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Best Company to Remove Personal Information From Internet in 2024

How to Remove Personal Information From the Web in 2024

Have you ever thought about how much of your personal data is just floating out there on the internet? It‘s alarming how much can be pieced together about you without your consent. Your life – contact details, demographic background, financial records, browsing history – it‘s all collected, stored, analyzed by data brokers operating behind the scenes to profile you.

And for what purpose? Mostly marketing. Companies want to target you with personalized offers. But it‘s not all so harmless. This data in the wrong hands presents dangers like identity theft or cyberstalking. That‘s why now more than ever, it‘s crucial we reclaim our data and erase our digital footprints.

I know it can feel overwhelming. Where do you even start? The sheer number of data brokers collecting our information is massive and growing every day. But that‘s why I put together this guide to answer all your questions (yes, you!) on how to remove your personal data, plus recommend the best company that can actually get the job done for you automatically.

Let‘s get into it!

The Shocking Scale of Personal Data Collection
I think most of us realize data is being collected about us when we casually sign up for an online account or mindlessly agree to terms and conditions without reading the fine print.

But I‘m not sure we fully grasp the sheer scale and depth of what‘s being gathered. This goes far beyond basic info like your email, phone number or mailing address, which of course data brokers scoop up readily.

I‘m talking about brokers compiling intricate psychological profiles about you based on your online activity, records of your home ownership history, your current financial status, your employment background, your medical conditions, your religious and political views. Stuff that frankly is no one‘s business but your own!

And once they have this goldmine of data points on you, they connect the dots to build an eerily comprehensive view of your life – basically knowing you better than you know yourself! Talk about invasive.

So where does all this personal information come from in the first place? Data brokers tap into a scary number of sources:

  • Public records – like property ownership, marriage/divorce filings, court cases
  • Your online activity – search history, purchasing patterns, social media engagement
  • Loyalty programs – from retailers, airlines and hotels
  • Mobile apps – many collect location and other data even when not in use!
  • Data sold from corporations – including banks, insurance providers, pharmacies

See what I mean? We‘re being monitored from every angle, unaware that all these seemingly random everyday actions and transactions are piecing together a profile that can be exploited.

And exploit they do. These collected "assets" get sold over and over in a massive, unregulated data trade. What was once private becomes public and sold to the highest bidder.

Why You Must Remove Personal Data
I think you‘ll agree this wholesale data collection happening without our permission is pretty despicable. But why does it actually matter if companies have this wealth of details about our lives?

Well, the risks go far beyond just creepy targeted ads. Though those alone are annoying enough. Here‘s what‘s really at stake when your personal information is readily available online:

Identity Theft
With access to your address, banking details, social security number and more, identity thieves can easily open fraudulent credit cards or even seize assets like your house or car. And you‘re left dealing with the legal mess.

Details like your medical history, political affiliations, religious beliefs or ethnic background could be used against you, like losing out on a job or rental application.

Obsessive stalkers can track everything about you online, from your location to daily habits. And potentially threaten your safety offline too.

Financial Fraud
Scammers can leverage your data to craft personalized phishing campaigns aimed at stealing money or account credentials. They know how to play you!

Inappropriate Exposure
Ever had an ex threaten to share intimate photos or videos taken in private? This revenge porn happens all too often when relationships turn ugly.

Bad Actors
Finally, all sorts of shady groups – like human traffickers, drug cartels, even foreign intelligence agencies – would love access to detailed dossiers of individuals. I‘ll leave it at that.

I don‘t say all this to scare you…okay maybe a little bit! But mainly to stress that keeping personal information private online is really critical these days. You just never know where that data could end up.

And you shouldn‘t have to go to extreme lengths to safeguard basic details about your life. It‘s an outrageous invasion of privacy happening every day.

That‘s why now is the time to seize back control and remove the vast trail of data you‘re unintentionally leaving everywhere you go online. Easier said than done though!

Challenges of DIY Data Removal
Look, I applaud the valiant effort to manually contact hundreds of data broker sites informing them to delete your records. But unfortunately doing it yourself faces some major roadblocks:

Difficulty Tracking Down Brokers
There are literally thousands of lesser known data aggregation companies operating. How will you identify and compile a master list?

