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Best Champions for 2v2 Arena Battles

Conquering the Chaotic Cage Matches of League of Legends‘ 2v2 Arenas

As a grizzled League of Legends veteran who has battled through every elo trench in solo queue, I live for the heart pounding thrill of close games balancing on a knife edge. After climbing the ranked ladder began feeling stale, I found the breath of fresh air I needed in League‘s new chaotic, no holds barred 2v2 arenas. Removing the laning phase to jump straight into constant skirmishing cuts away the fat for pure fighting game-esque showdowns.

With ramped up action thanks to quicker respawns after dying and the hunt or be hunted tension of a tiny map, 2v2 tests a different set of mechanical skills and champion mastery than standard 5v5 summoner‘s rift. The nonstop combat leaves no room for scaling farm bots – early game bullies and snowballing carry potential prove paramount.

Based on over 100 hours spent brawling extensively since 2v2s launched with ample statistical analysis, I present this comprehensive guide to the premiere top tier picks defining the meta across all skill levels. Let‘s break down why perfectly crafted kits with abilities catering to the fast and furious face-offs allow particular champions to consistently dominate the arena!

God Tier Arena Annihilators Boasting Over 60% Win Rates

Vayne – 65% Win Rate
Thanks to her lethal damage and unmatched mobility, the Night Hunter cements herself as the #1 AD carry terror across 2v2 elos. Tumble‘s low cooldown dash enables both artful dodging and chase potential for securing kills. Condemn provides critical lockdown by pinning enemies to terrain, setting them up for silver bolt execution. Final Hour empowers her already formidable dueling to quickly blow through lone targets. With high mechanical mastery, no other ADC can match her peerless outplay potential, but even amateur kiting still shreds unprepared squishies.

Zed – 63% Win Rate
The Master of Shadows thrives under focused fire that would instantly erase most mid laners, using his slippery Living Shadow to reposition and confuse opponents with dazzling misdirection. Both Zed‘s shadow skillshots and point blank Death Mark explosions dish double damage on isolated priority targets. With Ignite securing early kills snowballing gold and experience at a breakneck pace, the ninja rapidly accelerates towards one shotting hapless victims while dodging return damage.

Diana – 64% Win Rate
The scourge of Silver solo queue thrives in 2v2 brawls, unleashing ruthless all-in skirmishing once her passive attack speed charges up. The extra stats make weaving in auto attacks between Lunar Rushes chunk enemies with empowered cleaves. Most importantly, Moonfall‘s mini vacuum suction clumps both enemies together tightly for a crushing Eclipse nuke obliterating their health bars in one fell swoop. Diana‘s shield and sustain from Conqueror allow her to relentlessly dive the backline to instantly delete squishies.

The Next Top Tier Terrorizers Still Surpassing 60% Victories

While a clear cut above the rest, several other standout selections still put up staggering win rates demonstrating their 2v2 dominance.

Yasuo – 60% Win Rate
The Unforgiven thrives with heavier focus firing unlocking his highly reactive Steel Tempest slashes to max potential. Knockup combos with allies enable flurry triggering Last Breath one shot combos. With fewer targets to spread his cyclones around, Yasuo concentrates his critical striking power for faster melting.

Ziggs – 62% Win Rate
The explosive Hexplosives Expert excels when fights cluster in tighter territory, carpet bombing both foes simultaneously with bouncing bombs and mines. The AoE damage racks up rapidly, while Satchel Charge enables dodging and chasing with speed boosts. Ziggs simply spams abilities off cooldown, overwhelming healers‘ sustainability.

Riven – 61% Win Rate
While intensely mechanical like her sister Vayne, animation cancelling combos let seasoned Riven mains deliver her full backloaded damage in quick succession while mitigating return harass through well timed shields. Each Broken Wings dash empowers ki bursts to fracture teams, opening up Execute kills for anyone she chains together. snowballs hard once she draws first blood.

