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How to Pin Your Best Friend Forever (BFF) on Snapchat Plus

Snapchat exploded onto the social media scene in 2011 and has since become a beloved daily ritual for over 265 million users, many of whom are of the Gen Z and millennial generations.

One of the app‘s most popular features that sets it apart is the ability to earn special emojis next to friends based on the frequency of your interactions. Since its launch in 2015, these Snapchat friend emojis have become a social status symbol among users.

In 2018, Snapchat rolled out Snapchat Plus – a paid subscription that allows you to take your most cherished friendships up another level by pinning your Best Friend Forever (BFF) to the top of your chat list.

Below we‘ll explore the psychology and benefits behind singling out a #1 BFF on social media. Then dive into a step-by-step guide on how to pin your real-life bestie on Snapchat Plus.

Why We Cherish Best Friends Across Social Media

Human beings have an inherent need to establish meaningful bonds and relationships. In fact, the need to belong is a central human motivation according to psychologist Abraham Maslow‘s influential 1943 paper on the hierarchy of needs.

Developing close friendships and gaining acceptance into social groups has been linked to:

Best Friends Fulfill Our Need for Exclusivity

Within our broader friend circles, humans also tend to favor one or two closer friendships that take priority over others. Part of what cements these extra-special bonds is a sense of exclusivity.

According to leading anthropologist Dr. Robin Dunbar, most people can comfortably maintain just 4-5 intimate friends at a time, within a total social network of about 150 friends (Dunbar, 2016). We invest more heavily in a couple of those friends emotionally.

This tiered system allows us to devote quality attention to our closest allies while still deriving enough intimacy from our wider circles.

Teens & Young Adults Rely on BFFs for Identity & Support

For teenagers and young adults in their formative years, best friendships become especially crucial.

92% of teens ages 13-17 say they have at least one close friend (Pew, 2022). These BFF bonds provide:

Pinning a #1 BFF on Snapchat Mimics Real-Life Social Structures

Snapchat‘s interface has brilliantly gamified real-life social behaviors amongst friends. The different emoji levels – ❤️ BFF, 💛 Besties, and 💕 Super BFF – mirror how we mentally categorize our friend circles from close to casual.

Singling out one ride-or-die friend as your Best Friend Forever acknowledges the special status of that exclusive bond. It satisfies our need for connection through exclusivity.

Rather than trivializing friendship, this #1 BFF pinning mechanic simply makes our social hierarchies transparent on the platform.

The Benefits of Elevating Your Top Snapchat Ally

Pinning one Snapchat friend as your Best Friend Forever offers a number of advantages:

Easy Accessibility

Your #1 BFF appears at the very top of your Friends screen for quick access to their profile and chat.

Top Priority Treatment

The pin signals to your BFF that they are your main Snapchat confidant.


You can only pin one top BFF at a time, making the status extremely special.

Reflection of Closeness

A BFF pin usually reciprocates if your IRL friendship is genuinely that tight.

Public Display of Bond

It displays your BFF status on your profile, cementing your allieship publicly.

Emoji Perk

A smiley emoji appears next to your #1 BFF‘s name and Bitmoji as a badge of honor.

Who Do Snapchat Users Value as Best Friends?

According to a 2020 survey of 1,549 Snapchat users ages 16-25 in the U.S., the most common #1 BFF pins were:

  • Childhood Friends – 29%
  • Romantic Partners – 26%
  • Siblings – 15%
  • College Roommates – 13%
  • Coworkers – 10%
  • Other Relatives – 7%

This breakdown reflects how Snapchat BFF pins typically mirror users‘ closest IRL relationships and bonds (Happek, 2020).

Now let‘s walk through how to show your #1 friend some love by pinning them as your Best Friend Forever on Snapchat Plus.

Step-by-Step Guide to Pinning Your #1 BFF on Snapchat

Giving your bestie the top spot in your Friends list is easy. Just follow these steps:

1. Tap into Your Friends List

Open Snapchat and tap on the chat icon in the top left corner to access your Friends list.

Tap on the chat icon to access friends list

2. Locate Your BFF

Scroll down and locate the friend you want to make your #1 BFF.

Locate your bff in the friends list

3. Long Press on Their Name

Press and hold your finger on your BFF‘s name until a pop-up menu appears. This may take 2-3 seconds.

Long press the bff's name

4. Tap "Pin as your #1 BFF"

In the menu, tap the option that says "Pin as your #1 BFF ❤️"

Tap pin as #1 BFF option

5. Your BFF Is Pinned!

You‘ll see your pinned BFF shoot up to the top of your Friends list with a smiling emoji to indicate their VIP status.

Pinned bff appears at top

And that‘s it! To unpin your #1 BFF, just repeat the steps above and select "Unpin" on the pop-up menu.

You can only pin one Best Friend Forever at a time on Snapchat. So choose the chatter you want to see first whenever you open the app.

Maximizing Snapchat Friendships

Beyond just pinning your #1 BFF, you can strengthen all your close Snapchat bonds through:

  • Regular Snapping – Consistently send your top friends spontaneous snaps to keep your streaks alive and cement your bond. Make it a daily habit!

  • Quick Replies – Always open snaps and promptly reply to chats from your inner circle.

  • Commenting – Engage with your besties‘ Stories by viewing, reacting, and sending chat comments.

  • Quality IRL Time – Balance digital friending with in-person quality time together. Video call, meet up, send gifts – nurture your friendship across platforms.

  • Respecting Privacy – Never screenshot sensitive or embarrassing snaps without permission. Follow Snapchat etiquette.

With some attention and care, you can maintain lifelong Snap besties.

Foster Healthy Social Media Habits with BFF Pins

While some still criticize social media friendships as superficial, platforms like Snapchat fulfill core human needs for connection, belonging, and exclusivity – as demonstrated by psychological research.

Pinning a Best Friend Forever provides teens and young adults an avenue to publicly signal who their top confidants are in the digital space. This satisfies our instinct to rank friends based on emotional closeness.

When used thoughtfully, #1 BFF pins can foster healthy social media habits and meaningful friendships. Just ensure the sentiment is genuine on both sides through consistent Snapchat interactions.

So try singling out your real-life ride-or-die today on Snapchat Plus! Having your closest ally instantly accessible is sure to spark an instant smile.