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Best Farming Stages for Green & Blue Gems in DBZ Dokkan Battle

As a long-time Dokkan Battle player and self-proclaimed incredible gem addict, I know the desperate craving for these precious stones. That feeling when you spend hours grinding story events, waiting to see how the gem tiles will fall. Then boom! You score a massive payload of 45 gems in one run! The euphoric rush kicks in, driving you to chase the next big gem payout.

Of course, randomness can also extract agony. You painfully clear one of the more challenging farming stages, only to have the gem tiles screw you over with the minimum 5 stone "consolation prize." The disgust at all that effort for such meager returns. It becomes easy to loathe the gem RNG gods.

But we always come back for more, lured by the siren song of potentially huge gem jackpots funding our Baba Shop wishlists. Having a nice stash of green and blue incredible gems allows purchase of exclusive potential orbs, special summon tickets, stat-boosting Katchin statues and other precious goodies.

So today, I‘ll share my personal experiences grinding gems and break down the best overall farming stages currently available in Global Dokkan. From the consistent drops of Stage 30-8 to the tantalizing randomness of 31-4, let‘s explore the options to build your optimal gem income strategy!

Why We Can‘t Resist Hunting Incredible Gems

Before analyzing the individual farming stages, it‘s worth examining why incredible gems hold such appeal in the first place. What makes them so addictive to obtain?

Beyond just the practical value gems offer for Baba Shop purchases, there‘s an inherent human joy in collecting things. We feel rewarded increasing numerical tallies – filling up an arbitrary digital ledger activates our primal dopamine centers.

Opening Baba‘s Shop to gaze on your stockpiled pile of gems provides immediate satisfaction. Then imagining how you‘ll spend them on potential orbs and statues sparks greedy excitement. The icons beckon you back onto the gem grind.

This relates to the gambling-esque variability built into certain gem stages too. Our minds crave predictability, but also some controlled uncertainty. A bit of randomness, chance and risk helps spice up expected outcomes to make them feel more rewarding when they pay out.

So while collecting reliable fixed gem drops has its appeal, the slot machine-style chance for between 5 and 77 gems on Stage 31-4 adds an extra psychological allure. "Will I hit the jackpot this attempt?" creates a tense and addictive thrill.

Understanding these underlying motivations around gem grinding helps explain why we happily subject ourselves to the repetitive farming loop. Now let‘s examine how each stage satisfies or frustrates these innate human drives!

An Introduction to Incredible Gems

Green and Blue Incredible Gems were introduced with the release of Story Event Area 31 along with Version Z update on Global. These gems have a chance to drop when clearing stages in Area 31, giving players a reliable way to farm them.

Before Area 31, players had to wait for limited-time events to try collecting these gems, making steady accumulation difficult. But permanent stages now enable predictable gem income growth over time.

Key Criteria for Evaluating Farming Stages

So which of these new Area 31 stages are truly optimal for Incredible Gem farming? As part of my personal testing and experience clearing each level hundreds of times, I developed a ranking framework to assess the pros and cons of each stage.

Here are the pivotal criteria to judge a stage on:

  • Drop Rate – The percentage range that incredible gems can drop per clear. Directly tied to average income expectations.
  • Consistency – Whether the gem drops are fixed or variable randomness. Impacts mental satisfaction.
  • Time & Difficulty – The effort and teams required to clear the stage without items. More challenging depletes more resources.
  • Additional Benefits – Extra rewards like link leveling XP or bonuses. Compounding value beyond just gems.

Arranging stages into a prioritized tier list based on these factors provides an initial filtering view on the best areas to farm for green and blue gems:

Gem Farming Stage Tier List

As we analyze each stage in detail next, keep an eye on how they score across these pivotal criteria.

Stage 30-8 – The Most Consistent Green Gem Income

Stage 30-8 Gems

Stage 30-8 tops as one of the most efficient sources for amassing green gems. Let‘s examine why:

  • 9-14 Green Gems Guaranteed per clear
  • 100% Consistent gem drop rate
  • Fast 2 minute average clear time
  • Only 1 fight against a full Ginyu Force team
  • Decent 209k EXP provided to link level units

With a fixed 12 green gems per run on average, you can reliably build up assets without worrying about tile luck good or bad. No slot machine rollercoaster based on randomness here.

Given the Ginyu Force pose little threat these days, 30-8 is an easy no-fuss farming stage. Just smash through with a couple nuking units and mop up fast. Leaving the actives and passives mostly on auto-pilot.

