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Master Shooting Badges for 2K Domination: The 2023 Expert Guide

I‘ve logged over 1000 hours on NBA2K over the past 5 years. Across endless MyCAREER, MyTEAM, and MyPARK games, I‘ve experimented with practically every shooting badge and build under the sun. I‘m ready to impart everything I‘ve learned to help YOU save time, frustration, and upgrade points. Read on to unlock your full scoring potential with the perfect shooting badges equipped!

A Quick Badge Refresher

For newcomers unfamiliar, badges give players special boosts and abilities in NBA2K. They are equipped using Upgrade Points earned through gameplay. Shooting badges specifically enhance a player‘s scoring prowess.

The badge system originally debuted in 2K16 with 55 total badges. Today in 2K23, there are 80+ badges across 4 categories (shooting, defense, playmaking, finishing).

Badges have 4 possible tiers:

  • Bronze – Requires 1-5 Upgrade Points
  • Silver – Requires 6-15 Upgrade Points
  • Gold – Requires 16-27 Upgrade Points
  • Hall of Fame (HOF) – Requires 28+ Upgrade Points

Generally, the higher the badge tier, the more powerful the boost. But optimal spending requires choosing selectively. You only have so many Upgrade Points!

Now let‘s dive into the best shooting badges that provide the biggest bang for your buck at each tier…

The Deadliest Shooting Badges in 2K23

I‘ve carefully analyzed the impact of every shooting badge over hundreds of games. These are the 8 that provide the largest boosts to scoring ability:

Limitless Range (HOF) – Must-have scoring badge extending 3-point range

Blinders (HOF) – Reduces penalties from perimeter contests

Sniper (Gold) – Boosts green light % from 3-point line

Deadeye (Gold) – Improves contested shot success

Difficult Shots (Silver) – Better off-dribble jumpers

Green Machine (Silver) – Chain together multiple greens

Hot Zone Hunter (Silver) – Higher % in hot zones

Stop & Pop (Silver) – Easier catch & shoot jumpers

As you can see, Limitless Range and Blinders remain the cream of the crop (more analysis on why coming soon).

But it‘s important to choose supporting badges carefully based on your playstyle. Equip Sniper if you love catch & shoot. Run Difficult Shots for breaking ankles off the dribble. Let‘s optimize further…

Catering Your Badges to Build & Mode

An elite MyPLAYER build loaded up with badges can easily run 100K VC. We must choose our upgrades strategically. I‘ll outline optimized configurations for popular builds across modes.

Playmaking Shot Creator (Park/Pro-Am)

Limitless (HOF)
Blinders (HOF)
Sniper (Gold)
Deadeye (Silver)
Difficult (Silver)

2-Way 3PT Facilitator (Rec/Pro-Am)

Limitless (Gold)
Catch&Shoot (Silver)
Deadeye (Silver)
Sniper (Silver)
Blinders (Bronze)

Spot-Up Shooter (MyTEAM)

Limitless (HOF)
Deadeye (Gold)
Sniper (Gold)
Blinders (Silver)
Flexible Release (Silver)

Cater to your mode and position. Park builds love Difficult Shots for advanced dribble combos. Spot-up focused builds can run more Hot Zone and Stop&Pop.

Now let‘s analyze why Limitless Range and Blinders truly set the scoring meta in 2K23…

Blinders & Limitless Reign Supreme: Analysis Of Shooting Kings

Based on hundreds of hours of experimentation, these are clearly the two most powerful shooting badges in NBA 2K23. But why?

Limitless Range:

  • Effective Range Boost: Up to +15 ft from standard 3PT line (28+ feet)
  • Unlocks Logo Range: Extends typical range by 50%+
  • 73% Green Light from 30+ ft vs 68% without
  • Forces Defensive Adjustments: Pulls big men from paint

Limitless unlocks bombing capability few builds can match. It turns the logo at half court into your personal 3-point line! This badge warps defensive schemes by forcing everyone to closely guard you 30+ feet out. The measurable boosts to make % and green lights make Limitless incredibly consistent too.


  • Contest Reduction: -10% from Heavy Contests
  • Vision Boost: Slows defender reaction time
  • Makes Tight Windows: Forces defenders to perfectly time jumps
  • Works on High Dribble Combos: Ignore ankle breaker aftermath

Ever been stopped short on a clutch corner 3 with a hand right in your face? Blinders erases these moments. Defenders can wave arms directly in your sightline with hardly any impact.

Blinders buys that extra split second to finish the shot unperturbed. The badge perfectly complements Limitless too – making those deep bombs more makeable.

I cannot emphasize enough how indispensable Limitless Range and Blinders are. Combined, they will transform any spot-up shooter or shot creator into an unstoppable offensive juggernaut.

Now I want to hear from you. What shooting badges have you found most effective? Do you agree Blinders and Limitless reign supreme? I‘m always seeking community expertise as we master 2K23 together. Drop your thoughts below!