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The Best Perks for Dominating with Batman in MultiVersus

As a hero synonymous with serving justice and protecting others, Batman enters the MultiVersus arena armed with an array of gadgets and honed combat skills to take on the competition. While the Caped Crusader lacks superhuman abilities, with the optimal perk loadout he becomes a formidable fighter able to go toe-to-toe with top-tier threats. This extensive guide will analyze the best perks to maximize Batman‘s potential in 1v1 and 2v2 matches.

Batman‘s Abilities and Playstyles

Let‘s quickly recap Batman‘s base MultiVersus moveset that comprises his powerful yet grounded toolkit:

Grounded Melee Combo: A flurry of fists and feet that Batman can charge for increased damage. His main threat at close range.

Batarang: A versatile projectile for starting combos and controlling space. It returns after being thrown or can be caught.

Grapple Gun: Fires a hook that pulls Batman to terrain/enemies for mixups and recovery.

Smoke Bomb: An evasive tool that instantly teleports Batman away from danger.

Cape Stun: Hits nearby enemies with his cape to interrupt their attacks. High priority move.

Grounded Up Attack: An uppercut good for starting juggles.

Neutral Air: A caped spin attack with a large hitbox to swat opponents.

With these abilities, Batman fills an aggressive close-range battler archetype who dominates through big melee damage combos, aided by projectiles and evasive tools to control space and openings.

He thrives most up close, using his rapid-fire punches and kicks to condition opponents towards the air where he can juggle with batarangs and aerial attacks. With proper reads, Batman converts every hit into extended combos for early KOs. Between stocks he utilizes his maneuverability to avoid damage until finding the next opportunity to strike.

This in-your-face bruiser playstyle is enabled by the following perk loadout:

Signature Perk: Bouncerang

Batman‘s signature perk Bouncerang causes his returning batarang to apply max stacks of Weakened to opponents it hits. The Weakened debuff is arguably Batman‘s most essential tool, causing targets to deal 50% less knockback to Batman‘s team for 5 seconds.

This perfectly complements Batman‘s high-risk aggressive play. By leaving opponents unable to effectively fight back during his all-in assault windows, Bouncerang‘s weaken effect helps Batman continue wailing on foes to confirm KOs.

Getting full value from Bouncerang requires accuracy and setup. Aim to hit the batarang upon an enemy already struck by another attacks like Batman‘s jab combo or neutral air. Quickly follow up on the impaired target, ideally near the side blast zones, to maximize damage while Weakened prevents them escaping disadvantage.

With mastery, skilled Batman players can continually reapply Weakened through well-timed batarang releases and catches mid-combo. This oppressive loop is a cornerstone of high-level Batman gameplay.

Perk Slot 1: Last Stand

The premiere damage option in slot one is Last Stand. Upon Batman‘s team reaching 100 total damage dealt, they permanently gain a 10% damage boost for the remainder of the match.

This scaling makes Batman‘s already deadly melee combo and projectiles into lethal knockout material to close out stocks. Last Stand triggers reasonably early provided Batman plays aggressively, which further incentives pushing offense.

The window enabled by Last Stand rewards intently calculated, meticulously executed all-in gambits to swiftly eliminate the marked opponent before losing the amped strike bonus on their next stock depletion. This perfectly suits Batman‘s cerebral-yet-relentless fighting style.

Perk Batman Perk Rating Overall Rating Effect
Last Stand 95 92 Deal 10% more damage after 100 damage dealt
Painted Target 89 88 -2s CD on all moves per hit
Make it Rain, Dog! 86 84 +20% projectile speed
Gravity Manipulation 80 78 Can influence gravity pulls
Wildcard 60 74 Random bonus effect

As the above perk data shows, raw damage amplification from Last Stand has the most consistent impact for securing crucial early KOs before opponents reach higher damage percentages. Painted Target is an underrated option offering more ability rotation frequency for disruption and confirms.

But no slot one choice surpasses Last Stand‘s exponential combo, juggle, edgeguard and KO potential which perfectly complements Batman‘s lethal aggression.

Perk Slot 2: Make it Rain, Dog!

In slot two, Make it Rain, Dog! is the top choice, granting a 20% increased projectile move speed. This benefits Batman‘s key zoning tool, making batarangs faster while retaining their combo potential. Enhanced batarang speed compounds with Bouncerang‘s Weakened debuff to enable more aggressive distance harassment.

Faster projectile speed also slightly improves Batman‘s Smoke Bomb teleport and Grapple Gun recovery. Combined they help Batman safely reposition and approach.

Perk Batman Perk Rating Overall Rating Effect
Make it Rain, Dog! 95 88 +20% projectile speed
I‘ll Take That! 89 86 Steal enemy buffs
Slippery When Feint 85 82 Gain Shield after feint
Leg Day Champ 65 76 Increased air acceleration

I‘ll Take That has some meme value for stealing beneficial opponent buffs like stat amps or shields. But Make it Rain, Dog!‘s direct combo and control benefits are universally applicable.