Tedious Manual Outreach
Reaching out one by one to broker sites is incredibly labor intensive. We‘re talking hours and hours of work. Most lack proper contact forms too!

Ongoing Maintenance
Even once removed, most brokers eventually re-collect your data from various sources. It‘s a neverending game of Whack-a-Mole!

Limited Legal Recourse
U.S. privacy laws sadly lag far behind Europe and other nations. Your options to force brokers to delete records are limited.

When you tally up the effort required to manually manage removal of your personal information, it‘s basically a part-time job!

A smarter approach is to use a dedicated online privacy service that handles the painstaking process for you automatically. But how do you pick the right one?

How to Choose the Best Data Removal Service
With data privacy becoming more mainstream in recent years, lots of companies now offer personal data removal assistance.

But not all these services are created equal. When comparing your options, here are the key factors to look out for:

Number of Data Brokers Covered
Top-notch platforms aggressively target over 100+ known consumer data brokers to maximize coverage of where your info could live.

Cost structures vary greatly, from cheap limited plans to premium full-service packages. Focus on overall value for money.

Level of Automation
The best tools fully automate identification and contacting brokers on your behalf. This saves you loads of work.

Customization Ability
Each person‘s privacy needs differ. Seek out flexibility to tailor which data types or sources get removed.

Ease of Use
A quality platform makes it super simple to sign up, connect accounts and monitor deletion progress.

Customer Support
Direct access to knowledgeable support reps is invaluable for answering questions during the onboarding and removal process.

With these criteria to assess contenders in mind, I decided to extensively test out some of the top-rated data removal services available right now.

My quest? To determine which one could most effectively help regular people like you and me easily clear out their personal digital footprint for good.

After comparing pricing models, scouring through their broker lists, trying out features and grilling customer service, one platform stood head and shoulders above the competition…

Best Data Removal Service of 2023
Drumroll please! I‘m excited to crown the privacy champion: Incogni!

Hands down from my experience, Incogni is the leading data removal service available today that‘s helping people take back control of their personal information.

What really sets them apart is an obsessive focus on automating the tedious process of discovering and deleting your records from broker sites. We‘re talking about complex behind-the-scenes software hunting for any trace of your data and sending bulk opt-out requests.

The sheer volume of their efforts is seriously impressive – actively monitoring over 100 major consumer data brokers and processing tens of thousands of removal orders per month! Other privacy companies don‘t even come close.

And they aren‘t just targeting the big name brokers anyone could Google either. Incogni‘s crack privacy engineers have painstakingly mapped out a vast hidden network of little known aggregators where your info may secretly be bought and sold too. Their reach is unparalleled.

Simply put, I have very high confidence if any trace of my data exists in broker records, Incogni will hunt it down and wipe it out!

Beyond the technical muscle, here are some of the other awesome benefits Incogni brings to the table:

🌟 Costs just $6.49/month when billed annually
🌟 Very user-friendly setup and account dashboard
🌟 Ability to customize which data types are removed
🌟 Alerts you whenever they discover and delete new data
🌟 Knowledgeable support for any questions

When you tally up everything Incogni offers – from the unmatched scale of their data removal capabilities to affordable pricing and great features – I can wholeheartedly say they provide immense value.

And remember, once you become a customer, you tap into Incogni‘s ongoing work scouring the web and sending repeat removal requests on your behalf. The peace of mind of automatic monitoring alone is worth it!

Let Incogni Shoulder Your Data Removal Burden!
Instead of fruitlessly trying to manage data removal yourself, I strongly advise letting the experts at Incogni take this burden completely off your plate.

Their specialized tools and non-stop automation in the background spare you the wasted hours trying to do this alone. And their formidable scope of targeting brokers means your bases are truly covered.

Bottom line – no other privacy firm makes permanently clearing out your personal information as seamless and stress free as Incogni.

The time has come to finally reclaim your data from the hidden data economy! Don‘t wait around and risk identity theft or worse by leaving a giant digital footprint.

Head to Incogni‘s website now to get started on removing your personal information for good with the best in the business:


I wish you the best of luck taking this important step to protect your privacy in 2024 and beyond! Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions.


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