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Who is the Bill Clinton Kid? An In-Depth Look at Matan Even‘s Viral Fame

The 2022 Game Awards show was memorably interrupted by a bizarre stunt involving a reference to former President Bill Clinton. As Elden Ring accepted the coveted Game of the Year award, a young man suddenly grabbed the microphone and gave a baffling speech thanking his "reformed orthodox rabbi Bill Clinton." This strange incident catapulted the perpetrator, Matan Even, to viral notoriety as the enigmatic "Bill Clinton Kid."

In this extensive deep dive, we‘ll explore who exactly Matan Even is, his background, his various stunts and controversies, and the context behind his rise as an eccentric political troll and provocateur within online circles.

Who is Matan Even?

Matan Even is a 23-year-old internet personality and activist originally from Los Angeles, CA. He runs a YouTube channel called Matan Even with over 40,000 subscribers, where he previously posted videos exposing police brutality against Hong Kong protestors in 2019-2020. His channel has been on hiatus since the Hong Kong protests died down.

Even is extremely active on Twitter under the handle @matanevenoff, with over 43,300 followers at the time of writing. He frequently posts political commentary, makes controversial statements, and trolls people to provoke reactions.

Based on his past activism, Even seems to hold progressive political beliefs centered on civil rights, police reform, and human rights. However, he doesn‘t align with partisan right-wing politics. Even appeared on the conspiracy show InfoWars in 2019 to discuss Hong Kong, but refused to engage with the host‘s partisan viewpoints.

Matan Even‘s Past Viral Stunts and Controversies

The Bill Clinton moment at The Game Awards was far from Even‘s first viral stunt. He has repeatedly pulled off various attention-grabbing disruptions at high-profile events:

  • NBA Game Protest (2019) – Even baited the fan cam at an LA Clippers game to flash a "Stand With Hong Kong" shirt. This generated 28,400 likes when posted on Twitter.

  • Blizzard Panel Disruption (2019) – During a Blizzard game developer panel, Even yelled "Free Hong Kong!" in protest of Blizzard‘s banning of a Hong Kong player.

  • InfoWars Interview (2019) – Even appeared on the right-wing show InfoWars to discuss Hong Kong protests, but dodged questions about his own political leanings.

  • The Game Awards Bill Clinton Moment (2022) – Even‘s interruption after Elden Ring‘s award, referencing Bill Clinton as his "rabbi," gained mass viral attention.

  • TikTok Trolling – On his TikTok accounts, Even frequently trolls conservative political commentators during live debates.

Through these stunts, Even gained a reputation for internet shock humor and expertise in manufactured viral moments centered on political controversy.

The Context Behind the Absurd Bill Clinton Reference

During The Game Awards on December 8, 2022, Even managed to sneak on stage and grab the mic as Elden Ring‘s developers were speaking. He cut in saying:

"Real quick, I want to thank everybody and say I think I want to nominate this award to my reformed orthodox rabbi Bill Clinton."

Even provided no context to this bizarre claim that Bill Clinton is his "rabbi." He was quickly escorted off by security.

The odd reference instantly went viral, making Even internet-famous as the "Bill Clinton Kid." However, the meaning behind it remains ambiguous. Several theories have emerged:

  • Troll Attempt: Even may have randomly mentioned Bill Clinton just to nonsensically troll the audience.

  • Conspiracy Reference: Some conspiracy theories claim Bill Clinton is secretly a rabbi, which Even could have been referencing.

  • Anti-Establishment Message: One interpretation is that Even mentioned Clinton to mock establishment Democrats with an absurd statement.

Regardless of the intent, the stunt encapsulated Even‘s talent for manufactured viral fame through politically subversive performance art.

Aftermath and Analysis

In the aftermath, Even stoked speculation by tweeting cryptically: "More information will be released on all fronts sooner than later."

He rapidly gained over 100,000 new followers across his social media accounts. Since the incident, Even has appeared on various internet shows to discuss the event, further propelling his notoriety.

Reactions to the "Bill Clinton Kid" moment were mixed:

  • Supporters – Some found the absurdity hilarious and were impressed by the successful trolling. Others praised Even‘s boldness in speaking truth to power.

  • Critics – Many though the stunt was disruptive and unfairly took attention away from Elden Ring‘s awards win. Others argue his hunger for provocation promotes dangerous polarization.

Nonetheless, the stunt undeniably succeeded in its apparent goal of rocketing Even to fame as one of the internet‘s most unpredictable political agents provocateurs.

Moving forward, the persona of the "Bill Clinton Kid" now seems destined to become a mainstay meme and reference point within online communities. Even‘s commitment to politically-charged shock humor likely guarantees he will continue brewing viral chaos.

For better or worse, Matan Even has solidified his reputation as a consummate internet trickster who thrives on attention and controversy. His surreal Bill Clinton moment at The Game Awards will live on as one of the most bizarre instances of manufactured virality in recent memory.