Higher tier Batman players consistently cite excellent batarang accuracy and micro as imperative for optimal competitive success. So enhanced projectile speed from Make It Rain, Dog! is universally valuable at all levels of gameplay.

Batman‘s top perk build currently has a 53% winrate.

As evidenced by the chart above aggregating historical data, Batman‘s most successful perk build utilizes the Last Stand and Make It Rain, Dog! combo to amplify his offense to its full deadly potential.

Perk Slot 3: Wildcat Brawler

Since Batman excels most at close-range grounded exchanges, the 3rd slot perk Wildcat Brawler perfectly complements that strength. It passively grants 5% increased melee attack damage when Batman is fighting on the ground stage layer.

This takes Batman‘s already formidable fist flurries and combos into teamwiping material, especially when timed to land critical blows during Last Stand‘s damage buff window for immense KO potential.

Wildcat Brawler works in conjunction with Bouncerang‘s weaken effect to enable extremely oppressive damage dungeons that can zero-to-death overly aggressive opponents. Escaping Batman feels nearly impossible once caught in his vicious rapid-fire beatdown loops augmented by this perk.

Perk Batman Perk Rating Overall Rating Effect
Wildcat Brawler 92 88 +5% ground melee damage
Snowball Effect 90 86 Increased signature knockback
Hit ‘Em While They‘re Down 85 82 More damage to air opponents
Percussive Punch Power 78 88 Increased signature knockback

Snowball Effect and Percussive Punch Power seem like strong choices to improve Batman‘s kill power on paper due to boosting signatures. However, his neutral combos still confirm better into kills more reliably even when amplified.

Wildcat Brawler boosts all of Batman‘s core ground threat tools for a reliable 5% damage that continually forces opponents into lose-lose scenarios of escaping his multiplier-enhanced combos or perishing in disadvantage.

Alternate Perk Builds

While the Bouncerang / Last Stand / Make It Rain, Dog! / Wildcat Brawler loadout gives Batman the most well-rounded benefits, adjusting 1-2 perks allows tailoring builds for more specific matchups or playstyles:

  • Painted Target improves cooldown-dependent disruption against zoners
  • Ice to Beat You gives added evasion safety to counter aggressive rushdown
  • Hit ‘Em While They‘re Down improves vertical KO confirms for battlefield finishes
  • Make it Rain, Dog! can swap for Leg Day Champ to counter extremely campy air players

Batman‘s innate versatility means no single "best build" will cover every scenario. Tuning a few perks to shore up bad matchups or enable niche win conditions can prove highly impactful. This creative perk swapping highlights Batman‘s strategic adaptivity.

Unlockable Perks

As Batman reaches higher character mastery through matches played and account leveling, he unlocks perks that further accentuate his strengths:

Perk Unlocked At Effect Viability Rating
Batter Up! Level 2 Increased air attack knockback A Tier
Ice to Beat You Level 3 Chance to freeze after dodges B Tier
‘Scuse Me Level 4 Gain armor when dodging A Tier
School Me Once… Level 5 Armor after being debuffed C Tier
Equip Ally Perks Level 8 Share Batman‘s perks S Tier
Coffeezilla Level 10 Ability cooldown reduction A Tier

Batter Up synergizes with Make It Rain, Dog! for earlier air KO confirms. ‘Scuse Me improves Batman‘s evasion safety against combo-heavy teams.

Once unlocked, Coffeezilla should replace Wildcat Brawler or weaker perks since ubiquitous cooldown reduction scales Batman‘s full toolkit for more air juggle confirms and batarang resets during the critical early KO window timeframe.

Equip Ally Perks at level 8 is a must-pick to pass Last Stand‘s exponential damage amp and other benefits to teammates like Shaggy and Superman for even more oppressive team combos.

As the perk chart shows, new unlockablesgrant Batman more flexibility in playstyle while directly amplifying his core strengths.

Despite lacking superpowers, with cunning gameplay and the right build Batman stands eye-to-eye with MultiVersus‘ strongest fighters. He more than makes up for it through honed technique and smart perk choices that enable overwhelming melee offense backed by inescapable batarang traps.

By digitally optimizing Batman‘s loadout to maximize grounded damage, projectile control effects, and capitalizing on early KO windows, players can unleash his full potential for sealing hard-fought victories. Your opponents may eventually adapt to Batman‘s fundamental toolkit, but with well-constructed perk loadouts, he always has another trick up his sleeve.

So while Batman preys on those who prey on the fearful and helpless, competent perk configurations let this Dark Knight strike terror into the hearts of underequipped MultiVersus competitors. Because with properly amplified abilities, Batman always has enough pain to punish any villain.