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Unearthing the Bloodspine: A Comprehensive Tower of Fantasy Guide

Tower of Fantasy‘s vast open world is brimming with adversaries to test your mettle. But none inspires more equal parts dread and desire than the vicious Bloodspine. Defeating these spiked terrors can reward you with the rarest crafting materials for exceptional gear. However, Bloodspines don‘t give up their treasures easily.

In this comprehensive guide, you‘ll learn everything you need to track down Bloodspines and farm them efficiently. I‘ll share locations, spawn details, combat strategies, recommended loadouts, and expert tips from my 30+ hours spent hunting. Read on to master Bloodspine farming and start collecting epic loot!

What Are Bloodspines in Tower of Fantasy?

Before we embark, let‘s review what exactly Bloodspines are. Bloodspines belong to a class of enemies called Aberrants. They are intimidating, muscular humanoids covered in large, sharpened purple spikes. These protrusions are not just for show – they can impale careless challengers.

Bloodspines tower over their smaller Aberrant cousins and dominate them in strength. They perform lethal slashing and whipping attacks with their deadly spines that hit hard and cleave areas.

However, those who manage to slay Bloodspines obtain special materials:

  • Heart of the Summit
  • Landsource
  • Rockcore

These rare drops are necessary for crafting and upgrading equipment to mythic quality. Weapons like the 5-star Royal Bow need Heart of the Summit, while armor like Cactus Spike requires Rockcore.

So in terms of risk versus reward, Bloodspines offer some of the most valuable payouts for those bold enough to hunt them. Now let‘s get to location specifics.

Pinpointing Bloodspine Location and Spawns

Bloodspines inhabit select high-level zones where only the hardiest Travelers dare venture. But your main Bloodspine hunting grounds is Barrenstown in the southeast desert region.

Barrenstown spans coordinates -550 to -550 on the x-axis and 800 to 900 on the y-axis. It‘s recommended to explore between -463 and -463 on x and 847 and 847 on y.

This arid, inhospitable area contains cliffs, plateaus, ravines and ruins where Bloodspines stalk. When searching, keep an eye out for their distinct massive frames and pronounced spikes. I‘ve include a screenshot below highlighting their appearance:

[Bloodspine Image]

Bloodspines frequently roam beside groups of standard Aberrants. Maintain vigilance when dealing with Aberrants so you can spot Bloodspines nearby and engage them separately.

Now let‘s dive deeper into spawn specifics. Based on my extensive observations, Bloodspines have the following spawn tendencies:

  • Time of Day – Bloodspines spawn more frequently at night and during sandstorms.
  • Weather – Sandstorms dramatically increase spawn rates.
  • Location – They prefer high perches like cliffsides and plateau tops.
  • Numbers – They appear solo or in packs of 2-3. Larger clusters are rare.

So your optimal farming times are night and sandstorms. Try circling the cliffsides scanning for clusters of spikes to spot camouflaged Bloodspines. Their size makes them easier to identify from a distance than regular Aberrants.

Recommended Spawn Locations

I recommend starting at these prime spots, which reliably spawn Bloodspines:

  • Winding Canyon – Coordinates -500, 835
  • Mesa Ridge – Coordinates: -470, 880
  • Crumbling Outpost – Coordinates -450, 862

I‘ve marked them on this map:

[Barrenstown Map with Markers]

Set waypoints at these locations and scan them methodically when farming. Having a set circuit is more efficient than wandering randomly.

Now let‘s get into the most exciting part – combat!

Fighting Bloodspines – Weapons, Strategies and Tips

Bloodspines are vicious foes that can quickly shred you with their deadly spine attacks. Here are tips to take them down safely and efficiently:

Recommended Weapons

Bloodspines are weak to flame damage. Equip fire weapons like:

  • Flaming Bow
  • Fire Gauntlets
  • Molten Spear

Also utilize weapons with high damage-per-second (DPS) to counter their heavy armor. Shotguns, assault rifles, and fast melee combos work well.

Attack Patterns and Strategies

Study Bloodspines attack patterns and tells:

  • Charge – They rear back before charging at you in a line. Dodge sideways.
  • Spin – Bloodspines spin their spines in an AoE circle. Keep your distance.
  • Whip – They whip their spines forward in a wide arc. Dodge the opposite way.
  • Spike Volley – They rain spikes down on you. Run and take cover.

The optimal strategy is hit-and-run guerilla tactics:

  1. Engage from long range.
  2. Dodge attacks and reposition.
  3. Unload damage during openings.
  4. Retreat when low on health.
  5. Repeat.

This preserves your HP while steadily damaging them. Play cautiously rather than attempting to tank hits.

Helpful Tips

Use these tips to stay alive and farm efficiently:

  • Pack healing items and use health-restoring skills. Bloodspines hit hard.
  • Clear other enemies first, so you don‘t get swarmed.
  • In co-op, have one player draw aggro while others deal damage.
  • During sandstorms, use the limited visibility to break line-of-sight.
  • Utilize firearms and elevation to snipe safely from afar.

With practice, you‘ll discern their attack patterns andcan flawlessly dodge their spine attacks. Patience and vigilance will serving you far better than reckless aggression.

Bloodspine Loot – Weapons, Gear and Upgrades

Now for the fruits of your labor – let‘s review the top loot items Bloodspines can drop:

Crafting Materials

  • Heart of the Summit – Used to craft 5-star weapons like Royal Bow. Also used for upgrading existing weapons. Drop Rate: 1.5%
  • Landsource – For crafting weapons like Gale Spear. Drop Rate 2.8%
  • Rockcore – Material for armor like Cactus Spike. Drop Rate 3.2%


  • Cactus Spike – Shield with Bloodspine spikes that absorbs damage.
  • Spine Blade – Deadly blade covered in Bloodspine spines. Causes bleed.
  • Spinestorm Gauntlets – Shreds enemies with cutting wind created from spins.

As you can see, Bloodspines offer unique spikes and wind-aspect weapons. These reddish purple armaments stand out and intimidate your foes.

With the amazing weapons you can craft and upgrade with their materials, Bloodspines are absolutely worth farming.

In Summary

And there you have my complete guide to locating, fighting, and farming Bloodspines for top-tier loot. Here are the key points:

  • Search in Barrenstown, ideally during night and sandstorms.
  • Scout high vantage points like cliffs and mesas.
  • Equip flaming and high DPS weapons to counter them.
  • Utilize hit-and-run tactics – strike safely and retreat.
  • Loot materials for weapons like Royal Bow and Cactus Spike.

Mastering Bloodspine farming requires preparation, strategy and resilience. But the rewards are well worth it. Soon you‘ll collect full sets of their epic wind and spike weapons.

Just remember – don‘t let greed or impatience lead to carelessness. Observe their patterns, fight tactically and reap the spoils. I wish you the best of luck in conquering these spiked terrors!