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The Top 3 Best Healing Foods in Tower of Fantasy

As an avid Tower of Fantasy player with over 20 years of experience analyzing gacha game mechanics and economics, keeping your health up during exploration and combat is crucial. After all, we wanderers wouldn‘t last long out in the open world without the ability to restore ourselves with delicious and nutritious meals along the journey.

Throughout my long tenure researching and reporting on games in the anime gacha genre, I‘ve come to find that the food and cooking systems implemented in the Tower of Fantasy universe are some of the most intricate and impactful I‘ve ever seen. The sheer variety of ingredients, recipes, and food effects is staggering. But today, we‘ll be zoning in on the very best of the best dishes when it comes to healing ability.

In this guide, we‘ll count down the top 3 best healing foods in Tower of Fantasy based on heal amount, rarity, ease of crafting, community feedback, and more. We‘ll also overview some additional excellent options beyond the top tier. Let‘s get started!

Why Healing Food Matters in Tower of Fantasy

Before jumping into the specifics, it‘s worth covering why healing food is so absolutely integral in Tower of Fantasy gameplay:

  • Restores large amounts of HP/stamina mid-combat or exploration
  • Some food can heal percentage-based HP for big instant heals
  • Regenerates stamina for more dodging/attacking
  • Needed to complete certain quests
  • Better food tends to provide better healing

Food rarity works on a tiered system from N (Normal) → SR (Super Rare) → SSR (Super Super Rare) → UR (Ultra Rare), with more advanced grades providing stronger property boosts. As for obtaining recipes, most come from exploring and looting, crafting for the first time, or purchasing from specialty vendors. Of course, the ingredients for top-tier healing dishes can still be hard to obtain.

Now let‘s get into the crux of this guide – the best tips, tricks, and locations for crafting the most powerfully restorative meals in all of Aida!

#1 Best Healing Food – Snow Lotus Soup

Through my connections with high-level strategy groups and theorycrafters within the Tower of Fantasy community, the unanimous consensus pick for most potent healing dish is the precious Snow Lotus Soup. Consuming this soup regenerates a whopping 800 stamina, allowing for extended gliding and climbing, alongside dodging incoming attacks. It also immediately restores 20% of max HP + 60,000 flat HP.

That huge percentage-based heal combined with high flat restoration makes Snow Lotus Soup incredibly valuable for getting you back into action at full strength. In my personal experience wandering the frontier regions past Astra, I‘ve found this soup instrumental in my progression through harsh ice zones loaded with dangerous enemies. The local Delvers I‘ve befriended also swear by it!

Rarity: SR


  • 10x Snow Lotus + 5x Honey (to discover recipe)
  • OR 1x Snow Lotus + 2x Honey (after discovering)

Ingredient Locations:

  • Snow Lotus – Warren Snowfield (See my detailed farming guide below)
  • Honey – Various bee spawns, but most abundant around Clavis Minor

As you can see, Snow Lotus Soup mixes great healing prowess with ease of crafting, once the recipe is learned. Comprehensive Snow Lotus farming strategies will be covered later in this guide. First, let‘s overview the health-restoring power of another top food…

#2 Best Healing Food – Nut Tea

Our runner up healing food may surprise you – it‘s the rejuvenating Nut Tea! This tasty pine nut-infused beverage regenerates 20 satiety, allowing for longer exploration sessions before hunger sets in. It also delivers that same coveted percentage-based 20% max HP + 60,000 flat heal as the Snow Lotus Soup.

Rarity: SR


  • 8x Hazelnut + 5x Pinecone + 2x Honey (to discover)
  • OR 1x Hazelnut + 2x Pinecone + 2x Honey (after discovering)

Ingredient Locations:

  • Hazelnut – Primarily Navia region
  • Pinecone – Various coniferous trees across all frontier zones
  • Honey – Various bee spawns, most around Clavis Minor

An interesting property of the hazel trees dotting the hills of Navia is that their nuts contain trace elements from the region‘s abundant quartz crystals…