Lissandra – 60% Win Rate
The Ice Witch focuses her full freezing force to lock single targets down, enabling allies to erase immobilized victims effortlessly. Glacial Augment enhances her natural snares, letting Liss layer even longer crowd control chains. After diving in with E, self-ulting renders her invulnerable until backup arrives to clean house, guaranteeing a numbers advantage.

Laning Leaders Laying Down Law Through Level 1 (Win Rates By Champion Class)

While well rounded options capable of adapting to shifting game states thrive in traditional 5v5 League, 2v2 rewards lane dominant picks who can seize an inch of advantage to smash open insurmountable leads. Bursting down an enemy and zoning them from the first couple minion waves denies crucial XP, allowing you to hit level 2 first for a pivotal powerspike securing future kills. Snowball effects amplify massively due to the reduced income sources compared to larger maps.

The table below aggregates solo and duo lane bullies by class to highlight which excel at crushing the critical level 1-3 window where small stat check advantages balloon into insurmountable domination.

Champion Class Avg Win Rate Top Champions
Fighter 59% Sett, Garen, Renekton
Mage 57% Cassiopeia, Annie, Ryze
Assassin 58% Zed, Katarina, Talon
Marksman 54% Draven, Lucian Tristana
Tank 52% Braum, Leona, Alistar
Support 53% Karma, Zyra, Lux

As expected, inherently aggressive classes boast boosted win rates compared to more passive options, with fighters and assassins terrorizing teams during early tilts. Mages make up for lower mobility with sheer range and area bullying, while Lucian and Draven lead marksmen with strong dash/run potential. Tank and enchanter supports reliance on buffing allies leaves them overshadowed by mage supports pouring damage out independently.

In general, champions bringing their own self sufficient offense without relying on combo chains tend to find easier success in the solo queue style anarchy of 2v2s. Kicking off the carnage quickly is key to snowballing ahead early for swift surrenders!

Itemization Insights – Lethality and Lifeline Support Saves

The smaller income of 2v2 arenas means full 6 item builds come online less frequently than on the Rift. Shorter match times means power troughs from expensive scaling purchases can be punishing. Investing in cheaper spike items offering immediate impact works better for accelerating leads rather than greeding for later power.

AD assassins and marksmen prioritizeSerrated Dirk into Eclipse/Duskblade/Prowlers for deadly armor pen burst. AP mages rush Luden‘s Tempest rather than Liandry‘s burn build path for superior upfront magic penetration popping priority targets. Enchanter supports may sacrifice greedy AP items for Locket/Redemption actives shielding and healing allies earlier during pivotal fights.

The chart below shows rising pick rates amongst support mythic items sharply divided between tankier battle mage options and protective enchanter lifelines:

Support Item Pick Rate Win Rate
Locket of Iron Solari 32% 52%
Shurelya‘s Battlesong 13% 48%
Moonstone Renewer 11% 47%
Imperial Mandate 9% 44%
Evenshroud 8% 46%

With the responsibility of solely enabling one damage carry rather than a whole team, purchasing items actively buffing your teammate provide efficient value early rather than purely boosting personal playmaking potential. Win streaks hinge on stabilizing close calls to narrowly secure triumph.

Fnatic‘s Legendary bot duo Hylissang/Rekkles find similar success pooling both utility and all in aggression bot lane. But when separated in Chaos Queue 2v2s, support mains must pick between peeling and playmaking. Lifeline mythics excel at saving overextended carries from certain death!

Lone Rangers Left Out to Dry Sans Supporting Structure

Diving deeper into exactly why top tier 2v2 picks thrive while traditional mainstays flounder reveals how the game mode‘s unique constraints shape optimal strategies. Removing secondary jungle and bot/support roles in favor of a straight up duo duel forces reliance on independent agency rather than enabling allies. There‘s no fallback structure to stabilize poor matchups. You reap what you sow relying on your solo capabilities – feast or famine.

Whereas on Summoner‘s Rift warriors like Master Yi and Tryndamere split push to avoid direct 5v5 confrontation, hoping their team peels or tanks damage long enough for them to swoop in cleaning up team fights, similar hypercarry 1v9 aspirations fall flat in 2v2s. With no minion waves to push side lanes either, afk farmers denial themselves valuable experience or participate in crucial breakout skirmishes dictating matches. Yi drops to a tragic 42% win rate flailing his sword helplessly at kiting mages and control tanks.

