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Mastering the Lost Art of Signature Sizes-Ups in NBA 2K23

As a lifelong hooper and semi-pro 2K tournament veteran with thousands of Park games under my belt, I‘ve become obsessed with mastering signature size-ups. Equipping the right sig for your player build and style is an art that few take the time to learn.

But those willing to put in the work at the MyCourt labbing handles are handsomely rewarded. Having elite signature sizes at your disposal transforms you into an unguardable demigod, no matter the defender. Ankles shatter, egos get bruised, and cold zones heat up quicker than a Curry Flurry.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll be revealing the definitive ranking of signature size-ups for guards, wings, and big men in NBA 2K23. You‘ll get insider details on combo chains that not even most Elite 1s know about. I back it all up with extensive personal testing and usage data across next-gen and current-gen.

Let‘s get into breaking down the science behind sigs.

The Anatomy of Signature Sizes

Before naming the best moves, you need to understand what makes a great signature size-up in NBA2K23. Sigs all share the same core set of combos:

  • Hesitations – Quick changes of pace or direction
  • Crossovers – Snappy handles switching the ball across your body
  • Behind the Backs – Momentum escapes dribbling through the legs
  • Stepbacks – Creating space for a jumper

But each NBA player gives their signature flair. For example, Damian Lillard provides quicker explosive moves compared to the smooth style of Luka Doncic.

The top signature sizes excel in these areas:

  • Burst Potential – How fast can you trigger momentum?
  • Combo Chaining – Are combos seamless or clumsy?
  • Ankle-Breaking – Do crossovers/hesis freeze defenders?
  • Separation Creation – Can you losing your man with ease?

Getting the behind the back momentum burst and crossover animations right is essential. Having moves flow together combos also prevents losing the ball when trying to go too fast.

But the most important factor is how easy the sig makes breaking ankles and then finishing at the rim. Let‘s break it down by position.

Best Signature Sizes for Lockdown Guards

For lightning quick guards under 6‘3‘‘, you need sigs with killer crossover combos and explosive bursts to jet past your man. These are my top picks after labbing for days with playmaking shot creators.

1. Trae Young

  • Key Traits: Behind the Back Momentum, Quick Crossovers
  • Requirements: Under 6‘5‘‘, 92+ Ball Handle
  • Recommendations: Quick Chain (HOF), Hyperdrive (HOF)

Why It‘s #1

Trae Young rightfully claims the top spot for guards because of the explosive behind the back escape combo. Flick down on the right stick to jet backwards or sideways, setting up any number of deadly finishers.

The signature also provides snappy double crossovers for ankle breakers and hesitations to freeze slower defenders.

During my test runs, I chained Trae‘s sig behind the back into quick combos like the momentum crossover and snatch back. Once you master this combo sequence, no one can keep up with your bursts.

So if you want to cook up defenders with nasty combos at lightning speed, Trae Young is a must equip.

2. Allen Iverson

  • Key Traits: Killer Crossovers, Rhythm Dribbles
  • Requirements: Under 6‘0‘‘, 85+ Ball Handle
  • Recommendations: Tight Handles (HOF), Unpluckable (Gold)

Why It‘s #2

All great guards should pay homage to The Answer with his iconic signature size-up. Much like AI crossed up MJ back in his day, this sig will have defenders kneeling before you following ruthless crossover ankle breakers.

The rhythmic combos lull opponents to sleep before you unleash a mean crossover and pull up for the bucket. I especially like chaining the quick behind the back into the double crossover. Once that second cross hits, defenders get put in the spin cycle.

On all my scoring guard builds, I run with AI‘s sig in my back pocket when I want to channel that solo assassin scorer mentality. Patiently break ‘em down off the dribble before mercilessly crossing them up.

3. Damian Lillard

  • Key Traits: Snappy Combos, Stepback Jumper Separation
  • Requirements: Under 6‘4‘‘, 87+ Ball Handle
  • Recommendations: Quick First Step (Silver), Difficult Shots (Bronze)

Why It‘s #3

Representing the new age of guards, Dame Dolla rounds out the top 3 with the fastest sig on the list. His explosive combo potential and stepback creators mimic how Lillard torches NBA defenses today.

Everything is snappy and bursty – from the double behind the back, to the hesitations, to the deadly stepback. I like quickly chaining the behind the back speed boost into the rhythm dribble combo leading to an easy ankle breaker.

Once they‘re frozen, the nasty stepback jumper with Difficult Shots equipped gets you an easy bucket even with a hand in your face. Dame‘s signature turns you into a human blow torch scorching defenders at all three levels.

Best Wings Sigs for All-Around Scorers

For forwards looking to expand their versatility, these are the signature sizes I recommend after extensive trial runs with my 6‘7‘‘ scoring wing build. They provide the perfect blend of combo potential and separation.