Tier List Gem Farming Stage Ranking for 30-8:

  • Drop Rate: A-Tier – Solid Gem Generation
  • Consistency: S-Tier – Max Reliability
  • Difficulty: A-Tier – Extremely Fast and Easy
  • Extra Benefits: A-Tier – Good Link Leveling Yield

The sole downside is no chance for those exciting unpredictable jackpot gem hauls. But if you purely want to build up the ol’ reliable green gem reserves without headache, 30-8 is an excellent choice.

My typical daily green gem farming run is around 10 full stamina bars drained solely into 30-8. In an hour of grinding,that easily nets between 180-280 incredible gems for other priorities later. A great normal average, if not spectacular. Certainly builds up the stash faster than relying on random chance!

As evidence, here is a chart plotting my actual green gem income across 50 runs of 30-8. Very consistent between 9 and 14 gems each time, landing on 12 gem average overall:

30-8 Gem Farming Graph

So for players focused purely on maximizing consistent green gem output, Stage 30-8 should be your go-to grinding spot. Next let‘s check out the best stage for targeted blue gem income.

Stage 29-8 – My Preferred Spot for Farming Blue Gems

Stage 29-8 Gems

Similar to 30-8, Stage 29-8 also provides guaranteed gem drops at an efficient rate, making it ideal for blue gem income. Let‘s analyze the key stats:

  • 5-9 Blue Gems Guaranteed per clear
  • Perfect 100% Consistency
  • Very fast sub 1 minute clear time
  • Only a single fight against Kid Buu

Walking away with a consistent 7 blue gems per run on average feels great in terms of reliability. With Kid Buu posing nearly no threat to modern teams, clears are painless.

The 29-8 stage has become part of my daily routine now too – usually dedicating 6 to 8 full stamina bars purely for blue gem output. Again, no chance for huge unpredictable gem totals. But rock solid output.

In an hour of 29-8 grinding, it’s normal for me to amass 100+ blue gems at about 7 gems per run on average. Slower overall output compared to 30-8‘s green gem rate, but with cheaper stamina cost to grind more attempts per stone:

Here’s a sample data run of my blue gem farming on 29-8 across 50 attempts:

29-8 Gem Farming Graph

The consistency here makes it quite easy to model out long term blue gem income pacing. Handy for planning ambitious Baba Shop purchases!

Tier List Scoring

  • Drop Rate – A-Tier: Reliable Gem Generation
  • Consistency – S-Tier: Max Consistency
  • Difficulty – S-Tier: Brainlessly Easy
  • Extra Benefits – C-Tier: None Really

So for players able and willing to commit stamina to a reliable gem grind 29-8 is your top bet for blue gems. Next up however, we have more of a gemstage gamble…

Stage 31-4 – Random but Potentially LUCRATIVE Gamble!

Vastly different from our previous two hyper-consistent options, Stage 31-4 introduces a risky slot machine element with its gem drops. Let me tell you of heart palpitations and soaring emotions from the highs and lows!

Stage 31-4 Gems

Here‘s an overview:

  • 5-77 Incredible Gems per clear
  • 100% Random Gem Range
  • Above average clear time
  • Tough fight against STR Final Form Broly

So instead of a fixed gem amount each run, 31-4 presents a random chance to drop anywhere between 5 and 77 total green or blue gems, based completely on tile luck placement each attempt.

This means one run you could hit the coveted 77 gem jackpot prize, while the next attempt gives you the dread minimum 5 gems. Talk about an emotional rollercoaster tied to randomness! The despair when your gem tiles roll terrible RNG can cut deep – a total waste of stamina.

But then you‘ll eventually get that run where everything lines up perfect for 70+ gems! Your heart races seeing the gems coalesce across the map as you smash each tile. By the end, you’re leaping out of your seat, frantically taking screenshots to memorialize the massive gem jackpot forever.

Other times, I would get fakeouts with the first couple gem tiles looking bountiful, making my hopes soar…only to have the last few tiles provide just 1 gem each for a total letdown number. The emotional whip-lash can be too much!

Obviously this stage amplifies the torture and euphoria around gem grinding rng. But the payout potential is just too lucrative to ignore completely. Even “bad” runs of 20-30 gems feel decent compared to the fixed rates of 29-8 or 30-8.

Just be prepared to put in effort defeating Final Form Broly each attempt without too many items. My AGL teams handle him well enough, but your box options may vary.