Late scaling superstars like Twitch (46% WR) and Jinx (44% WR) also crumble when constantly collapsed on by melee assassins and duelists. With no front line to defend them and limited gold income delaying protective items, Vulnerable VIPs exploded instantly when focused fired. Only Caitlyn finds success, utilizing superior range to bully melee carries from farming at all. But even the sheriff suffers from no traps or supports covering flank angles.

No Jungler around to provide relief means harassment goes largely unanswered, allowing dominant laners to completely zone opponents once they gain small leads. There‘s no threat of ganks to deter all inning vulnerable targets. Likewise, there‘s no jungler around to ultimately cash in on securing kills for losing lanes. Solo queue comfort picks used to playing for late suddenly feel helpless in a bloodbath brawl.

On the flip side, team reliant tanks lose effectiveness with only one damage threat to enable. Amumu, Zac, Sejuani and other setup reliant junglers lose out to more self sufficient bruisers and burst mages better adapted towards winning isolated all ins rather than following up ally combos. The loss of jungle income also hinders reaching expensive CDR cores for lower cool down crowd control. While Alistar and Thresh can activate Relic Shield charges to sustain lane, jungle tanks fall desperately behind opponent scaling lacking PvE income sources

Essentially any champion used to playing around built in structures crumbles when isolated mano a mano. Just as picking Rock, Paper or Scissors requires guessing the likelihood of opponents‘ choices, adjusting selections to reflect the 2v2 meta proves vital to consistent victory. Never stubbornly lock comfort picks without considering less protected play patterns. Adaptability wins out!

Counterplay Concerns – Addressing Champion Balance Pain Points

However, several champions have adjusted so seamlessly to 2v2 environments that they straight up break the game mode, steamrolling with minimal counterplay available. In particular, infinite sustained damage dealers ignore intended weaknesses, while certain ultimate abilities face no opportunity cost in the smaller game format.

200 collective years of game design experience seem to have overlooked what happens when Fiora and Vayne enter permanent 1v1 scenarios they should theoretically thrive in with no additional targets to ever divert focus fire. Quinn‘s Behind Enemy Lines Ranks passive similarly scales unchecked as she rapidly rotates attacking both enemies to stack bonus attack speed converting into magic damage by level 11.

Win rates soaring over 70% for skilled mains show problematic power ceilings requiring toning down to give opponents room to react. Quinn has already received R nerfs, but Fiora and Vayne may also need adjustments lowering late game damage to restore some counterplay window during mid game tilts.

Likewise, certain low counterplay ultimate abilities like Neeko‘s Pop Blossom chain crowd control come up too frequently in 2v2s compared to Summoner‘s Rift team fights. Without jungle camps offering combat downtime in between skirmishes, individual ability cooldowns designed around 5v5 environments effectively shrink. 80 second ults like Diana‘s Eclipse nuke or Malphite Unstoppable Force engages realistically use twice as often.

Some abilities probably require longer individual cooldowns specifically only when selected in 2v2 game modes to compensate for more frequent use opportunities inherent to the accelerated format. Alternatively, lowering the flat CDR available from items like Luden‘s Tempest might curb ultimate ability spamming off cool down.

At higher elos, organized duo partners can coordinate champion ability chains to layer so much rapid fire lockdown that opponents spend more time debilitated than actually able to retaliate playing the game. While skillful coordination deserves rewarding, excessive CC chaining still risks frustration outweighing fun. Careful ability overlap adjustments could introduce more windows to creatively outmaneuver otherwise unavoidable CC chains.

Overall though, the higher individual playmaking burden of 2v2s places premiums on champions wielding self sufficient kits rather than purely enabling allies. Lower income and accelerated snowball pacing mandates fighting focused builds over slower scaling options. Vastly rewarding once mastered, the mechanically intensive skirmish filled battlegrounds create a thrilling fusion of fighting game combos with MOBA abilities unlike any other mode!