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The Complete Guide to Finding Your Best Instagram Posting Times

Determining when to post on Instagram can be an agonizing challenge. With over 120 million active daily users in the US alone, simply getting content seen is an uphill battle. And that doesn’t even touch optimizing your timing for maximum reach and engagement.

Yet posting at the right times can mean the difference between floundering in the Instagram abyss and rocketing to viral fame.

This comprehensive guide breaks down the proven best practices for identifying your ideal Instagram posting times. Backed by research into 1 million social messages and posts, it details both broader trends and tailored recommendations based on audience, industry, platform insights, and hands-on testing.

Let’s dig in to start transforming what works for your brand on Instagram.


  • When Do People Engage Most on Instagram?
  • Best Times to Post on Instagram for Retail
  • Optimizing Your Posting Times for Your Audience
  • How to Experiment With Instagram Posting Times
  • Tips to Drive More Engagement on Instagram
  • Top Instagram Scheduling Tools for Retailers
  • Continually Optimizing Your Instagram Strategy

When Do People Engage Most on Instagram?

Recent data reveals peak Instagram engagement occurs during key days and times regardless of audience or industry (Chart 1):

Chart 1. Overall Peak Days and Times for Instagram Engagement

Day Time
Wednesday 11 AM
Friday 10 AM


  • Weekdays – especially Tuesdays through Thursdays – outperform weekends for likes and comments
  • Mornings and evenings after work score higher than late nights when most users sleep

What does this tell us? People engage most midweek when browsing at work or relaxing at home in morning/evening routines.

Understanding broader behavioral trends is crucial context before diving into industry-specific factors. Combining general data with audience and vertical insights gives the full picture for identifying optimal posting times.

Next let’s explore recommendations tailored for retail.

Best Times to Post on Instagram for Retail

Retail thrives on Instagram thanks to shoppable posts and influential users driving purchases. Getting your content in front of audiences when they scroll matters.

Industry research determines Wednesdays at 3 PM and Friday mornings (11 AM – 12 PM) perform best for retail content (Chart 2).

Chart 2. Optimal Posting Days and Times for Retail

Day Time
Wednesday 3 PM
Friday 11 AM – 12 PM

The logic? Shoppers browse and buy most midweek – especially Wednesdays – when at work and receptive to discovering new products. Friday mornings also score a spike before weekend free time kicks in.

But rather than follow generic formulas, optimizing when you post starts with understanding your specific followers.

Optimizing Your Posting Times for Your Audience

While broad data provides guardrails, fine tuning your approach relies on analyzing your own audience behavior using Instagram Insights.

If you don’t have an Instagram business profile already, switch over now to unlock Insights. This reveals valuable intel about your followers such as:

  • Locations
  • Age ranges
  • Gender splits
  • Peak activity times

Use these reports to identify when your audience engages most and shift your posting times accordingly.

For example, if 50% of your followers are women ages 25-34 based in New York, focus on morning and evening posts timed around busy schedules of work, school pickups, and commutes.

Pay attention to your top-performing content as well. When did you share these posts and what strategies can replicate their success?

Review these Insights monthly adjusting as trends shift to continually nail timing.

How to Experiment With Instagram Posting Times

While research and Instagram Insights provide guidelines, first-hand testing validates what posts and times resonate uniquely for your brand.

Use these steps to experiment with content types and posting times to determine your performance sweet spots:

1. Define Your Goal

First, what does post success mean for you? Set key performance indicators (KPIs) like:

  • Engagement rates
  • Link clicks
  • Traffic
  • Sales

Defined objectives make assessing what works simple. Do more of what meets benchmarks.

2. Set Up A/B Testing

Run A/B tests of the same post published at different times.

For example, promote a new product on Monday at 8 AM and again Thursday at 5 PM. Or test a sale post on Friday morning versus afternoon.

Use Facebook Analytics to monitor engagement on both posts for 1-2 weeks. The better performing variation should guide future posting decisions.

3. Continue Iterating

Consistently test new posting times and creative approaches to stay ahead of evolving trends. Stick with what works until engagement declines.

Then tweak your methods again – whether publishing times, platforms, or formats like Reels or shoppable tags.

Tips to Drive More Engagement on Instagram

Beyond timing, several effective tactics boost overall Instagram engagement:

Leverage Shoppable Posts

Add shoppable tags to let followers browse available products and checkout from Instagram. Lower friction drives higher conversion rates.

Ask Questions in Captions

Spark dialogue with followers by incorporating questions into captions around products, content ideas, or shopping habits. This feedback also fuels user-generated content.

Give Behind-the-Scenes Glimpses

Share an authentic inside look into brand operations via Instagram Stories. More intimate connections build loyalty with top fans.

Repost User-Generated Content

Feature customer posts showing clever ways they’ve styled or incorporated your products. This authentic social proof helps drive credibility and incentives for new user-generated content.

Use Countdown Stickers

Build launch anticipation through countdowns in Stories. Scarcity around limited-time promotions encourages quicker purchases.

Respond to All Comments

Carry conversations by replying to every comment from followers and influencers. More personal connections lead to higher engagement rates.

Top Instagram Scheduling Tools for Retailers

Balancing optimized posting times takes heavy lifting without help. Social media tools add automation to ease the process.

Here are top solutions for retail brands based on Instagram focus, audience insights, scheduling capabilities, and productivity features:


  • Instagram specialty platform
  • Best Time to Post recommendations
  • Visual content calendar
  • Link previews
  • Team workflow options

Sprout Social

  • Robust social media suit
  • Audience behavior insights
  • Post performance reporting
  • Competitor tracking
  • Collaboration functionality


  • All-in-one social tool
  • Post approvals
  • Campaign planning templates
  • Calendaring for multiple accounts
  • Real-time notifications

Compare using free trials to select the best fit for managing your retail brand presence.

Continually Optimizing Your Instagram Strategy

As Instagram rapidly evolves, staying on top of latest trends and performance data remains crucial for retail marketers. Use this guide as a launch pad for elevating your Instagram approach in 2023.

Be sure to:

  • Experiment with posting times catered to your audience patterns
  • Diversify content formats incorporating more interactive options
  • Monitor Insights routinely to tweak what‘s working and eliminate what’s not

Consistent analysis to directly inform efforts is the recipe for an Instagram account that continues engaging at higher volumes and driving impressive ROI.

Now dive in using these best practices and tools to unlock posting times tailored for your retail brand on Instagram.