Here’s a snapshot of the actual blue and green gem variances I encountered across a sample of 100 runs on 31-4:

31-4 Gem Farming Graph

Much higher volatility and standard deviation compared to earlier fixed rate stages. But with potential for extreme outlier jackpot runs. Just pray RNG gem tile Jesus loves you!

Tier List Scoring

  • Drop Rate: S-Tier – Chance for MASSIVE Gems
  • Consistency: F-Tier – Pure Random Chaos
  • Difficulty: B-Tier – Above Average Clear Needs
  • Extra Benefits: C-Tier – None Really

So for thrill-seekers who can stomach huge variance in gem outcomes, 31-4 provides insane upside lottery runs. Just prepare for soul-crushing results sometimes too.

Weighing the Key Tradeoffs – Visual Comparison

To summarize the core options with their inherent strengths and weaknesses:

Gem Farming Stage Comparison

There are great reasons to grind any of these primary stages depending on your gem priorities:

30-8 offers the best consistent green gem income but requires fighting the Ginyu Force every run.

29-8 enables simple blue gem runs against Kid Buu at a fast pace.

While 31-4 injects high randomness and challenge for chance at spectacular gem jackpot hauls.

Generally 30-8 strikes the right balance for most players – good income with fast mindless clears. But I tend to mix in all three stages to break up the monotony while chasing those gem highs.

Just beware the sorrow when 31-4 bamboozles you with minimum 5 gem returns…a painful sight after beating Broly with a full Special Pose team!

Alternative Stages for Link Leveling or Bonuses

Beyond the core options above, a few other stages deserve mention as potentially attractive gems spots depending on your goals:

Stage 31-7 – Decent gem hauls from Pilaf Trove bonuses

Stage 30-4 – Link level unites while farming gems

Stage 29-6 – Similar link level perk during gem runs

I’ll occasionally mix these in for greater variety, especially when chasing that dopamine hit from leveling link skills simultaneously. But for pure incredible gem output, stages 29-8, 30-8 and 31-4 dominate as the tops sources currently.

Future Farming Stage Outlook and Speculation

Looking ahead, will Akatsuki release updated story events with better green & blue gem farming stages? What could they do to improve the current options?

My Prediction: We‘ll see replacement stages for 30-8 and 29-8 that offer higher gem ceiling caps but slightly more difficult battles. Potentially up to 25 fixed gems but against Red Zone-level enemies.

This increases output for veterans with robust rosters, while letting players still stick to the current stages if desiring simpler random gem csrf farming.

I also expect they‘ll add bonuses like link leveling XP to stages 31-4 and beyond to sweeten the value. And surely introduce a Category Gems Finder leader skill for further augments! More Syn Shenron love maybe?

But I‘d bet the 30 stamina 100% consistent gem income stages like 29-8 and 30-8 remain permanently available as fallback options for players struggling with newer challenging battles. Catering to all!

Maximizing Your Gem Farming Efficiency

Here are a few key tips to optimize harvesting incredible gems from these stages:

  • Prioritize clearing Stage 31 first for the gem unlock missions
  • Run a full Incredible Gems Finder team (+3-7 gems per tile)
  • Time gem farming during 3 min & Rank EXP boost campaigns
  • Use Stamina overflow trick before mass grinding stages

Track your gem averages across runs to estimate long term accumulation pacing. Forecast how long saving up for your next Baba Shop gem purchase will take!

Conclusion – Reliable Gem Income for Dokkan Resources

Incredible Gems remain precious fuel for Baba Shop spending sprees. This guide has hopefully helped showcase the best areas to farm green & blue gems based on your priorities around income consistency, difficulty and randomness.

Everyone has their own gem grinding style – some enjoy taking risky chaos gambles hunting that euphoric jackpot high (me!), while others prefer predictable fixed incremental gains without hassle. Most players likely balance both approaches.

But having these permanent Area 31 stages available gives us flexible gem income options at our fingertips. Continually replenishing our stockpiles over time. I encourage mixing up the grind across stages to find the best fit for you mood and desired outcomes.

Just be ready for the emotional rollercoaster tied to randomness! Maybe one day I’ll learn to better temper expectations from gem tile luck…but the adrenaline rush chasing massive hauls usually wins out!

Let me know which incredible gem farming stage you favor and why! I’m sure my future Baba Shop shopping sprees will have me bouncing between all them the second my gem reserves run low. The grinding addiction continues…!