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Top 10 Biggest Titans in Attack on Titan (AOT)

As a social media marketing expert and anime enthusiast, I‘m constantly researching the latest trends and topics that resonate most with fans. And in 2021, Attack on Titan dominated the conversation, breaking records to become the most in-demand anime series globally [1].

With its complex narrative, adrenaline-pumping action sequences, and of course, its larger-than-life Titans, it‘s easy to see why AOT has captured the hearts and minds of viewers worldwide.

Of the many towering Titans that have stomped through the show, some stand far above the rest for their massive size and devastating capabilities. Based on meticulous research and analysis, I‘ve compiled a definitive top 10 list of the biggest Titans in Attack on Titan.

Now strap on your ODM gear, and let‘s take a closer look at these colossal creatures!

#10. Female Titan

The intelligent Female Titan kicks off our list at 14 meters tall [2]. Though not the largest overall, she possesses some useful abilities that make her a force to be reckoned with.

The Female Titan can harden her skin to protect herself from attacks or attract Pure Titans with her high-pitched scream [3]. She also has exceptional endurance and speed thanks to her lean muscular build.

During her first appearance, she took down the Special Operations Squad with ruthless efficiency. And her versatile skillset allows her to adeptly respond to any combat situation.

So while she may be the shortest on this list, the Female Titan‘s well-rounded abilities make her a deadly foe.

#9. Attack Titan

Inherited by our hot-headed protagonist Eren Yeager, the Attack Titan stands at 15 meters tall [4].

True to its name, this Titan is optimized for fierce combat. With immense physical strength and endurance, it embodies an untamable desire for freedom.

The Attack Titan also has the ability to see the memories of future inheritors. This gives it knowledge to strategically plan out attacks long in advance [5].

Throughout the generations, the Attack Titan has battled relentlessly to secure freedom for its holder. And in Eren‘s hands, it continues that mission to keep moving forward until all enemies are destroyed.

#8. Armored Titan

Matching the Attack Titan‘s 15 meter height, the Armored Titan compensates with its incredibly durable armor [6].

This impenetrable full-body plating enables it to withstand significant damage. Cannon fire, steel blades, and even a direct hit from the Colossal Titan‘s transformation blast bounce right off its hardened skin [7].

The Armored Titan can also further reinforce its armor, making it a formidable obstacle that‘s difficult to pierce. Its substantial defenses combined with strength make it a juggernaut on the battlefield.

#7. War Hammer Titan

At 15 meters tall, the War Hammer Titan is another average-sized contender. But where it truly excels is crafting weapons and structures from hardened Titan flesh [8].

Its signature war hammer and extended spikes are potent tools used to impale smaller Titans. It can also generate other weapons like sickles, cleavers, and broadswords as needed.

The War Hammer‘s user doesn‘t even need to be present in the nape, instead operating the Titan remotely from a crystal shell [9]. This additional layer of protection makes it incredibly difficult to kill.

While not the most enormous, the War Hammer more than makes up for it with its weapon-forging abilities and remote operation.

#6. Beast Titan

Now we‘re getting into the massive Titans! First up is the Beast Titan at 17 meters tall [10].

With its ape-like appearance and elongated arms, it boasts incredible throwing capabilities. The Beast Titan can hurl projectiles long distances with devastating accuracy and force.

During the Battle of Shiganshina, it wiped out the Survey Corps‘ artillery crews by throwing crushed rocks and debris [11]. Its powerful pitching skills make it a dangerous foe.

The Beast Titan also displays some hardened skin on its nape and limbs. And it can exert limited control over Pure Titans using its roar [12].

With its substantial size, long reach, and precise throwing technique, it is certainly one of the deadliest Titans around.

#5. Wall Titans

The 50 meter tall Wall Titans were created by King Fritz to fill the exterior walls of Paradis Island [13]. Though normally immobile, they spring into action once the walls are broken.

Numbering well over 100,000 [14], these colossal beings can trample entire cities with their feet alone. If that‘s not terrifying enough, they likely possess similar abilities to the Colossal Titan like steam emission and hardened skin [15].

We have yet to see the Wall Titans in action, but their enormous size coupled with their hypothetical powers will surely make them a virtually unstoppable force.

#4. Colossal Titan

Now entering the top four is none other than the iconic Colossal Titan standing at 60 meters tall [16].

This walking natural disaster is tall enough to peer over the 50 meter outer walls with ease. And its signature explosive transformation can obliterate entire fleets and large portions of cities in an instant [17].

In addition to its overwhelming size and destructive capability, the Colossal Titan can release pressurized bursts of scalding hot steam from its body. This vapor cloak both damages and repels nearby threats.

However, excessive steam usage does drain its energy over time, eventually causing the Titan to collapse in on itself [18].

With its awe-inspiring height and devastating powers, the Colossal Titan remains one of the most feared Titans in the series.

#3. Rod Reiss Titan

After ingesting Titan serum, Rod Reiss transformed into a massive 120 meter Titan, twice the height of the Colossal [19].

Unfortunately, due to not ingesting the serum properly, this Titan‘s form was highly abnormal. Its head and facial features were undersized compared to its bulging torso.

Rod‘s Titan was also unable to support its own weight, crawling on its belly and exposing its internal organs. But its enormous size coupled with its scalding steam emission still made it a threat [20].

In the end, it took a concentrated barrage of slicers from Eren‘s Titan form to finally take Rod‘s towering Titan down.

#2. Ymir Fritz‘s Founding Titan

The Founding Titan that belonged to Ymir Fritz is estimated to stand between 200 to 250 meters tall [21].

As the first Titan in existence, it possessed the combined powers of all Nine Titans. This included total control over Pure Titans as well as the ability to construct new Titans from the earth [22].

In ancient folklore, Ymir‘s Titan towered over forests and armies alike, truly a god amongst men [23]. Even today, the full extent of its capabilities remains unknown.

With its supreme height and literal world-shaping powers, Ymir Fritz‘s Founding Titan deserves its mythical status as one of the biggest and most powerful Titans.

#1. Eren Yeager‘s Founding Titan

Claiming the top spot is Eren Yeager‘s Founding Titan which stands at a staggering 360 meters tall [24]. That‘s over six times the height of the Colossal Titan!

In addition to its 360 meter height, Eren‘s Founding Titan has a length of 720 meters from head to toe [25]. Truly a body fitting for a god.

This Titan commands immense power, including total control over all Titans, both Pure and Shifters. With a single roar, it can force them to bend to its will or even wipe them out entirely [26].

During the battle at Shiganshina District, its emergence utterly dwarfed the Armored Titan and caused all nearby Pure Titans to kneel submissively [27].

Without a doubt, Eren‘s Founding Titan is the biggest and most powerful Titan revealed in the story so far. Its godlike stature and world-shaking abilities cement it as number one on this list.


From the nimble Female Titan to Eren‘s colossal Founding Titan, Attack on Titan has introduced some massively scaled foes. And as the final season approaches, even more record-breaking Titans could appear.

It will be exciting to see these epic Titans animated in their full glory. And I can‘t wait to see passionate discussions and debates sparked among the anime community as their stories unfold.

As a social media expert, I‘ll be closely monitoring fan reaction and engagement with Attack on Titan content across platforms. This data provides valuable insights to inform my own content strategy and marketing efforts.

It‘s been an absolute pleasure scrutinizing the top 10 biggest Titans with you today. I hope this breakdown gave you a new appreciation for Attack on Titan‘s larger-than-life cast. Let me know which Titan left the biggest impression on you in the comments!