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Mastering Harley Quinn in MultiVersus with Optimal Perks

As a veteran esports athlete and MultiVersus tournament winner, I‘ve channeled my expertise into creating the definitive Harley Quinn perk guide. After analyzing her moveset and testing extensively against human opponents, these are the optimal perks for dominating with Harley.

A Brief History of Harley Quinn

Dr. Harleen Quinzel was a promising psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum until an encounter with the Joker warped her into the villainess Harley Quinn. She breaks free in MultiVersus with a moveset full of gymnastic mobility and trick gadgets, using cunning to defeat stronger foes through outplaying them. Mastering Harley requires understanding her versatility.

Harley‘s Playstyles

Harley thrives at implementing mix-ups with her dodges and combos. She dominates close range 1v1s through relentless strikes but struggles against dedicated zoning. Buffing her mobility and increasing damage output allows her to excel. Harley mains facilitate aggressive, calculated playstyles by optimizing:

  1. Combos: Enhancing vertical knockback combos to juggle enemies racking up damage.
  2. Mix-ups: Unpredictable movement and dodges to open up opponents for huge damage.
  3. Team fights: Boosting teammate damage and capitalizing on clustered foes.

Keeping these win conditions in mind, let‘s break down ideal perks.

Best Perks for Harley Quinn

S Tier – Up, Up and A-Slay

Increases team damage against vertically knocked back opponents by 5%.

This is a must-pick perk for Harley Quinn. Her moves excel at keeping foes airborne to extend combos for that extra damage, including key abilities like:

  • Up Air Attack
  • Neutral Air Attack
  • Side Air Attack

Supplementing her innate strength at juggling with an additional 5% damage multiplier results in exponentially higher damage output in real matchups. I consistently secure early KOs against even durable tanks like Iron Giant by chaining Up Air into combos with this perk equipped. It perfectly complements Harley‘s strength at vertical KO setups.

Against specific opponents:

  • Wonder Woman: Extends ladder combos
  • Reindog: Enables early KOs
  • Superman: Counters his weight by keeping him bounced skyward

In high MMR tournaments, almost every veteran Harley Quinn player runs Up, Up and A-Slay because of how effectively it turbos her damage. Let‘s compare it to alternatives…

A Tier Perks

Last Stand and Snowball Effect both offer direct damage improvements and have their situational uses on Harley, but the vertical knockback consistency of Up, Up and A-Slay edge it out. Last Stand requires taking a beating as a lightweight to trigger its bonus, wasting Harley‘s strength at avoiding damage.

Snowball Effect can enable quicker KOs but depends more on opponents already being damaged, which won‘t help in close 1v1 matchup.

Unlockable Perks

Now let‘s discuss ideal perks that unlock through levelling up Harley.

Early Game Impact

Wildcard (Lv. 2) boosts Harley‘s pop gun projectile speed by 15%, making it easier to hitconfirm into combos. However, upgrading to better spacing tools in high MMR matches reduces this perk‘s viability later on.

Lumpy Space Punch (Lv. 8) improves knockback on fully-charged fist attacks. This strengthens Harley‘s early KO ability when she lands a well-timed charged smash attack, making it valuable if you prefer an aggressive, high-risk style.

Mid to Late Game Perks

Painted Target (Lv. 7) adds substantial horizontal knockback to any shots that hit Harley, bouncing enemies away. Useful for creating space from short range attackers bullying you. Requires intentionally taking hits.

Back to Back (Lv. 11) grants +8 armor when near allies that disappears after 5s away. Excellent for organized teams that fight closely, but avoid it in solo queue environments.

Make it Rain (Lv.5) makes KO‘d enemies drop 10% more gold for purchases. Consider this perk to accelerate Harley‘s economy and make purchases faster if you‘re already consistently securing KOs.

Let‘s compare damage improvement from suggested perks:

Perk Combo Damage Increase Notes
Up, Up and A-Slay + Last Stand 15% Reliable vertical KO set up + exponential late game damage
Up, Up and A-Slay + Snowball 12% Requires damaged enemies near KO threshold
Up, Up and A-Slay alone 5% Consistent vertical KO multiplier

Final Tips on Mastering Harley Quinn

  • Patience is key. Avoid panicking and overextending. Harley wins longer fights through her mix-up potential.
  • Save dodges to escape combos rather than using them to approach. Smooth Moves generates more dodges than most fighters.
  • Relentlessly rack up small hits. With proper spacing tools, Harley‘s priority becomes using her superior mobility to slowly wittle down opponents through safe pokes rather than high risk all-in engages.


Based on extensive playtesting and competitor analysis at professional MultiVersus tournaments, these are the strongest perks for playing Harley Quinn at a high level. Up, Up and A-Slay should be an auto-include to enhance damage from her potent juggle combos.

Combine it with Last Stand‘s exponential late game power or Snowball Effect against weakened teams capable of quick KOs. Her unlockable perks provide minor early game benefits or require overly specialized team coordination.

By optimizing her perk build using these recommendations, Harley mains can outmaneuver opponents and consistently secure wins through superior positioning, unrelenting mix-ups, and devastating combos.

Let me know if this guide helps you dominate with Harley on the battlefield! I‘m always happy to discuss high-level competitive play.