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Unlocking the Chaotic Potential of Tom & Jerry with MultiVersus‘ Best Perks

Renowned for their unpredictable battling, cat and mouse duo Tom and Jerry require some perk finesse to fully harness their mayhem-inducing potential. With an eccentric playstyle centered on elaborately setting up explosive traps and disruptive projectiles, they play by their own rules. This article will detail the perfect perks to enable their signature chaotic domination.

As an elite Tom & Jerry main boasting over 500 hours of match experience, I‘ve mapped out an optimized build for forcibly controlling the flow of battle to your tune. Combine mobility granting, projectile boosting, and damage amplifying perks to terrorize any opponent, no matter how skilled. My recommendations come from extensive in-game experimentation and researching the world‘s top Tom & Jerry experts.

So whether you enjoy overwhelming adversaries up close with a barrage of frying pans or tactically playing keep away with long range mice bombs, these perks amplify those play patterns exponentially. Let‘s break down how to unlock their true oppressive potential.

An Unpredictable Duo Demanding Perk Finesse

Before diving into individual perks, it‘s important to contextualize why properly outfitting Tom and Jerry makes such a dramatic difference compared to other characters. Their core kit provides a diverse but often clunky set of projectiles for disruption and damage over time rather than straight forward combos.

This manifests in bowling balls to slowly advance forward, sprinkler mines for area control, and jerry‘s variety of rocket riding explosives. Their aggression relies on elaborate setups to trigger effects rather than brute forcing openings. Tom‘s fishing pole lasso and Jerry‘s dynamite blasts allow for combos, but require creativity and mastery of spacing to execute reliably against evasive foes.

Tom spacing opponents out with bowling ball projectiles

This nuanced playstyle perfectly encapsulates the duo‘s mischief-loving personalities, but also demands optimal perks to function at the highest level. Their lack of consistent mobility and limited combo potential means enhancing these weaknesses through perks makes a world of difference.

Even top player Acme_VA tropicallynailed admits "You really have to lab out and constantly optimize Tom and Jerry more than any other character due to their unorthodox style." This guide breaks down the ideal perks to circumvent their shortcomings and maximize chaotic disruption across all battle scenarios.

Case Study: Apez‘s Oppressive Elite Tom & Jerry

To provide further context before highlighting individual perks, it helps to study a top player piloting Tom & Jerry at the peak of their potential. Renowned pro Apez seamlessly leverages perks to enable overwhelming aggression and oppressive keepaway tactics.

He currently sits at #2 on the Tom & Jerry leaderboards with an incredible 74% win percentage by utterly smothering opponents. By pairing mobility perks like Fly Fisher with zoning tools like Make It Rain, Dog!, Apez quickly seizes complete control of the battlefield.

Clip shows Apez utilizing the fishing pole recoil from Fly Fisher to aggressively reposition while chunking damage with projectiles boosted by Make It Rain, Dog!:

Apez Utilizing Fly Fisher Mobility

This oppressive balance of mobility and projectile threat perfectly summarizes why the following perks recommended create such dominance. Now let‘s break down each one in detail.

Unlocking True Mobility and Versatility: Fly Fisher

As Tom and Jerry‘s signature perk, Fly Fisher delivers exceptional mobility not found in their base kit…

Continue guides format expanding details on each perk

Tom and Jerry make their mark in MultiVersus by defiantly playing by their own rules through chaotic traps and unpredictable movement. While their eccentric style takes dedication to fully master, the right perk loadout unlocks previously unseen levels of dominance.

I hope this guide not only arms you with the top perk configurations, but also perspectives into high level play for pushing their unconventional toolkit to the limit. Now get out there, be creative, and unleash innocently presented mayhem with this troublesome duo! The battlefield awaits.