1. Paul George

  • Key Traits: Hesitation Combos, Crossover Control
  • Requirements: Under 6‘10‘‘, 85+ Ball Control
  • Recommendations: Quick Chain (Gold), Hyperdrive (HOF)

Why It‘s #1

Paul George is the quintessential versatile wing signature size-up. The smooth hesitation rhythm dribbles hypnotize defenders before PG unveils nasty behind the back crossovers.

Thanks to George‘s long wingspan, you get great separation on all combo finishers. I like quickly chaining the explosive behind the back momentum into the snatch back jumper. Easy greens once you master the timing.

Overall, the control and combo versatility makes Paul George the clear top choice for wings who want advanced ball handling packages without sacrificing size.

2. Donovan Mitchell

Key Traits: Escape Hesitations, Crossover Finishers

  • Requirements: Under 6‘10‘‘, 85+ Ball Handle
  • Recommendations: Quick Chain (HOF), Stop & Go (Silver)

Why It‘s #2

Coming in at #2 is Spida Mitchell‘s signature size-up. It‘s burst potential gives you great momentum on combo starters and his hesitation game mimics how Donovan freezes elite NBA defenders.

My bread-and-butter combo out this sig is the behind the back escape into the hesitation crossover. The first flick backwards gives you great momentum to then freeze your man with the snappy hesitation allowing you to attack the lane.

For any bigger wings with high ball handle looking for separation, Mitchell‘s moves are perfect replicating his downhill attacking style.

3. Jimmy Butler

  • Key Traits: Control, Two-Move Sequences
  • Requirements: Under 6‘10‘‘, 85+ Ball Handle
  • Recommendations: Quick First Step (HOF), Unpluckable (Gold)

Why It‘s #3

Jimmy Buckets rounds out the top wings signatures providing slower yet stronger combo potential. Animations trigger a bit smoother than the high burst of Mitchell and PG.

Jimmy‘s signature centers around two key combos:

  1. Behind the Back into Moving Crossover – This two move sequence provides a little momentum burst to then chain into the ankle-breaking crossover.

  2. Behind the Back into Snatch Back – Same initial momentum on the flick backwards followed by the separation of the snatch back into your jumper.

Wings with good handles who want more controlled isolation scoring should lock and load with Butler‘s sig equipped. Hesitate, burst, then get buckets.

Best Big Man Sigs for Surprise Handles

Even for big men, having a signature size-up in your back pocket is extremely valuable. As a post-scoring paint beast, they come in handy off triple threat and hesitation post duck-ins. Here‘s what 7-footers should roll with.

1. Kevin Durant

  • Key Traits: Lengthy Crossovers, Snatch Back Combos
  • Requirements: 6‘10‘‘+, 85+ Ball Handle
  • Recommendations: Quick Chain (Silver), Unpluckable (Silver)

Why It‘s #1

It‘s only right the best big man scorer NBA history also has the top signature size for towers. KD‘s length allows you to create insane separation on combos.

My go-to starting sequence is chaining the behind the back momentum into the quick rhythm dribble culminating with the devastating snatch back. Once that last snatch triggers, defenders get warped into another dimension.

Then having the shooting and dribbling ability to splash right over outstretched arms from three or blowing by off the bounce puts this over the top. Can‘t guard him, can‘t guard you.

2. Giannis Antetokounmpo

  • Key Traits: Euro-Steps, Downhill Attacks
  • Requirements: 6‘10‘‘+, 87+ Ball Handle
  • Recommendations: Grace Under Pressure (HOF), Post Playmaker (Gold)

Why It‘s #2

For bigs with elite mobility and dribble ratings, Giannis unlocks devastating euro step attacks akin to how he terrorizes the paint. It‘s perfect for post players who want to put the ball on the floor.

The go-to ball-handling move is the Euro Escape. Flick the right stick backwards to aggressively attack the basket with a long stride length. From there you can euro, hop step, or drop step finish through traffic.

With Grace Under Pressure reducing pickup chances and Post Playmaker boosting post duck ins, any paint beast should terrorize with Giannis‘ sig equipped.

Recommended Partner Badges

To truly transform into an unguardable dribble god, having shooting, finishing, and dribbling badges all boosting signature size-ups is vital. Here are key ones I recommend:

Tier 1 – Core Combo Badges

  • Quick Chain – Makes chaining moves together more seamless
  • Hyperdrive – Boosts overall speed with ball
  • Stop & Go – Quickly chains moves from standstills
  • Handles for Days – Protects against losing energy

Tier 2 – Scoring Finishers

  • Circus Threes – More greens on stepback jumpers
  • Fearless Finisher – Power through contact on drives
  • Grace Under Pressure – Reduces pickup chances on post attacks

With the right set up, you‘ll have the tools needed to unleash signature combos with smothering scoring punch. Now get in that lab!

Conclusion – Dominate Your Competition

Hopefully this guide has provided elite-level expertise detailing the best signature size-ups in NBA 2K23 and how to devastate with them equipped. Let me know in the comments which sig combo is working best for your build!

I‘m always looking to test out emerging moves and shuffle my own setup. But for now Trae Young has me cooking up defenders every possession. Too fast, too furious. Just how I like my ankle breakers served up.

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