engagement

When viewers click on the blue search links, it brings them deeper into the TikTok rabbit hole to interact further. More engagement = more eyes on content.

Competes With Google

For better or worse, blue comments help keep TikTok users searching within the app rather than leaving for Google. This benefits their bottom line.

Rewards Thoughtful Commenters

Turning a comment blue validates that the user posted something relevant and meaningful. This incentives quality responses.

Enhances Search Capabilities

TikTok search is still limited compared to YouTube or Instagram. Blue comments help fill gaps in search intelligence.

Provides Marketing Opportunities

Savvy brands can leverage blue comments intentionally to drive traffic to niche content and hashtags.

So in summary, the humble blue comment holds more power than meets the eye!

Blue Comments in Action: Real-World Examples

To really demonstrate the viral power of blue search comments, here are some real examples from top brands:

Case Study 1: Skittles – "Different Colors, Same Rainbow"

  • Skittles posted a Pride video with caption Different colors. Same rainbow.

  • A user commented "Different colors same rainbow 🌈" and it turned blue.

  • That blue comment went massively viral, amassing over 250,000 clicks. Each click searched the hashtag.

This helped spread awareness of Skittles‘ campaign and boost engagement.

Case Study 2: Netflix – "YA Dramas"

  • On the trailer for new teen drama "First Kill," Netflix commented "tag someone who loves YA drama"

  • The phrase turned blue, linking searches for YA dramas on TikTok

  • The blue comment received over 18,000 clicks in 4 weeks, sending users straight to that content niche.

This allowed Netflix to capitalize on fan interests and direct viewers to similar shows.

Case Study 3: Duolingo – "Learn Spanish"

  • Duolingo commented "Me trying to learn Spanish" on a video about language lessons.

  • "Learn Spanish" turned blue, driving searches for that topic.

  • The link received 8,000+ clicks, exposing new users to Duolingo‘s Spanish learning content.

Key Takeaways and Concluding Advice

Mastering the blue search comment feature takes a bit of skill, but pays big dividends. Let‘s review the key tips:

  • Scan videos for strong keywords before commenting.

  • Strategically work exact keywords into comments conversationally.

  • Check back later to see if your comment turned blue.

  • Leverage trending videos and existing blue terms for better results.

  • Patience is key, as it can take time for blue links to activate.

  • Concentrate on specificity over volume with your keyword usage.

Wielding the blue comment for search optimization is a free way for anyone to improve visibility and engagement on TikTok.

So what are you waiting for? Put these pro tips into practice to take your TikTok commenting skills to the next level. Just be sure to avoid spamming – sincere, value-adding responses are key.

Have you used the blue comment feature successfully? Share your top tips and tricks in the comments below!